Don't Deny It...
Perhaps we are all in denial once in a while...
Here is what I am seeing today,,, because I purposed in my heart not to deny God the blessings that He is giving me.
maybe more than once in a while.
I will be the first to admit that I have those moments...
Distracted with tasks..
Overwhelmed with responsibility...
Upset with my priorities..
desiring a different surrounding..
- Quiet moments with my little one's - singing songs full of His love, and watching their eyes as they study my lips, and follow my voice as I sing to their hearts.
Don't miss the moments... they are always there.
-Watching my son mimic his father's ways... and taking the steps to becoming a man - someday.
-Listening to my girls cook in the kitchen and chat up a storm with their plans of when they are grown...their own restaurants... missionary to China - living underground... and drawing in Europe.
-Washing the baby in tub,,, finding one little toe-nail painted bright red. Her big sister playing a little joke on me, and I am finding it rather funny. Something I would normally get up-tight about.
-Sitting up late nights talking with our oldest children about the Lord, laughing about the funniest things, and knowing that some day I will be able to sleep... these are the days for meeting with their hearts.
-While having devotions with my children, and looking up to find attentive eyes,,, so big and full of learning... eagerly awaiting the next part of what God's Book has to say.
How can I ever deny this moment?
-Laughing at a silly song with my children. singing and singing until our faces are hurting from laughing.
-There are many moments in my life that I have not captured and seen as blessings.
Days of weary to the bone,,, resenting the moments of noise and demands.
I will not deny that.
But when I deny the blessings to be lived out in my life,
I am denying the Lord's good work he has planned for me that day.
He Chose me.
He Chose me for His own.
He Chose me for these very purposes.
I will not deny His Good Work.
There shall be showers of Blessings...
Are you DENYING his Blessings daily?
It is easy to do.
Labels: Being a Mom
At August 25, 2011 at 1:12 PM ,
Holly said...
It certainly is easy to deny the blessing when things seem so chaotic.
At August 25, 2011 at 4:20 PM ,
Linda said...
So glad you have all of those blessings around you every day and night! So glad that you are taking the time to be present in the moments.
So thankful that you posting this and reminding us all to count our blessings and to do the work He has planned for each of us!
Love you sweet September!
At August 25, 2011 at 9:27 PM ,
Betty said...
All too easy...thank you for the reminder to slow down and take the time to listen to God.
At August 25, 2011 at 10:28 PM ,
Jenilee said...
I really LOVE this post! I am teaching on God's grace and mercy in my class on Sunday and I love how this ties in. We daily recieve His grace and His mercy and yet we don't always notice or appreciate it. Sometimes we even deny His blessings! great thoughts! thanks!
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