Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
My Special Temari
I have been dealing with a yucky migraine for about four days now, and so I wasn't able to muster up any spare space in my head for thinking too deeply.
I wanted to share with you a picture of my Temari. A special gift I received from Shi. She was so sweet in making a special Temari for my Kitchen colors. Shi is so talented. I visited her blog, and loved all of the beautiful work that she does to benefit others. You will want to visit her blog (click on any words high-lighted) and see the other Temari's that she makes. Mine is so beautiful! I have it hanging in my kitchen, and it looks so pretty. It stands for Friendship, and I remind my children of that when they see it.
This gift made by Shi was from my friend, Lynnette. I would invite you to visit her blog, and say "hello." She has a contest once in a while , with a lot of fun twists. This Temari, was what I received from one of her contests. I was so thrilled! THANK YOU LYNNETTE! I love my Temari.
If you are like me, and have never seen a Temari before, welcome to blog land! This is like a new adventure, with a gift around every corner. Not only will you find out things you have never thought about before, but you will meet some very special people.
Hope you enjoyed viewing my Temari today! I love seeing it every morning!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
I get a little teary and emotional when I think or talk about any one coming to know the Lord. It is like this tender spot in my heart that swells with excitement upon hearing about someone coming to His knowledge and presence in their lives.
Sam has a family/life centered around the Lord, but there will be a time when he has to make a decision on his own, as to whether he is going to follow the Lord, and believe in His name.
Being a parent brings some amazing opportunities to witness some amazing things! I am so thankful for this.
It is an amazing thing to see the heart transformed.. beginning with awareness and curiosity and then desire.
Samuel is so precious. He communicates every thing that he thinks and feels. All of the time. He also has this really tender heart for others. He does not like to see me sad, and verbally shares his every thought with me. He will often tell me that his "heart hurts" when he is sad himself.
It is really precious. He even will tell me when he needs/wants correction for something he has done wrong that is bothering his heart. It is amazing.
This past month has brought about some special things in his life:
-He is now talking about how Jesus died on the Cross . He talks about the nails with great sadness for a four year old.
(The other day he stepped on a nail - and his first concern was how Jesus felt. He said, "I got a nail in my foot like Jesus on the Cross. And he hurt really bad.")
-Driving down the road the other day , he asked me how God made Light and Dark.
How neat it was that he recognized that GOD made them. Not a random happening.
(How amazed HE was when I told him that all God had to do was to say, "Let there be light," and there was light!")
-His prayers are becoming more specific. From his own heart, in his own words.,,, voluntarily, and not prompted to pray. That desire.
As I tell my children the Stories of Jesus while they grow, I know I am planting the seed of knowledge in their minds, but this understanding that they begin to show at young ages is ALL from GOD!
I am reminded to keep telling them of the Lord's unending love, and challenged to keep praying for them to each make a decision to follow Him.
May my children be a light to a dark world. Let all of our lights shine!
"Jesus Loves Me this I Know! For the Bible Tells me so. Little ones to Him belong, they are weak, but He is Strong!"
Labels: My Children
Friday, May 22, 2009
Rose Colored Glasses
Considering the different trials that we have have experienced, and the heartache that we have seen our family and many friends go through, one would think that I would not be reveling in the "good!"
BUT, it seems that although daily living may seem like a grindstone some days, and hardships can bring us down, I can still see the Lord's Mighty Working Hand in bringing about His plan in the end. Isn't this what life is suppose to be? Looking towards the goal, and continuing to PRESS ON!
I thought that I would journal some tidbits in my life that I was able to see through Rose-colored Glasses:
~My curly-Shirley Temple smiling up at me, holding her pocket-sized Bible, and singing Eee-I -Eee I - Ohhh! ( I didn't know that song was in the Bible!)
~50 ( Fifty - yep, I said 50) New baby chicks,,, peeping in the back of my van, waiting for their ( MY) new home! My children all peering into their little brooding box, adoring their sweet peeps. ( Soo cute to see!)
~My daughter all dressed up in her new dress for a Senior Banquet. She chose this dress with respect for modesty, and she is greatly rewarded with beauty! Inside and out.
~Watching your children all work hard/ together to accomplish a goal. Seeing them persevere even when it is tough.
~Seeing the bills get paid, and work slowly pick up, when in my limited wisdom and understanding doubt, fail to trust. His provision is always there.
~Seeing the reactions of people in public when I take my 7 month old into the Store to get some Chicken Seed, and she is covered with a chocolate donut! ( Which, by the way, was totally fun to stretch my ability to leave her that way for more than 5 minutes!)
~Knowing that my husbands' love for me is never-ending.
~Counting it ALL joy when I take the 16 steps to my daughter bedroom - SIX TIMES now.. to repeatedly get her to take her nap today are all GOOD! These hips could use those 96 steps... no complaining!
~Finding the bag of bird seed that I was given for Mother's Day laying open, dumped and scattered over the porch yesterday! "Come on birdies - it's a buffet at the McCarthy's Home this week! "
~A precious friend gifts me with a precious bundle of Victoria Magazines - all sweetly tied with pink tulle and an heirloom key! Gifts from the heart mean so much. Pass it on!
~Listening to my rattle -trap 15 passenger van, as we drive over, feel, and hear every bump in the road - but keep reminding myself that the air-conditioning works, and it is 86 degrees out! That is worth dwelling on!
~OK - I gave into my re-arranging temptation, and now have a big head start on my new look for the dining room. ( BTW- it is a fallacy, that stay at home mom's- do nothing.) This cleaning project was like a retreat for me to find time to do this. So very thankful.
~Spending time with my parents, brothers, and their families- always have a hearty- heart laugh when we are together! My brother tells stories as he thinks he is a vigilante!
~Getting to the store and smiling my Pollyanna smile - ( been practicing, have you?)... and then later finding that the kids and I have strawberry/blueberry seeds in our teeth from the fruit smoothies we made earlier. No wonder my smiles seemed contagious today!
~Watching the dandelions pop -up an hour after we mowed the lawn. ( I love our grass cut, and those dandelions are just sticking their tongues out at me every time!)
If you have on Rose-Colored Glasses as you walk about your day- life might not seem so hard. For we all know that there's no way around it - Life is difficult sometimes, but when we take those glasses off, it is even harder!
If you don't know where to find some of these special Rose-Colored Glasses- look here -
Prayer, Thankfulness, Giving, and Time alone with the ONE that matters the most!
OK- In the Spirit of Pollyanna Fun - My Son made me these special glasses-( from plastic straws!!...) and this humiliating picture ( photo-shoot) is posted merely to INSPIRE you to throw on your own Special Glasses. It truly makes a difference!
Labels: My Funny Life
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Re-arranging the Furniture
Usually my husband will either come home to a completely different living room lay- out, or he ends up stuck helping me with the heavy - I can't move furniture. Usually, the latter is the most common. I know what he is thinking while he so "graciously" grins and lifts, and moves the things that I need help with. WHY?? It looked good before - he use to actually say this, but now he just thinks it. He knows there is no sense in it - it always looks good after too.
There was a day, when I wouldn't ask for help. I was too impatient. I would get the urge to re-arrange everything while he was away at work to "surprise " him. Ohhhh.. he was surprised.. just not too happy when he found out I had moved the heavy things by myself. So, now he helps, and knows the routine.
It is fun, actually. The whole family gets into the moves. We do not do them as often as we use to though. Our home is pretty set in its style,, but, I can feel the "re-arranging itch," coming back.
This past weekend, I did some re-arranging of more than just my furniture. I re-arranged my heart. My priorities, and my thoughts were a little "out of place." They weren't looking too good and the entire ensemble put together was quite distracting. And so, the re-arranging began. It didn't start as eagerly as it does when it is my furniture, I must admit.
I began with my marriage. I moved the discontent completely out of the picture, ( not just to the side), and replaced it with appreciation. I then had to get help with the biggest move - my thoughts. Rather than just letting the dust settle on my thoughts that were breeding anger, or resentment, I asked my husband for help with this move, and we worked together to move them as well. Replacing them with forgiveness, love, and understanding. Wow - I love this re-arranging thing. At least, I love the outcome! I find my moves are always a big mess and distraction while I am in the middle of moving things around, but, in the end, I am usually satisfied with the product.
The difference with this weekends projects - I wasn't moving things around for my own gratification. My "living room" - Heart space, thought space - are the Lord's territory. I made these changes to be more pleasing to Him. A cleaner vessel. A more appealing place to worship.
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Here is a memory that was not too funny to me when it happened, but now that I look back on this childhood incident, I laugh quite out loud!
It clearly defines my history with re-arranging. It goes like this:
I had just found this new-fangled way to get my tall white dresser where my bed was, and then notch my desk on an angle into a corner. Holly Hobby wallpaper, yellow curtains, and this new move and I was quite content.
That is, UNTIL I went to bed that night.
I gave my parents a hug and kiss, said my "good nights."
( Just to preface here -I was deathly afraid of something being under my bed at this age.)
I asked my mom if she was going to check under my bed? She told me that I had just changed my room around, and I could see very clearly that there wasn't any thing under there. She wanted me to go to bed on my own this night.
I KNEW there was something under my bed. I just knew. It was big, and was going to grab my leg, pull me and under and no one would ever see me again. I walked calmly down the hall to my room. ( The calm part was all an act...)
I backed up before my dark room, door open, but lights off. I decided to make a run for it and jump!
I gave it all I had, ran with all of my might, jumped HIGH AND HARD - RIGHT into my dresser!!!!!!!!
SMACK! - I was now pretty unconscious -prone on the floor!
WHO put my dresser where my bed was?!! What lunatic moved my room around again?!
As I lay there, looking into my mom's bewildered face, ( I could see a humorous, sympathetic twinkle in her eye ,) I remember thinking that if there was something under my bed, it would have gotten me by now - as I lay there -waiting, in pain.
I can't say that this curbed my compulsion to re-arrange things, but it did cause me to turn my light on before jumping into bed!
So, I am thinking that although re-arranging can be painful - whether in our homes, or in my heart and life - it can bring about a much more pleasing result in the end.
I have learned that when it comes to re-arranging things in my personal life- the longer I wait to get the most-pleasing result for the Lord, the harder it is to make the change.
I am thankful for this weekend. My "living room" has much more room for worship of the ONE that makes it all matter in the END.
Labels: My Funny Life
Thursday, May 14, 2009
"In My Heart There Rings A Melody"
This was taken in my flower bed after the rain. Isn't is beautiful!
We can let God make our moments look like this picture!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
21 Years of Memories
What a great way to share our memories - Thanks to my friend, Lynnette, ( check out her blog -on my sidebar), this weekly opportunity is open to ANY one that would like to Walk down memory lane. I hope you enjoy reading my memories for today.
There are two significant moments in my life ( other than the birth of my children), that I know defines who I am today.
The first occurred 21 years ago , May 8th. ( 8 is my favorite #, by the way - if you care to know).. I celebrate this Wednesday's Walk today because every May I remember this day.
I was 17, and I was asked to go on a blind-date. WHAT were my parents thinking? LOL... ( Mom, if you are reading this... this comment is purely maternal, thinking that I could not imagine us letting Ben do this today)...
I drove to our arranged meeting place with some friends the local miniature - golf spot, also our local Soaring Museum, and picnic area. I remember being quite apprehensive,,, and not expecting any thing but a fun evening with some other believers. I actually didn't even think of this as a "date," but a great opportunity to play some miniature golf.
This day changed my life forever. I met the man that I am married to today. We were engaged THREE months after this chance meeting,, and 21 years later are married - happily, through many ups and downs, and a lot of changes in both of us.
We have moved numerous times, been to Bible School, had our share of "squabbles," built our own home together, been in the labor and delivery room more than I can think to count, and laughed together through many ups and downs.
I celebrate the Anniversary of our meeting, because it is the day that - I walked into the rest of my life. The day that I met the man God had waiting for me to spend the rest of my life with. He is perfect for me, and God knew he would be. I thank the Lord for this man - a man after God's own heart.
The second monumental moment in my life, that changed my life forever and ever...a day I surrendered ALL.
When I was 12 years old, my family and I went to a wonderful Bible Camp together, and heard the most amazing things I had ever heard. My heart was opened to the truth that I am a sinner, and could be set free. Never had I remembered hearing this before.
My brother and I made a decision that day to accept the Lord as our Savior from sin. Realizing what His Son had done for us on the Cross.. the ultimate sacrifice. How could I turn my back on this offer of Eternal life, when he gave HIS life for me,, for this moment?
I accepted this free gift, decided that day to live my life for HIM,, and never turned back - I ran with it. And I am still running that race - daily - a race that defines my life each and every day.
Romans 6:23 - " For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
My walk down memory lane brings me to my knees again to thank the Lord for giving me these moments in time that changed me forever.
Labels: Wednesdays Walk
Monday, May 11, 2009
No Way - NOT ME!!
Labels: Not Me Monday
Saturday, May 9, 2009
A New Pollyanna
I tend to be so focused on my tasks at hand each day, that I sometimes lose the moments of fun and laughter. What a shame for me.
So, I am turning over this "new leaf!" Are you laughing with me about this "new leaf" thing? That's ok,, because we all need a good laugh,, especially me.
But, the thing is... I am serious! No, I mean serious about the New leaf thing...
Here it is....
I want to start joining in on the "fun" in every day. The silly that is always around me. The happy and the glad. Basically, I am going to be a new Pollyanna.
Ohh,, this is one of my absolute favorite movies. Really. I know, I know,, some say that movie is sappy, and annoying,, but I love her spirit. Her finding the "glad moments" in every day.
Soo,, Here I go. A "new leaf" beginning. A New Pollyanna. I am sure it won't be too hard to find the "happy" in every day... for I do that already,, but my challenge will be to HAVE the fun and laughter be a part of my life. To join in,, and not just observe.
I think as a mom, over the years, I got "lost" in my efforts to "keep" my home - raising little ones, homeschooling, and keeping things going. My fun spirit that I had before I began this journey of motherhood, seemed to be out on a shelf for a "few" years.
Time to dust off that box I labeled fun, and stored away ! Laughter will be heard again, and we will see what happens.
Hmmm... This is going to surprise my kids. I can only imagine the first time this week I begin to romp around with them and join IN their fun... they may even stop and look at me like I have 4 heads.
And what about when I decide to forfeit the tasks at hand and join the laughter that is going thru the house? - I actually think that the laughter may cease for a minute, while they grasp what just walked into the room - a mom that has turned over a "new leaf!"
Wow -I think this is going to be FUN! See? I am practicing already.
So, here is the New Pollyanna - don't you wish that you could be a fly on my wall? How FUN would that be?
Think of me, this is going to be challenge. Ohhh,, How fun!!
Labels: My Funny Life
Friday, May 8, 2009
An Impact Forever
Well, probably MORE than special. A person who has made a profound impact on my life, and whom I cherish with my heart.
Happy Mother's Day Mom!
I was thinking this week about the years of training that go into preparing our children to be ready to leave the home.
I was married at the young age of 18, and my mom invested her LIFE in those years prior to this time.
I think that it took years of parenting and marriage to truly appreciate the sacrifices my mom made for me, and to realize all of the things that she taught me that I don't even think about on a day to day basis.
For example - This week, I was sitting at the sewing machine, teaching my 9 yod, Lydia how to sew. As I went through the processes of showing her how to thread the machine, spin a bobbin, and gently push the pedal, I sat and remembered my own mom patiently sitting there teaching me all of those tedious steps.
I remember so many silly times with my mom. She made the best of every situation for us growing up. If we were going thru a hard time,, she taught us to see the sunshine in it.
She purposely never spoiled us,, always telling us that if we had every thing we wanted when we were children, there would never be any thing to look forward to.
She taught us the value of hard work, thoroughness, thoughtfulness, hospitality, honesty, and led us to the Lord.
There were many times my mom and I didn't agree, ( and perhaps may still not), but the love we have for each other has never waivered.
She is the only one who knows WHY I cry, when I do, and just lets me shed needed tears.
She knows when I am in a silly mood, and can laugh with me at such silliness - for she's the one who taught me how to have fun.
She knows I am not a "huggy" person - ( lol).. but knows I will take her hugs any day!
And she loves MY children so very much - we makes me love her even more!
Here are a few special memories that I like to keep in the forefront of my memory on Mother's Day-
***She would buy an assortment of candy bars on a special occasion, and hide them in a brown paper bag. My brothers & I were not allowed to peek into the bag, but could put our hand in and feel around for the candy bar we thought we would like most. I was always sooo excited when she did this. I almost always ended up with a Kit-Kat candy bar or Starburst!
***After the last day of school, she would take a look at our report cards, and if we had worked hard, she would take us to get an Ice Cream Sundae - and depending on our grades, we could choose off of the Ice Cream Menu - our choice!
The Banana Split was always my favorite.
***I remember my mom and I sitting in the hospital every day for a few years with my little brother while he had to see a special Dr. She would pack a bag of things for me to do, and I tried my best to make the time pass quickly. She always would make the best of those times, even when the wait was long, and she herself was tired.
***My mom and my grandma gave me my first perm. TOOO funny! I kept asking and asking for one, and so she finally relented and let me have my way. I remember her laughing and telling me the smell was ALL part of it,, and this was what I wanted... needless to say- we didn't do that very often.
***My mom taught me kindness. To never make fun of another human being. I even find now, that when I hear, see or know of someone doing this, the hair on my neck stands up - I am so thankful she taught me to see that I am just like the next person in God's eyes - despite their appearance, or background.
***My mom taught me how to be a great mom! In so many ways. I had a lot to learn after marriage and mothering, but we all know that we learn as we go too.
Thank you mom for sacrificing so much to give me a life full of love and happiness. Showing me what is really important and keeping life so very fun.
You are a blessing.
Friday, May 1, 2009
A Mother's Job is Never Done
Labels: Favorite Things