A Wednesday to Remember
My original post for my walk down Memory Lane was put on the "back burner" of my mind for this week. All because the Lord had other plans than mine own for my life today and every day this week.
I just wanted to journal something that happened today, actually about 1/2 hour ago, that brought tears to my eyes, and a balm to my heavy heart.
You know how we sometimes let our circumstances control our emotions, and behavior? Our family is experiencing some difficult times right now.
I have allowed these circumstances to bring me down,, even when I know that my Lord is Sovereign.
About one hour ago, we received some very discouraging news, and I was feeling so overwhelmed. That feeling that makes the pit of your stomach feel so heavy, and your arms and legs a little shaky..
I was working thru these emotions.. all the while changing a diaper, laying kids down for naps, and nursing my baby.. when there was a knock at my door.
One of my dear friends,, with the prompting of the Lord.. made and delivered this special and sweet gift to me!

It worked ! Don't Worry - Be Happy!
This was my smile for today !
Labels: Wednesdays Walk
At March 18, 2009 at 4:17 PM ,
Unknown said...
Yay for good friends! Sometimes all it takes is a sweet reminder, doesn't it? Now scrape off the frosting and eat the cookie! (You know that artificial coloring isn't good for you! ha!) (Like the cookie is! hee hee)
Hang in there and keep looking up friend.
IT WAS FUN HAVING YOU JOIN US TODAY! These ladies that participate will absolutely love you and you'll love them. Such a sweet bunch.
At March 18, 2009 at 4:19 PM ,
Patricia said...
Thank the Lord you have such a loving and faithful friend. May the Lord bring comfort and peace and whatever provision you may need to you today.
At March 18, 2009 at 5:11 PM ,
Sally-Ann said...
Isn't it wonderful when friends (or sometimes people we don't even know!)listen to those little promptings. I hope that things get better. Thank you for sharing, the big smiley cookie made me feel better as well!!
At March 18, 2009 at 7:25 PM ,
Pen to Paper; Spirit to Soul said...
How sweet of your friend...she was listening for the still small voice of our Savior!!! I'm glad you joined us today and that you could share such a special memory during a difficult time! Can't wait to read more of your memories!
Pamela in TX
At March 18, 2009 at 10:51 PM ,
Linda said...
September, I love your name!...
And I love your friend for ministering to you with the big, smily, cookie. Sometimes the littlest things can mean so much.
Thank you for following my blog. I am looking forward to getting to know more about you too.
I am glad that my daughter does this Weds. Walk thing. I am enjoying it very much.
I hope the Lord will give you special blessings as you trust in Him.
Keep smiling.
God Bless!
At March 19, 2009 at 11:47 PM ,
CornFedMama said...
Praise God for the obedient heart of your friend. Surely you were blessed! :) Thank you for sharing your story with us, even when it hurts.
At March 20, 2009 at 1:15 PM ,
Lisa Hill said...
September, you so eloquently put into words what we as moms all experiece at times. Thank you for sharing your heart with others. May our Lord continue to bless you!
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