Rose Colored Glasses
WOW? Will someone wake me up? It seems that I must be dreaming!! Who knew that life could be so good? Even when it seems hard - it is good.
Considering the different trials that we have have experienced, and the heartache that we have seen our family and many friends go through, one would think that I would not be reveling in the "good!"
BUT, it seems that although daily living may seem like a grindstone some days, and hardships can bring us down, I can still see the Lord's Mighty Working Hand in bringing about His plan in the end. Isn't this what life is suppose to be? Looking towards the goal, and continuing to PRESS ON!
I thought that I would journal some tidbits in my life that I was able to see through Rose-colored Glasses:
~My curly-Shirley Temple smiling up at me, holding her pocket-sized Bible, and singing Eee-I -Eee I - Ohhh! ( I didn't know that song was in the Bible!)
~50 ( Fifty - yep, I said 50) New baby chicks,,, peeping in the back of my van, waiting for their ( MY) new home! My children all peering into their little brooding box, adoring their sweet peeps. ( Soo cute to see!)
~My daughter all dressed up in her new dress for a Senior Banquet. She chose this dress with respect for modesty, and she is greatly rewarded with beauty! Inside and out.
~Watching your children all work hard/ together to accomplish a goal. Seeing them persevere even when it is tough.
~Seeing the bills get paid, and work slowly pick up, when in my limited wisdom and understanding doubt, fail to trust. His provision is always there.
~Seeing the reactions of people in public when I take my 7 month old into the Store to get some Chicken Seed, and she is covered with a chocolate donut! ( Which, by the way, was totally fun to stretch my ability to leave her that way for more than 5 minutes!)
~Knowing that my husbands' love for me is never-ending.
~Counting it ALL joy when I take the 16 steps to my daughter bedroom - SIX TIMES now.. to repeatedly get her to take her nap today are all GOOD! These hips could use those 96 steps... no complaining!
~Finding the bag of bird seed that I was given for Mother's Day laying open, dumped and scattered over the porch yesterday! "Come on birdies - it's a buffet at the McCarthy's Home this week! "
~A precious friend gifts me with a precious bundle of Victoria Magazines - all sweetly tied with pink tulle and an heirloom key! Gifts from the heart mean so much. Pass it on!
~Listening to my rattle -trap 15 passenger van, as we drive over, feel, and hear every bump in the road - but keep reminding myself that the air-conditioning works, and it is 86 degrees out! That is worth dwelling on!
~OK - I gave into my re-arranging temptation, and now have a big head start on my new look for the dining room. ( BTW- it is a fallacy, that stay at home mom's- do nothing.) This cleaning project was like a retreat for me to find time to do this. So very thankful.
~Spending time with my parents, brothers, and their families- always have a hearty- heart laugh when we are together! My brother tells stories as he thinks he is a vigilante!
~Getting to the store and smiling my Pollyanna smile - ( been practicing, have you?)... and then later finding that the kids and I have strawberry/blueberry seeds in our teeth from the fruit smoothies we made earlier. No wonder my smiles seemed contagious today!
~Watching the dandelions pop -up an hour after we mowed the lawn. ( I love our grass cut, and those dandelions are just sticking their tongues out at me every time!)
If you have on Rose-Colored Glasses as you walk about your day- life might not seem so hard. For we all know that there's no way around it - Life is difficult sometimes, but when we take those glasses off, it is even harder!
If you don't know where to find some of these special Rose-Colored Glasses- look here -
Prayer, Thankfulness, Giving, and Time alone with the ONE that matters the most!
OK- In the Spirit of Pollyanna Fun - My Son made me these special glasses-( from plastic straws!!...) and this humiliating picture ( photo-shoot) is posted merely to INSPIRE you to throw on your own Special Glasses. It truly makes a difference!

Considering the different trials that we have have experienced, and the heartache that we have seen our family and many friends go through, one would think that I would not be reveling in the "good!"
BUT, it seems that although daily living may seem like a grindstone some days, and hardships can bring us down, I can still see the Lord's Mighty Working Hand in bringing about His plan in the end. Isn't this what life is suppose to be? Looking towards the goal, and continuing to PRESS ON!
I thought that I would journal some tidbits in my life that I was able to see through Rose-colored Glasses:
~My curly-Shirley Temple smiling up at me, holding her pocket-sized Bible, and singing Eee-I -Eee I - Ohhh! ( I didn't know that song was in the Bible!)
~50 ( Fifty - yep, I said 50) New baby chicks,,, peeping in the back of my van, waiting for their ( MY) new home! My children all peering into their little brooding box, adoring their sweet peeps. ( Soo cute to see!)
~My daughter all dressed up in her new dress for a Senior Banquet. She chose this dress with respect for modesty, and she is greatly rewarded with beauty! Inside and out.
~Watching your children all work hard/ together to accomplish a goal. Seeing them persevere even when it is tough.
~Seeing the bills get paid, and work slowly pick up, when in my limited wisdom and understanding doubt, fail to trust. His provision is always there.
~Seeing the reactions of people in public when I take my 7 month old into the Store to get some Chicken Seed, and she is covered with a chocolate donut! ( Which, by the way, was totally fun to stretch my ability to leave her that way for more than 5 minutes!)
~Knowing that my husbands' love for me is never-ending.
~Counting it ALL joy when I take the 16 steps to my daughter bedroom - SIX TIMES now.. to repeatedly get her to take her nap today are all GOOD! These hips could use those 96 steps... no complaining!
~Finding the bag of bird seed that I was given for Mother's Day laying open, dumped and scattered over the porch yesterday! "Come on birdies - it's a buffet at the McCarthy's Home this week! "
~A precious friend gifts me with a precious bundle of Victoria Magazines - all sweetly tied with pink tulle and an heirloom key! Gifts from the heart mean so much. Pass it on!
~Listening to my rattle -trap 15 passenger van, as we drive over, feel, and hear every bump in the road - but keep reminding myself that the air-conditioning works, and it is 86 degrees out! That is worth dwelling on!
~OK - I gave into my re-arranging temptation, and now have a big head start on my new look for the dining room. ( BTW- it is a fallacy, that stay at home mom's- do nothing.) This cleaning project was like a retreat for me to find time to do this. So very thankful.
~Spending time with my parents, brothers, and their families- always have a hearty- heart laugh when we are together! My brother tells stories as he thinks he is a vigilante!
~Getting to the store and smiling my Pollyanna smile - ( been practicing, have you?)... and then later finding that the kids and I have strawberry/blueberry seeds in our teeth from the fruit smoothies we made earlier. No wonder my smiles seemed contagious today!
~Watching the dandelions pop -up an hour after we mowed the lawn. ( I love our grass cut, and those dandelions are just sticking their tongues out at me every time!)
If you have on Rose-Colored Glasses as you walk about your day- life might not seem so hard. For we all know that there's no way around it - Life is difficult sometimes, but when we take those glasses off, it is even harder!
If you don't know where to find some of these special Rose-Colored Glasses- look here -
Prayer, Thankfulness, Giving, and Time alone with the ONE that matters the most!
OK- In the Spirit of Pollyanna Fun - My Son made me these special glasses-( from plastic straws!!...) and this humiliating picture ( photo-shoot) is posted merely to INSPIRE you to throw on your own Special Glasses. It truly makes a difference!

Labels: My Funny Life
At May 22, 2009 at 9:16 PM ,
Linda said...
September, I loved your rose colored glasses that your little one made you.
You are so much fun! I like all of the things that you found to be joyful about while you had your rose colored glasses on!
I love your Pollyanna attitude girl!
God's continued blessings!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
At May 22, 2009 at 10:05 PM ,
Jenilee said...
I love your "count it all joy" during your many trips to get her to take a nap! I will have to remember that... boy, have I been there!
At May 22, 2009 at 10:38 PM ,
Holly said...
We could all use some rose colored glasses!
At May 23, 2009 at 9:21 AM ,
Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...
I was just going to say that we could all use a little more of a Pollyanna outlook...and I see my sweet friend Holly agrees! I love your positive spin...and your picture is too cute! Thanks for blessing my morning, September!
Have a Great Memorial Day Weekend!
At May 23, 2009 at 12:23 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Thank you for making my day!!! It's true, everything is just a bit sweeter through rose colored glasses. Who wouldn't want a pair?
At June 6, 2009 at 1:21 PM ,
Raye Ann said...
I love that you are Lynnette's Featured site this weekend. I love you place.
Praise the Lord for His Rose Colored Glasses. I love seeing things His way. They are so much better than my way.
You have a blessed Weekend.
At October 22, 2009 at 8:47 AM ,
busymomof10 said...
I love the rose colored glasses -- both figuratively and literally!!!
You are such a Cute, Fun Mom! :) Your joyful spirit is contagious!
I love the thought of your Pollyanna smile with seeds in your teeth! :) LOL!
I'm dealing with several trials and disappointments right now, and this post was just what I needed! thank you!
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