Look Into their eyes
All that we are, and all that they will be.
It was day, just like any other..
nap time..
and I told Maryahna, our three year old- Shirley-Temple, that it was time for naps.
As usual, nap time is right in the middle of school, lunches, chores, and I am do not spend a lot of time on the more meaningful things :
Songs, books, rubbing their heads... we save that for bedtime.
I ask Maryahna to lay down, so that I can tuck her in...
cover her with her blankets,
recite the every day quote.." Now lay down and rest, ok? Do not get up and play right now."
A moment passes while I cover her up with her special blanket, shut the blind, and breathe a sigh of motherhood..
I lean down to give her a kiss...
I look into her eyes..
the window to her soul.
I see:
big brown eyes - and I can SEE what she sees:
a mom in a hurry,
sadness over my sharp tone,
Confusion as to which "mommy" I am going to be when I tuck her in.
My bright eyed beauty has eyes that tell how I am doing as a mommy.
When I look into her eyes, they tell ALL.
Joy or frustration,
and love.
Talk about conviction!
Take time to Look into their eyes MORE..
and see:
all that we are
all that they will be.

Labels: My Children