My Special Temari
I was not able to post a Memory for My Walk Down Memory Lane today.
I have been dealing with a yucky migraine for about four days now, and so I wasn't able to muster up any spare space in my head for thinking too deeply.
I wanted to share with you a picture of my Temari. A special gift I received from Shi. She was so sweet in making a special Temari for my Kitchen colors. Shi is so talented. I visited her blog, and loved all of the beautiful work that she does to benefit others. You will want to visit her blog (click on any words high-lighted) and see the other Temari's that she makes. Mine is so beautiful! I have it hanging in my kitchen, and it looks so pretty. It stands for Friendship, and I remind my children of that when they see it.

This gift made by Shi was from my friend, Lynnette. I would invite you to visit her blog, and say "hello." She has a contest once in a while , with a lot of fun twists. This Temari, was what I received from one of her contests. I was so thrilled! THANK YOU LYNNETTE! I love my Temari.
If you are like me, and have never seen a Temari before, welcome to blog land! This is like a new adventure, with a gift around every corner. Not only will you find out things you have never thought about before, but you will meet some very special people.
Hope you enjoyed viewing my Temari today! I love seeing it every morning!
I have been dealing with a yucky migraine for about four days now, and so I wasn't able to muster up any spare space in my head for thinking too deeply.
I wanted to share with you a picture of my Temari. A special gift I received from Shi. She was so sweet in making a special Temari for my Kitchen colors. Shi is so talented. I visited her blog, and loved all of the beautiful work that she does to benefit others. You will want to visit her blog (click on any words high-lighted) and see the other Temari's that she makes. Mine is so beautiful! I have it hanging in my kitchen, and it looks so pretty. It stands for Friendship, and I remind my children of that when they see it.

This gift made by Shi was from my friend, Lynnette. I would invite you to visit her blog, and say "hello." She has a contest once in a while , with a lot of fun twists. This Temari, was what I received from one of her contests. I was so thrilled! THANK YOU LYNNETTE! I love my Temari.
If you are like me, and have never seen a Temari before, welcome to blog land! This is like a new adventure, with a gift around every corner. Not only will you find out things you have never thought about before, but you will meet some very special people.
Hope you enjoyed viewing my Temari today! I love seeing it every morning!
At May 27, 2009 at 7:43 PM ,
Ange said...
Hi September,
It was such a blessing to receive your comment on my Heart at Home blog. Thank you so much for taking time to stop and say hi! I would love for you to add me to your blog list. And I will add you to mine! I love your blog and we have so much in common! The little gift is adorable! Take care! I will visit you again!!!
At May 27, 2009 at 8:16 PM ,
Sally-Ann said...
I hope that you get relief from your migraine! I have never seen a Temari before, so thankyou for sharing!
At May 27, 2009 at 8:51 PM ,
Aspiemom said...
Never heard of a Temari so I'll have to check out her site.
I'm sorry you've had a relentless migraine. I get them a lot. I used to get them for about 2 weeks straight, but they put me on Nortryptlin (sp) to prevent them and that broke the cycle. Then my CF dr didn't like me being on that and took me off it - now I'm getting more of them again but not the 14 day duration.
I hope you're feeling better soon.
BTW, I've been thinking about your son's comment on the nail and Jesus ever since I read it.
At May 27, 2009 at 10:13 PM ,
Jenilee said...
How fun! I've never seen one before... I'll have to check it out!
Hope you feel better soon!
At May 28, 2009 at 10:23 AM ,
Julie said...
I've never even heard of a temari! Learn something new every day!
Hope your migraine is better today!
At May 29, 2009 at 1:23 PM ,
Anonymous said... are to KIND!
Thank You for posting links to my blog! I am so excited to be selling them and putting the money back into feeding the hungrey and needy ppl of my son-in-laws village in Africa...It is truely amazing to see how God has moved through this project! Enjoy and God Blessing to you...Shi~
At June 6, 2009 at 9:47 AM ,
Unknown said...
Shi did a beautiful job on your temari! Love it! You're right, blogging has opened up a whole new world! :)
Your blog is coming up this morning for me. Not sure why it didn't before - but it was only yours that I couldn't get to load. Weird.
Love ya.
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