Stone Soup- Will you help me?

"Jesus Loves Me this I Know! For the Bible Tells me so. Little ones to Him belong, they are weak, but He is Strong!"
Labels: My Children
Labels: My Funny Life
This past weekend, I did some re-arranging of more than just my furniture. I re-arranged my heart. My priorities, and my thoughts were a little "out of place." They weren't looking too good and the entire ensemble put together was quite distracting. And so, the re-arranging began. It didn't start as eagerly as it does when it is my furniture, I must admit.
I began with my marriage. I moved the discontent completely out of the picture, ( not just to the side), and replaced it with appreciation. I then had to get help with the biggest move - my thoughts. Rather than just letting the dust settle on my thoughts that were breeding anger, or resentment, I asked my husband for help with this move, and we worked together to move them as well. Replacing them with forgiveness, love, and understanding. Wow - I love this re-arranging thing. At least, I love the outcome! I find my moves are always a big mess and distraction while I am in the middle of moving things around, but, in the end, I am usually satisfied with the product.
The difference with this weekends projects - I wasn't moving things around for my own gratification. My "living room" - Heart space, thought space - are the Lord's territory. I made these changes to be more pleasing to Him. A cleaner vessel. A more appealing place to worship.
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Here is a memory that was not too funny to me when it happened, but now that I look back on this childhood incident, I laugh quite out loud!
It clearly defines my history with re-arranging. It goes like this:
Labels: My Funny Life
This was taken in my flower bed after the rain. Isn't is beautiful!
We can let God make our moments look like this picture!
There are two significant moments in my life ( other than the birth of my children), that I know defines who I am today.
The first occurred 21 years ago , May 8th. ( 8 is my favorite #, by the way - if you care to know).. I celebrate this Wednesday's Walk today because every May I remember this day.
I was 17, and I was asked to go on a blind-date. WHAT were my parents thinking? LOL... ( Mom, if you are reading this... this comment is purely maternal, thinking that I could not imagine us letting Ben do this today)...
I drove to our arranged meeting place with some friends the local miniature - golf spot, also our local Soaring Museum, and picnic area. I remember being quite apprehensive,,, and not expecting any thing but a fun evening with some other believers. I actually didn't even think of this as a "date," but a great opportunity to play some miniature golf.
This day changed my life forever. I met the man that I am married to today. We were engaged THREE months after this chance meeting,, and 21 years later are married - happily, through many ups and downs, and a lot of changes in both of us.
We have moved numerous times, been to Bible School, had our share of "squabbles," built our own home together, been in the labor and delivery room more than I can think to count, and laughed together through many ups and downs.
I celebrate the Anniversary of our meeting, because it is the day that - I walked into the rest of my life. The day that I met the man God had waiting for me to spend the rest of my life with. He is perfect for me, and God knew he would be. I thank the Lord for this man - a man after God's own heart.
The second monumental moment in my life, that changed my life forever and ever...a day I surrendered ALL.
When I was 12 years old, my family and I went to a wonderful Bible Camp together, and heard the most amazing things I had ever heard. My heart was opened to the truth that I am a sinner, and could be set free. Never had I remembered hearing this before.
My brother and I made a decision that day to accept the Lord as our Savior from sin. Realizing what His Son had done for us on the Cross.. the ultimate sacrifice. How could I turn my back on this offer of Eternal life, when he gave HIS life for me,, for this moment?
I accepted this free gift, decided that day to live my life for HIM,, and never turned back - I ran with it. And I am still running that race - daily - a race that defines my life each and every day.
Romans 6:23 - " For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
My walk down memory lane brings me to my knees again to thank the Lord for giving me these moments in time that changed me forever.
Labels: Wednesdays Walk
Labels: Not Me Monday
Labels: My Funny Life
Labels: Favorite Things