My first vlog and possibly my last .. gah!
Okay.. Just to preface...
This is my first Vlog.. and possible my last...
I look like a dork, talk like a dork, and honestly...
feel like a dork for posting this...
it was for a sweet friend of mine...
that I did this.
And so....yah..
What DO you talk about on a vlog?
And for the rather awkward ending...
well, I told you it was my first try at this..
and it was rather fun rocking and chatting...
but to record it?
Labels: Vlogging
At September 15, 2011 at 5:50 PM ,
Linda Congdon said...
I loved this. You two did a fantastic job. When you mentioned the elderberries, it reminded me of my aunt Edna making an elderberry pie for Jim. Jim loved it.
We will be canning pears that were given to us. Jim froze his peppers and we have a lot of tomatoes to can now.
As for the grocery store. Milk is always at the top of the list. We always have to have chips too. Lots of fresh fruit when we can get it. Those are always on our list. Thanks for shariung a beautiful vlog!! You both looked and sounded great!
At September 15, 2011 at 6:00 PM ,
Brenda Norton said...
My daughter and I watched this and found the two of you very funny in your randomness. We just sat here and cracked up! You did a great job though and we both agree you should do more of them and include more family in them as well! We don't can by the way. I buy lots of meat, pasta, and cooking items to make our meals from scratch, and my daughter is a great cook! Just thought I would answer your questions :)
At September 15, 2011 at 6:10 PM ,
Unknown said...
Ben, stop interrupting your mom! ha ha! You crack me up!
You two are a funny team. :)
"I love hot stuff." (Smiles emerge.)
Something we always get is... chips.
"Don't say better have it in heaven."
"Okay, so let's watch this back." :)
Ah, I just love you guys. Felt like I was on the porch with you! Don't you dare let this be your last one!
Thanks for being real - sort of. ha ha!!
At September 15, 2011 at 6:11 PM ,
Abigail Kraft said...
Ha! You guys are just fantastic. X) You'd better do this a lot. Ok, and the random subject changes were executed brilliantly - those take talent. lol.
As for what we always get at the grocery store...apples are a staple. Really, frozen fruit too, but for me personally...I find it difficult to go a day, knowing that there aren't apples in the fridge.
September, my momma's not a chocolate eater either. ha. :) Now, I on the other hand... Ok, I don't eat it that often, but that doesn't mean that I don't find it to be the culmination of all things perfect.
Laughed like crazy during the teeth discussion - especially on that random, "I don't." Ha!
I like hot stuff too... and the cheeky awkwardness of that moment was magical. hahaha.
Ok, this is a stupid comment. Way too many 'ha's, 'haha's, and 'hahaha's. :P So, goodbye.
P.S. Yeah. Make more vlogs. Please.
At September 15, 2011 at 6:49 PM ,
Linda said...
I haven't smiled much today...until I watched your vlog! I enjoyed it so much, and I was grinning from ear to ear!
September, you look so young, and so pretty and you are really fun! It's almost like you are Ben's sister instead of his mom! Ha! (And the mommy to so many young~ un's.
Ben, I like your haircut...and wow you have such big beautiful eyes...oh, I shouldn't boost your ego...but hey, you are such a handsome guy! (Old grannies can say that!) Ha!
I really thought you two did a great job of just being "real". It is so refreshing to just see people as they really are. (:>)
I am kind of reserved...but when I get around my crazy girls, and my sons-in-law, and all of my grandkids, I can cut loose! And that is fun. it's always so loud and crazy here when there are 19 or 20 of us together.
How fun to just be sittin' on your porch chatting with all of us bloggers. I loved it. You need to do it again ok?
When John goes to the store he always gets cheese, crackers, chips, salsa, pop, cookies, microwave popcorn, and ice cream! Ha...Seriously! All the time!
And for me he throws in some bottled water, bananas, yogurt, milk and bread and butter, and cereal. If I want healthy veggies and more fruit and organic stuff I have to go myself! (We get our meat in Nebraska from his family store, so it's always in the fridge.)
Ok...well, I am going to watch that vlog again and smile some more!
Luv ya!
At September 15, 2011 at 7:09 PM ,
Linda said...
Grandpa John wanted me to say he would be Ava's Buddy...he thought she was adorable when I showed him her picture!
He also said that you should make grape jelly...cuz that's his favorite! (:>)
He enjoyed the vlog along with me!
Linda (:>)
At September 15, 2011 at 8:42 PM ,
Kelly said...
Y'all did such a good job! Loved watching this!
At September 15, 2011 at 9:00 PM ,
Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...
Adorable! Made me miss you though! I don't even want to know what our ramblings would be if any of my sons and I sat on the porch and made a vlog :)
And, confession- I have never canned anything!
At September 15, 2011 at 9:07 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Thoroughly enjoyed your first vlog and hope to see many more. As someone else mentioned, I smiled the whole time and I'm still smiling as I type this comment. You are a refreshing inspiration. Love to you all, Robyn
At September 15, 2011 at 9:31 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Oh September & Ben....that was ssoo much fun!!!
There's lots to comment on! lets see how much i remember!
Ben: sorry i cant be there to cut your hair!
September: I will pray for you..I remember how much pressure it was! lol ( he never liked it when i did it either!)
The grocery, chocolate & peanut butter!! =) Oh..and snapple peach tee & ice cream for Scott!
We dont live in the country anymore...but we use our porch ALL the time! Mostly for watching sunsets! (if you know us then you know why we weren't able to fully enjoy our porch in the country!!!! lol)
Guess thats it! Keep this up...I enjoyed it very much!!
Sure do miss ya'll!( look beautiful!)
At September 15, 2011 at 10:22 PM ,
Jenilee said...
so, so, so much fun. I need to grab Elayna and do one of these. :) you two are so cute vlogging together!
Uhm... what do I buy at the store? LOTS OF CHIPS! in fact, as I'm watching your vlog, Jeremy was asking for chips and salsa! He said, "Jen, I'm feeling some salsa and chips." lol
Enjoyed your vlog!!
At September 15, 2011 at 10:46 PM ,
Unknown said...
Just wanted to let you know that I just watched this again. And giggled again. :) It makes me feel like we're chatting, and dang, I wish we could be!
Love you!
At September 15, 2011 at 11:30 PM ,
Heather said...
That was fun! :) I loved the whole hair cutting part....reminds me of my mom and brothers (they are 23 and 19). She asks them if they like something or if she messes up she has them go check in the mirror and is a little panicked because she knows how important that is to them. :) Haha, I also loved your face when your son was describing the farmers market "on steroids". Hehe. We have some nice farmers markets in Upstate NY that is for sure! :)
At September 15, 2011 at 11:36 PM ,
Jennifer @ said...
Your random REALNESS is positively delightful, September! I'd love to rock on that porch with you. :)
At September 16, 2011 at 9:45 AM ,
Linda said...
You guys ROCK!
At September 16, 2011 at 4:55 PM ,
Kami said...
I love this! First and foremost, I must say that I absolutely knew we were going to be good friends. This just confirms that fact! :) I have a feeling that you and I could sit on a porch together and talk for hours and hours.
I love how real you are!! :)
"Don't say 'there better be in heaven', that's like telling God what to do" -- LOVE you for this!! :)
On my grocery list is always milk. Milk milk and more milk. We go through six gallons in a week (though I don't drink it, except on my cereal and such .. I am definitely not one to pour a glass of milk to enjoy, because I do not ENJOY it!). Never enough milk in our house!
LOVE this and LOVE you!
At September 17, 2011 at 1:37 PM ,
Jenilee said... ok. I did one too ;)
At September 18, 2011 at 1:58 AM ,
Sherri said...
I love this!!
The '"I don't"' comment cracked me up.
Plus the smirks with the 'Hot stuff'.
Love it. Keep it up.
Oh and the time counting cracks me up as well.
Very good job!!
At September 19, 2011 at 10:54 AM ,
Holly said...
It was so fun to see you vlog!!
At September 19, 2011 at 9:34 PM ,
Angela B said...
We go through a gallon of milk a day so we get lots of that at the store. And then cookies and chips are always at the top of the list too.
We live in the country and the trampoline thing reminded me of my younger siblings; they play on the trampoline, under the tree, with a hose. :-D Other than that we play lots of volleyball, ride our minibike, explore the woods, etc.
Every summer I make pickles out of our cucumbers and can them. We also make homemade (HOT) salsa, but we normally eat it too fast to can it. ;)
This was really fun to watch, looking forward to more of them!!
At September 29, 2011 at 10:40 AM ,
Holli said...
Loved your vlog. We have lots in common...chickens in the yard...I canned applesauce, pear sauce, salsa, pizza sauce, pasta sauce this year...I cheated though and used Mrs. Wages hubby cuts the boys hair...and Ben, some of my little boys teeth are coming in discolored...enamel hypoplasia...oh and we always get chocolate chips at the grocery store...we love chocolate around here!
At September 29, 2011 at 10:45 AM ,
Holli said...
Oh and also the screaming little girl...I have three of those right now...I thought it was just me;)
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