Love and Dandelions?

No way! Love and Dandelions - they don't go together! Who loves those bright yellow flowers( weeds) that spread all over the yard, and become the lawn enthusiasts worst nightmare!?
Here in the Northeast, after the winter thaw.. I am always excited to see Spring make its way here to my home.
But, one of the things I love the most is when my littlest children are discovering the "new world of outdoors again!" This is when I discovered that love and dandelions go hand in hand!
I am sure that every mom must experience this.
"Mommy, I picked you something special."
I'm thinking.. What in the world is growing out there after this snow covered the ground for months on end.. something special?
"Mommy, I picked you a flower!"
And then..
"Mommy, I love flowers ( weeds).. I love you.",,, thank you sweetie! they are pretty.
And that is when a dandelion becomes love. A gift from the heart.
Except, I received not just a little love today..
A WHOLE BUCKET of love! ( Weeds. )

Here is Sam with his dandelions for mommy. He carried the bucket around ALL day.
Thank you Lord for the Little things each day that bring such joy.

Labels: Family Fun
At April 1, 2009 at 10:28 AM ,
Aspiemom said...
That is so sweet! I bet your heart just melted.
I found you through Lynnette Kraft's blog. I'll have to come back soon and go further back through your posts. It looks like you have an interesting story to tell!
At May 18, 2009 at 4:20 PM ,
Sandy Hall said...
You could have eaten those dandelions! My mom used to have us pick the dandelion greens and then she would saute them in a little butter, splash on some vinegar and serve us this spring tonic. Not sure I really liked it then, but I do remember.
Have a great day!
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