One September Day

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Love and Dandelions?

No way! Love and Dandelions - they don't go together! Who loves those bright yellow flowers( weeds) that spread all over the yard, and become the lawn enthusiasts worst nightmare!?

Here in the Northeast, after the winter thaw.. I am always excited to see Spring make its way here to my home.

But, one of the things I love the most is when my littlest children are discovering the "new world of outdoors again!" This is when I discovered that love and dandelions go hand in hand!
I am sure that every mom must experience this.

"Mommy, I picked you something special."

I'm thinking.. What in the world is growing out there after this snow covered the ground for months on end.. something special?

"Mommy, I picked you a flower!"

And then..

"Mommy, I love flowers ( weeds).. I love you.",,, thank you sweetie! they are pretty.

And that is when a dandelion becomes love. A gift from the heart.

Except, I received not just a little love today..


A WHOLE BUCKET of love! ( Weeds. )

Here is Sam with his dandelions for mommy. He carried the bucket around ALL day.

Thank you Lord for the Little things each day that bring such joy.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ever Have a Pity Party?

Ever Have a Pity Party?

Ohh,, they are so much fun - NOT!!!

Well, I was in the middle of throwing one of these parties for myself this past weekend.
I can't brag and say that a lot of planning and "to-do" went into this party.
It wasn't well thought out, nor did I send out invitations.

It was just a plain-ole' boring, selfish, pathetic pity-party.

Why share this with all of you?

Good question... except that I realized that my blog is my journaling to print and keep for my children in the future. And I know some day they may want to have a party like this for them self, and I might be able to give them some pointers on what "NOT" to do.

It went like this. I had a difficult week. Well, maybe a difficult month. A lot of circumstances led to this point. I came to a point where I felt as if there was no way to see the light at the end of the tunnel. No pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. ( Although, giggling to myself, I would say that pot of gold would probably have helped with a few of my "woes" at the time -temporarily.)

So, the Pity-Party Begins. I am so "tired of this." ... "This is too hard!"... "Why, why, why?" ... These were the words on my invitation list to get my Party Rolling.

Ta-da!! The party is now in full- swing. I was sharing my "party-spirit" with everyone around me. If they knew me,, they knew I was having this special occasion. My face, my voice, my level of civility were the highlight.

Bottom-line - I was miserable, and so was everyone around me.

And then something crashed my party!! How dare this happen! Everyone knows how rude it is to crash a party... especially one like this. I wanted to carry this through the weekend.. NOPE!

Someone I know, had a situation WORSE than mine.

Their little baby boy- same age as our 5 month old, is having a serious heart condition and is in a PICU . His little heart is failing.

My party is now over. The whole atmosphere has changed - I am not even reveling in the

I am ashamed. Chiding myself for this poor judgement. Realizing that I forget to send out the most important invitations of all to my party....Prayer. Hope. And Self-Denial.

If they had arrived... my party would had never happened.

Now I see the real reason it is called a PITY party. Not because of all of the feeling sorry for ourselves,, but because it is a PITY I am so selfish.

If Prayer had come into my day more aggressively, then I would not have needed that last ditch effort to wallow in my "sorrows."

If Hope had its place in my walk that day, nothing else other than the Lord would have been necessary.

And of course self-denial is always the hardest one for me to invite any where. You too?

God first, then others, then ME,,, I wouldn't even have been focusing on me enough to feel as if this party should have happened.

So, yep.. my Pity -Party got rained on! BUT PRAISE THE LORD! Shame on me.
Helping me to not have another party like this for a while - ( yes, I am going to be honest... It will probably happen again.. I am a sinner, and forget my need for Christ frequently.) this verse, and many others like it..

Romans 12 :12 - 13.

Philippians 4:6 & 7 -

""Be careful for nothing; but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace which passes all understanding , shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

So, now that you have heard how my Party was crashed, will you please pray with me for this baby I mentioned earlier. If you want to follow his story, you can click on the link on my side-bar that says MckMiracle. His name is Stellan. Please pray for him.

Now onto the REAL celebrations in my life. I probably missed so many of them while at my party. Don't want to miss any more... glad I can see the sun shining again! Hope you are too.


P.S. If you had a similar Party experience, please feel free to share your tips on what "NOT to do" when throwing one of these. Just click the comment button below.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Wednesdays Walk

I am posting a great memory for my Wednesdays Walk. I am thankful that my friend Lynnette has created this forum for many to have the opportunity to share their memories. I have enjoyed reading others stories, and was really blessed by the group of woman that have joined her for this walk down Memory Lane.
If you would like to Join this weekly forum.. Wednesday's Walk-I would invite you to visit her special blog page.. posted above.

About two months ago, I hosted an extended Family Talent Night- we called it
Silly or Serious!
My two brothers, my sister, their spouses and all of our children all participated. Everyone came prepared and with a great Spirit of fun!

We have a Bi- level living room, and so to prepare the "stage" for this event, I made a little trip to the local thrift shop, and purchased one pink, and one blue sheet. I then took them to my sewing machine, and made a Handy-dandy Stage Curtain. We hung it across a wire on the top level of the living room, and we were able to slide it back and forth in between each "act."

Ohhhh myyy!! It was so much fun! Everyone brought something different. We made some great memories that day. If you want to get closer to those you love,, let your guard down, and let them see who you really are. This was a fantastic opportunity for all of the children to see the adults having a good, wholesome fun time as well.

Here are a few of the fun moments we shared:

I started the Show out with a CHEER!! Can you believe it? ( If you said yes, then you REALLY know me! Heehee.) It was just the right beginning to get them all in the mood of sharing.

The children shared some of these things:

Poem/George Washington , Karate Moves
Joke Telling / Flute/ Jump Rope/ Singing
2 Man- Arms making Ice Cream Sundae Skit/ A Special Dance/ and Piano

Other skits included: A Curling Tongue Demonstration ( It was something to watch!!)
Personally written Poem and reading

Our Family closed the show with a altered version of the song from "The Adams Family."
( Remember this old show? Kinda spooky, I know,, but we changed the words to fit our family, snapping our fingers,, and singing:

Na na na nah (snap, snap)
Na na na nah ( snap, snap)
Na na na nah
Na na na nah
Na na na nah

**Snap Snap**

They're funny and they're silly
Kind and even nerdy
They're all together purdy
The McCarthy Family

Their house is like a Zooo
With people me and you
There are always things to dooo
The McCarthy family

Their friends are kinda kooky
Their Uncles a little spooky
They're altogether ooky
The McCarthy fammmmiiilllly!

Na na na nah!!

It was REALLY fun!

This memory is special to me because Our Family Talent Show brought some Silly out of the Serious in us.. and the Serious in some of our more silly members!

You should try this fun idea - it is worth the memory!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This Moment in Time...

I knew that this day would come. It just arrived too quickly.

It is something casual to many,, a common occurrence.

I haven't discovered yet how to take any new change in my children's lives with a shrug, a nod, or even a blink...

If I did... I might miss something special.

My oldest son will turn 17 this weekend. Not many make a fanfare for 17. We will probably not either . But my heart is stretching as he himself grows - in years. I know it is all in preparation for his and mine future... apart.

He is my firstborn son. A gift in the middle of a storm.
A melody in my heart as he grew, and now making his own melody with his own gifts from God.

My Benjamin - Ben... I love you son.

My heart and voice prayed over your life in the womb, and now - as you grow into manhood.

Prayers of Health, safety, purity in thought, action and living.

Prayers for your life to Honor the Lord in all that you attempt to do.
Fervent prayers/ Pleading prayers/ Thankful prayers.

You have been a blessing to us through your 17 years, and we love you.
It is our prayer that you will keep your eyes focused on Christ. Keep your life verse close to your heart - 2 Timothy 2:15.

Your smile is contagious-mischievous.

Your laugh- subtle often. Hearty - fun .

Happy Birthday Ben! Son. I love you.

This Moment in Time.

Ben holding little Sister Maryahna at Beach

Ben and Baby Sister Ava


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Will you Join Me?

Will you join me in this new idea I am trying for my daily walk?

Every Sabbath, I re-examine my week, and those things that I can work harder on, plan better for , and learn from...

I am going to use my Blog on Sunday Evenings to Post a Bulletin Board Format of those things that I want to focus on that week.

The things on my Bulletin Board will not be simple tasks or errands, etc. I will be focusing on those things that have been laid on my heart, or that I am convicted to work on.

If you would like to add to the comments at the end of my Bulletin Board -perhaps posting an item or more of your own for the week, or maybe something that comes to mind when you see my Board - PLEASE do! I find your words to be so helpful, and a real blessing. ..
JUST CLICK THE COMMENT BUTTON at end of this post.

Tonight is my 1st Bulletin Board Post , and I hope that you will JOIN ME!

This week, I will try to:
~Remember His Compassion's Are New every Morning
~Keep my Words Positive and Uplifting
~Search my heart for Idols
~Uplift my husband in daily prayer
~Be a good listener
~Ask God to help me not to be a Doubting Thomas
~Add some new people to my prayer List
~Work more diligently at my memory work
~Re-establish my priorities
~Remember my place in life is in His Hands - practice Contentment
~Read Ephesians 2:1-7 daily
~Give someone a much needed word of encouragement
~Practice seeing the positive and verbalizing it
******************* *******************
PHEW!... Thankfully this is a bulletin board, and not a signed contract!
It is my challenge to live a more Holy life.
Lord, please give me the strength to accomplish those things you have laid on my heart.


Friday, March 20, 2009

One September Day: These Are a Few of My Favorite Things~

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's That Time of Year Again!

Maple Syrup- Here We Come!!

March- Time to tap the Maple Trees, and run the Sap lines. Chop the wood, and stoke the fire, because it is time to boil the Sap for hours! What a delicious reward awaits... Sweet, delicious Maple Syrup!

My husband, his brother, and the kids all take part in this tedious process... but it is such a great experience for us all. The time it takes to boil down all of the sap is different each time.. but it is usually not a fast process.

Some days, we will have a "Jack Wax" party! Do you know what this is? We collect cookie sheets of snow, and pour the hot, boiling syrup over the snow,, and watch it harden into a stretchable candy. It peels off of the snow and the kids love to eat it.

Another favorite thing we do to pass the time as it boils, is make Maple Cream. Each of the children get a small bowl of sap,, partially boiled and they stir until it gets really creamy,,, it makes a creamy Maple candy,, and we sometimes will use it as a Maple Butter on Toast.

I included some fun pictures that Sarah took in our woods,, although, she and Matthew got a little distracted and had some fun with the camera. Before these pictures were taken she had taught the younger children how to have a mud fight,( hence, the "painted mud -war- lines" under her eyes!) Great fun ideas she is giving them.

Last night before bed, Dan opened the door to go out and check on the syrup boiling, and we could smell that sweet, maple scent in the air... Making Syrup is a great annual tradition, and it has taught my children so many new things. Especially the appreciation of time and work to get the Maple Syrup to our table.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Letting Go,,, and Letting God

Can I see the humor in -

....broken appliances? time to get groceries -Peanut butter and Jelly again!

....6 loads of laundry a day?

....Mud tracking thru the house from Spring Thaw..

....One missing shoe for each pair I own?

....removing my Chapstick cover to find my Toddler ate in for lunch!!

....loading 9 children into van for errands to find the battery had died?

....15 or more sales calls in an hour while I homeschool and teach patience!

....getting to the checkout counter and finding my checks were all gone...yep!

....Hot water tank has not hot water on appointment days... No shower .. make do!

....hearing my toddler tell my teenager he would pay him a dollar to play with him. What!?

....finding my kitchen scissors in the craft bin..

....and ALL of my spoons in the sandbox!

....finding our mail in the rain soaked driveway after my children were trying to be "helpful"

....spending 6 different family visits in the Emergency Room in 2 weeks...

....discovering my two year old has "painted " her own nails.. AND the walls!

....realizing that one of our children likes to sign their name on EVERYTHING?!

....Knowing that this is THE REST OF MY LIFE!.. Enjoy it!

Yep! I better find the humor,,, or I am in trouble. Now, If I can remember this post tomorrow.. or maybe even the next 5 minutes!


A Wednesday to Remember

My original post for my walk down Memory Lane was put on the "back burner" of my mind for this week. All because the Lord had other plans than mine own for my life today and every day this week.
I just wanted to journal something that happened today, actually about 1/2 hour ago, that brought tears to my eyes, and a balm to my heavy heart.

You know how we sometimes let our circumstances control our emotions, and behavior? Our family is experiencing some difficult times right now.

I have allowed these circumstances to bring me down,, even when I know that my Lord is Sovereign.

About one hour ago, we received some very discouraging news, and I was feeling so overwhelmed. That feeling that makes the pit of your stomach feel so heavy, and your arms and legs a little shaky..

I was working thru these emotions.. all the while changing a diaper, laying kids down for naps, and nursing my baby.. when there was a knock at my door.

One of my dear friends,, with the prompting of the Lord.. made and delivered this special and sweet gift to me!

She told me that she knew I was probably already being reminded of God's Promises, and wanted me to have something "fun" to think about.

It worked ! Don't Worry - Be Happy!
This was my smile for today !


Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Another Monday!!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to">her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
This weekend was not frustrating. I did not find myself feeling sorry for myself, nor did I send all of my children to their rooms, just because I could not stand any noise.
I would never consider feeding an addiction- especially one to Iced Caramel Lattes. I did not drink two a day over the weekend. Not me..never.
I am always keeping my house spotless, because I have a reputation to uphold! I didn't walk thru the house and blow the dust off of the entertainment center, nor did I sit and watch the bathroom trash can overflow with tissues this weekend from all of the relentless nose blowing.
I did not just put all of my children on anti-biotics. Because, we all know that September uses natural remedies as often as possible.
But to have my children all drink their beloved Carrot/romain/celery juice AS their breakfast this morning?? I would NEVER do that! Nope.. never.
I am not going to chew a whole pack of gum today, to avoid any snacking! Why would I do that?
And, I will not sit and blog while my children eat the entire new container of strawberries. That would be a lazy thing to do.
Perhaps, I better not think about all of things did not do, for it just gives me even more ideas what I wouldn't want to do today!


Potty Training and Chocolate Cake

Who knew that a mommy could have so much fun Potty Training a child? Our little Maryahna is Shirley Temple -re birthed. She has the curliest, poof-iest ( a new word I created - just for her),,hair... and she has a special order voice,( as my husband tells people.) By far, the cutest little girl out there! LOL...

She is potty training, and she LOVES it. She sits on her little potty and SINGS! Loudly... sweetly,, softly,, whatever her little heart desires. Her song today is EE-I-Eeee--I--OOOHHH!! Today she breaks the record for sitting there and NOT going potty. But, hey,, I was entertained, and she is happy to sit there,, so I would say that we are making progress... wouldn't you?

Every time I look in to check on her she gives me her sweet smile, and tells me , "I go!" Alas,, she really hasn't.. but I am not going to break the news to her that she has been sitting there a LONG time, and didn't "go" yet.
She's my little Sweetheart, and I am in no hurry for her to grow up!

Chocolate Cake?? Nothing ,whatever to do with Potty Training.. although, wouldn't I be the best Mommy in the world if I used Chocolate Cake to reward my Toddler to go potty?

No...Today is my chocolate day. Didn't know you could have one of those, did you? I would highly recommend one chocolate day a week. So, I am getting dinner in the crock pot for tonight, and decided to make a chocolate cake. Have you ever tried the recipe on the back of the Hershey's Cocoa container? The Fudge Frosting that they print there is absolutely out of this world! IF, you like chocolate, that is.

So, who knows?... Maybe tomorrow morning, Maryahna and I will share a piece of chocolate cake , while she sits on the potty, and she sings me her newest melody!?
Wouldn't THAT be a memory!


Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Refiner's Fire - Our Story

My husband and I met on a blind date - and the rest is History!
Engaged after three months, and married after one year, 1989 - we were on the road to marital bliss! Or, so we thought!
Young and full of an eager desire to start a family, we were excited to find out we were expecting a few months after we were married.

This pregnancy ended with a miscarriage after 6 weeks, and the pain that a young mothers heart endures at this stage was something new to me, and it was raw.
Our marriage was built on a Biblical Foundation, and so the Lord gave me comfort thru this time of loss.

Hope renewed, we discovered we were expecting again 6 months later, and the excitement turned to severe morning sickness, that lasted all day, with severe hydration. The Dr,'s prescribed medicine to combat the sickness, and at 16 weeks, we returned to the Dr. for the scheduled ultrasound.
It was here that we were told to come back 4 weeks later to follow up on a few things.
My husband was not able to return with me to this appt. and so a close friend of mine came along for support. She sat patiently in the waiting room, not knowing that just down the hall, the worst news a mommy could hear were being given to me.
The Dr. asked me to sit down in his office while he told me that our baby had no kidneys, that they could see, and that she would not be born alive, if she made it far into the pregnancy at all.
He referred us to a specialist, and that was all he had to say.

I remember walking out of the office, completely drowning in sadness, and not even able to speak to my friend, or look at the rest of the expecting moms in the waiting room.
They gave us a choice - jump start labor, and "save ourselves" from unnecessary grief,, OR, carry her to term and "hope" for the best.
The drive home was as if I was outside of my body. I can remember looking at all of the people in the cars driving past me,, with what seemed that had no care in the world, and I was alone - mentally checking out of this pregnancy.

We chose to carry our little girl to term. We had many prayers surrounding us the entire time. I received numerous cards of encouragement, and phone calls from many that said they were praying.
But, the grief was deep. Deeper than I ever thought I could feel,, far away from God's love and comfort. I was keeping Him at arm's length.
As her birth drew near, a particular Hymn became dear to my Heart - Nearer, Still Nearer.
She was born on October 10, 1990, after a long and painful labor. Breech position, no fluid - but a perfectly formed, beautiful little baby girl,, who spent 30minutes alive in our arms - granting me the largest blessing for that day. She was perfect. We felt the Lord's presence,, the Holy Spirit standing there beside us every bit of those 30 minutes. I was at such peace. We took sweet pictures of her,,prayed, and sang, and will always thank the Lord for those precious moments with our Elisabeth.

Her funeral came shortly after, and I will never forget that day. There was such an outpouring of love from those we knew,, and even strangers we had never met.
The song, Nearer Still Nearer became a larger part of who I am today.
That day, as we buried our little baby girl to rest, my heart broke into a million pieces. I could not walk away from her grave. I felt as if I was abandoning her - it was all so wrong. A mommy is suppose to comfort and nurture her baby. How can this be?

The Lord had His plans.. and I was being molded into a new creation.

Then, why did we again, after this, experience another miscarriage? Only He has the answers, and I have learned His plans are best. He only wants what is good for me. Did I find it through these times?

It is now 1992, and a healthy baby boy was born into our arms. This pregnancy brought its own set of complications, but our Benjamin came home with us. Vibrant, and bringing a JOY that I can never explain. Every moment with a long awaited baby seems to be tri-fold emotion. Thank you Lord.
In 1993, we were again given another baby, a healthy baby girl.
And then in 1995 - another healthy baby boy.

It was in 1996, that we were surprised to find out that we were expecting identical twin boys. My nervousness quickly gave way to excitement. It was strange to me though, that after 16 weeks, my measurements were way off, and I was growing faster than normal. We quickly found out that I was experiencing something called Twin to Twin Transfusion, and our lives were in danger. The twins and mine. I was measuring 40 weeks at 16 weeks, and had to make the trip to the Dr. 2 -3 times a week for quarts of fluid to be drawn off ( amniocentesis).
This was so painful. Physically and emotionally. The pain of every day was almost unbearable. The extra ultrasounds gave us a rare view of our babies growing daily. What a hidden blessing to see them so often. The Dr. informed us that if we were able to carry them to 26 weeks, we would do an early C-Section, and hopefully stabilize them in ICU. Each of our baby boys had their own personality. The little window we had to see them grow allowed us to bond, beyond the movement in the womb. They were so active. The Dr.'s defined them as Baby A and Baby B.. but we named them Luke and Aaron.

Why do I fight the Will of God , when I KNOW He loves me beyond compare? I "fought" this plan daily , as I carried the twins each day. I knew that if my life was in danger, then I might leave my three precious babies without a mommy,, and then if I was ok, then the twins might not make it? Where did my Faith go?
He was refining me.

At week 24, I awoke in the middle of the night to the twins movement, and a battle raged within my heart. "God,, WHY?" I surrendered on my knees that night, asking Him to Have His Will, and give Him the Glory. I love you Lord,, please give me the strength to endure this."
The next night, something different woke me up. The twins had stopped moving. I knew. I would never see my babies alive. They were resting in His arms. Safe.

After a long and emotionally trying birth, our baby boys were placed in our hands, and we bathed them and gave them our good-byes. It was an exceptionally difficult moment ,, handing them over to be taken from us. So unnatural.
Their funeral was numbing. We were treading water,, waiting for a rescue of time alone.
The healing came slow. Very slow. We both felt as if we had just been through a storm and were weathered beyond repair.
But it came.. by His Grace,, and Mercy.
He had never left us,, and if we didn't know His love personally, then would have completely drowned in waves of grief.
He carried us through.

After the twins were born, we had three little girls,, one year apart each.
And then we experienced another miscarriage.
There is something about a loss after such grief - it is almost as if you know what your heart is going to feel, and because we knew that God had never left us before, and so we were able to rest on His promises.

Our baby boy , Sam was born after this miscarriage. Beautiful, and healthy.
Then another Miscarriage.
And then 2 more girls. Oh,, how precious they are to us. Sweet. They bring us so much Joy.

The Lord refined me through the 20 years that we have shared in marriage, and I know he will continue to.
But, I wouldn't have it any other way. And I never thought that I would say that.
I am only the person that I am today, because of what He brought us through, and How I could find Hope in the Midst of the Storm.

Praise Him with me! ? He is a Mighty Saving God, and Loves us enough to have the very best.


The Strangest Sunday Afternoon

Sickness,, Sickness,, Go away! My children waited all winter to be sick with any thing, and I was so thankful,, and then in the last three weeks,, every single one of them got sick with everything out there! WOW!! I should have known it was coming.

I was in denial for the first few days,, but after many sleepless nights, I began to adopt that twisted-lack-of -sleep mentality - "This is the Rest of My Life!... "Woe is Me!"

But, alas, after some medical intervention and my husbands generosity in keeping the kids "quiet" for a little while on this Sunday morning,( oh, I wouldn't want to forget that Iced caramel Latte),, I am now thinking clearly again.

Except, it was the Strangest kinda Sunday for our family. We missed Worship at Church, didn't have the Sunday afternoon Big meal together, ( as we call it here,),, no naps,,( because the whole day became a nap and movie day),,, and no one is feeling well. Except for me,,, thank the Lord.

Sundays are special days to me. I love to celebrate the Sabbath. Worshipping together as a family in Church,, Having a special meal, and sharing the weeks highlights with one another.
Of course, I think my kids especially like Sundays, because they get to Switch their Chore Zone Rotations. ( Another Post - someday.) They love that part of the weekend.

SO, I guess it is ok to have a Strange Sunday afternoon,, because it makes the Special Sundays even more appreciated when they roll around again. Right???

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Six Sweet Daughters

Sarah, Leah, Lydia, Eden, Maryahna and Ava - Mommy LOVES you!

Each and every day, I am so truly thankful for the daughters that I have been given to raise. How do I deserve such special gifts?

It is my prayer that my daughters grown in the Lord, and love Him with all their heart.

When I see their individual personalities blossom each day, I am amazed that they are sisters, with such different strengths, weaknesses and interests.

They are so close, my girls. They seem to function as one person sometimes.

There are days when I can hear them "plotting," what they can do for Mommy because she has had a hard week. I have heard them pray for me with such sweet loving words. They show their love to me unconditionally.

Surprise cards, special meals, spontaneous chores accomplished, and loving words make our days so much sweeter.

Some days I will find them hanging little signs on their bedroom doors, and delivering me and their littlest sisters hand-made invitations for a " Spa Day!" There they "offer" hand treatments -nails, lotion, the works! Hair- do's for our "BIG DAY out"! - ( grocery shopping), and massages for your back and neck. WOW!! Who would turn that down? I am just glad that you haven't run into us at the grocery store after our Spa Days! -You may not recognize me!

I will always cherish their little girls ways,, but as my oldest daughter turns 16 soon, I am learning to love a new sweetness that she shares as well. Her smiles of appreciation,, helping out with littler children without complaining, and spending time asking for advice - another Season of Sweetness we are now enjoying.

I will continue to pray that God will guide me as He has entrusted my daughters' years to me.


Friday, March 13, 2009

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things~

Raindrops and Roses - These Are a Few of My Favorite Things:

Laying beside my babies as they sleep, and adoring their long, dark lashes as they are closed and resting upon their ivory skin. - So beautiful. So blessed.

My 4 year old Sam, waking up and running to me for his morning hug, and looking into my eyes, saying -"You're special mommy. I love you today." Priceless.

Watching my flowers push through the thawed Spring ground. The colors they share give me renewed vigor for life in its fullest. Breathtaking.

A clean refrigerator. No words to describe this one. :)

My husband silently walking up behind me and placing his arms around my waist. Meant to be.

Iced Caramel Lattes - actually this is now an addiction. :)

More than one room clean in my house at a time. Rare.

Walks - alone. Fast or slow - I'll take it!

Reading. If time affords.

Peanut Butter.

Listening to my children read. Memorable and fulfilling.

My daughters full head of curly hair. Picturesque.

Blueberries. Probably at top of my list.

Working in my flower beds, and garden. Rewarding.

Sunshine and more sunshine. Oh, How I need sunshine!

Baking- probably something I DON"T need. :)

Good Health - Natural, alternative. Learning and applying.

Yellow. My favorite color.

And last, not least - The Lord in Heaven who saved me from my sin.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hula-Hoop Girl

Try and picture this - I'm going thru my days, happy, yet trying to keep too many things in motion. I have imaginary hula-hoops swinging in continuous circles around not only my hips( which are now VERY capable of swinging many hula-hoops ! lol),,but I also have those hula-hoops of responsibilities in motion around my arms and neck,, and even some falling to my ankles. Oh dear me!! What I have done?

This is me -- Hula-Hoop Girl!

I am in the middle of a 12 week Bible Study Book, written by Joanna Weaver, entitled Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. One of the chapters discusses this concept,, and I identify with it so well.

I am constantly trying to "shift my attention from one important to-do item to another, frantically trying to keep them all in motion. Where is my center? There are so many days where I am losing my focus on my Creator,, forgetting to Worship Him throughout the day, and letting those hula-hoops keep me so busy and by the end of the day, worn out.

I told my friend the other day that my hips felt so much lighter!! She looked at me with a puzzled look, when I proceeded to tell her that I let all my hula-hoops fall to the ground this week, and found my center,, she and I had a good heart to heart laugh. She knew what I meant!

I drop my hula-hoops often, and am so blessed when Christ is the CENTER of my life. But when those responsibilities keep me going full-steam, and I forget my time to worship each day, all day.

Lord, please help me to not keep you at arms length. I will draw nearer still nearer to you!
