A Mother's Job is Never Done
A mothers job is never done... I wouldn't want it to be.
This journey of motherhood has been about so many things.
It is part of my life-calling.
I have embraced it, and it is who I am.
I love it,, cry over it, and complain about it all in a day.
Lately though, I am thinking more on not just what I need to teach my children, but what they REALLY see.
I know that they learn from what I do, but I am thinking more about what they see IN ME!
In me,, as inside my heart.
It is not so easy to hide things such as : discontent, sadness, worry, and those things that I had taught myself to "deal with in the quiet moments."
They are hiding beneath the surface, and children can "see them."
I try to be honest with my children. Tell them my struggles, and things that I am working on. I believe that we can teach them through our honesty and by using God's Word as the Healer of all problems we may struggle with.
But, there ARE times, when my heart wants to heal alone. Times when I need to process the day and the things that I may have to work through. Talk to the Lord and ask for help. And I am sure to tell them that mommy needs some time to talk to God.
Do you have moments like this?
As my children grow, they know my heart . And when they don't , I am honestly so glad - for sometimes this worlds burdens seem so heavy, and I wouldn't want my small people to deal with big people things.
That is for my GOD. The burdens that I turn over to HIM.
But these are the moments that leave an imprint on my heart
Driving down the road when my now 17 year old son, who was 4 at the time says -
" Mommy, are you sad?"
"Yes, Benjamin. Mommy is sad."
"Ohh,, sometimes things make mommies sad." (sniff..sniff..)
"Yes Ben?"
"Remember this verse/song we learned - Psalms 118:24 - This is the day that the Lord has made, we will REJOICE ( nice and loud here!),, and be glad in it!"
"Mommy, try and rejoice -Jesus doesn't want you to be sad."
(Big tear drops now- but thankful, joyful tear drops!)
I will NEVER forget that day when my four year old was able to see my heart, and help me heal it.
I can remember where we were driving, where he was sitting, and his little voice.
How can that be?
Lord, please help me to remember that those things I try and teach my children need to be seen in my heart too.
Here are a few snapshots I took today of Ava in the flower bed. Thought you would enjoy them:

Labels: Favorite Things
At May 2, 2009 at 1:34 AM ,
Unknown said...
You are so right. Motherhood is a blessed occupation with good days and bad, but overall - pure bliss. I'm so glad to be a momma.
The pictures of little Ava are so cute! What a beautiful little girl! I love the one with her dress in her mouth.
Well, it's been a long day - so I'm off to bed. Let's talk about Sarah soon. Maybe we can work out a chat time so I can tell you what I think...just my 2 cents.
Love ya.
At May 2, 2009 at 3:34 PM ,
Angela said...
I have been thinking about these exact things! It is so convicting when I see myself in my children's wrong attitudes. May the Lord continue to change me that I might never be a stumbling block to them!
At May 4, 2009 at 12:35 PM ,
A Joyful Chaos said...
Motherhood is a wonderful occupation!
The pictures of your daughter are beautiful!
At May 4, 2009 at 12:57 PM ,
Raye Ann said...
Oh Wow I could have written this post. It is so what is in my head and heart right now. It speaks to my heart. I love the pictures of Ava.
Thank you for stopping by and your beautiful words.
At May 4, 2009 at 10:38 PM ,
Holly said...
It is good to be honest but you're also right in that there are times when they shouldn't know about our problems. I like the little moment you shared about your son. How touching!
At May 6, 2009 at 12:12 PM ,
Linda said...
Yes, Every mother has these moments, and often try to hide sadness from their children. Sometimes it works I guess,..but like the time when your son was four and he could see/or feel your sadness,...sometimes it doesn't.
It is good to be honest as much as we can be,...yet not troubling them with things they might not understand.
All of motherhood has it's special challenges. But of so many joys!
I loved the pictures of your precious little baby girl!
Have A Blessed Mother's Day!
Thanks for sharing!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
At May 8, 2009 at 10:48 PM ,
Jenilee said...
she is so precious! I love flower pictures. :)
At May 13, 2009 at 9:42 PM ,
Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...
Precious...your words, your heart, the pictures of your sweet Ava...precious!
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