Make your own Baby Food and NEW news!
Have I seemed absent lately? I have a good reason,, well, actually,, a few reasons,,, but one I am most excited about,,,
I can give you a hint...
If you stop back her on Monday, you will see a "new me!"
In the meantime,,, Life here in this household has been busy for sure.
It is Harvest time here in the Northeast,, and so, we have been canning, canning, and more canning..
and so today, I am going to give you a peek into another thing we do here...
Making Baby Food
There are many great reasons to make your own baby food...
Don't have time - you say?
Honestly, if time was an issue , I wouldn't be doing this myslef.
1) It is economical - great SAVINGS!
2.) Better for your baby- you choose where you buy your food, what goes into your baby's food, and how it is preserved!
3.)Easily accessible- without a trip to the store!
So Join me,, and try this at home!
( Below are a few tips to remember)
1.) Choose the veggies/fruits you will want to feed your baby.
2.) Grab them at a local farmers market - preferably organic, but even a good source of produce from Supermarket works.
3.) Wash, skin, peel, and chop your produce.
4.) Steam until soft - with no skins.
5.) Throw in blender, or food processor for a nice puree.
6.) Evenly scoop into Ice Cube trays and freeze over night.
7.) Remove into labeled bags- with a date of preparation.
Sweet Potatoes- You can bake these slowly until tender. Tip for Sweet Potatoes -When mixing these,, they require a lot of water. I used reversed osmosis water, but you can use distilled. They will be thick otherwise.
Carrots just require water in pan, low heat, and soft tender touch. I peeled mine and washed before. Be careful not to burn while steaming. These turn out amazing!
No the best or most attractive picture - but, it gives you the idea. This is the fast part.
You might want to buy a quite a few extra ice cube trays at the store next time you are there. I used quite a few, but they are super cheap, and super handy!
WHALA! The next morning - after spending the night in the freezer- Release from Trays, and put into labeled Ziploc Freezer Bags!
One Afternoon of healthy savings = Happy, Happy Baby!
Still wondering about the new news? I will give you a hint on Friday!!
Labels: Recipes
At September 28, 2011 at 10:45 PM ,
Angela said...
first...I love those baby toes!!! I want to keep having more just to keep those toes :)
my guess...there is a "new" little one growing inside momma?????
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