Contagious JOY!
I heard this today - "Any one can find happiness -Only Believers Can find JOY!"
Ohhh,, this is sooo true, isn't it?
J -Jesus
O -Others
Y -You
Joy can be so contagious. I am hoping that I was "contagious" this week!
Speaking of joy..

Labels: Family Fun
At April 3, 2009 at 5:41 PM ,
Aspiemom said...
I hope I've been spreading joy this week, too.
The little girl is just adorable!
At April 3, 2009 at 9:26 PM ,
Unknown said...
Oh, what a sweetie! :)
I've got the joy joy joy joy...down in my heart!
At January 13, 2011 at 10:09 PM ,
Erin Jacob said...
I am responsible for the sign in front of North Presbyterian Church. I just changed there are three quotes about Joy. :) Joy is not in the circumstance. It is the presence of Jesus in us. We must share our Joy with any and all! Thank you for your always exudes Joy!
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