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A Few Questions/Answers About Me..
A Fun Twist to Abigail's Blog Parade!
( I love Parade's! Don't you?!)
Afternoon's! When School is accomplished, We are all home together, and I am able to spend more time with each child individually.
2. If health wasn't an issue, what food could you live off of?
Yep,, No question about it. One a day, keeps the grouchies away! ( Of course, skim milk, and no caramel added now, help with the calorie intake!)
3. If you could have one wish granted (besides wishing for more wishes), what would it be?
I don't know about this question. I am not a "wisher!" But, alas,, if I allowed myself to be, it would be that those who have anger/animosity and bitterness could find the Peace that Passes all Understanding. I hate to see people suffer, unnecessarily.
4. What's one thing that you get teased about a lot?
I bet you couldn't guess that I get teased about my name!!??
Yeppers. All of the time. I have been called - Sep, Septic, October, January, Seppy!
But for those of you that have never met me, I have to confess, I also get teased.... about my reaction to caffeine. I am a quiet, relaxed person by nature, but three years ago, during one of my pregnancies, I began craving espresso. Now, when I have my daily lattes, it is a given that I am silly as all get out!
5. If you could choose one movie, book, or TV show to spend your life in, which would you pick? What type of character would you be?
I can't even answer this question.. I cannot even imagine spending my life any where else. Sorry.. I guess where I lack in imagination, my children make up for it!
6. If you could have one talent that you don't already have, what would it be?
Hmmm... I am sorely lacking in the design, sewing, creating department. I would LOVE to be able to sit at my sewing machine and create so many things. Alas, not for me on this earth.
7.If money were no object, where would you go on vacation?
No question about it, I would love, love to go to Hawaii! The sun, the beaches, sunsets, and the water... all something I dream about!
Hmmmm... Probably, Selah, or Laura Story Songs. Does that genre have a name? And if you have never heard of Laura Story!!??- I highly recommend her music!
Does it have to be ONE store? This is so hard!! Probably would have to be IKEA!!!
10. If you could live in any point in time, when would it be?
This would be during the Time of Exploration/Settling of the West. I love the adventure, although the hardship and loss I would leave out. ( and the corsets, of course!)
Can I say the Amish life appeals to me too...
11. If every outfit in your wardrobe had to be one color, what would it be?
Brown. Plain Jane brown. Thats me.. even today, I have on a light brown sweater, brown shoes, and socks. LOVE IT!
12. If you were one of the seven dwarves, which one would you be?
Happy- For sure.
14. What's something we'd be surprised to know about you?
I am not tolerant of temperature. I am a whiner about cold, snow, heat and being plain uncomfortable. I work very hard at not complaining about this.. but, bottom line, my body hates the cold more than any thing.
At March 5, 2010 at 4:23 PM ,
Holly said...
You are right, we do have lots in common! lol
And just so you know, now you've got me craving iced caramel latters..mmm!
Thanks for stopping by my blog...I am enjoying yours also!
At March 5, 2010 at 5:54 PM ,
Sherrie said...
I loved reading your answers and I am glad you decided to post them. :) I would LOVE to be in Hawaii about now. And, I too, am a big complainer when it comes to temperature. If it could stay 70-80 degrees year round I would be happy... maybe?
At March 5, 2010 at 8:14 PM ,
Linda said...
September...I LOVE your name...and I am not gonna tease you about it. (:>)
I love brown too...as you know when you read my answers.
Thanks for the sweet comments by the way! You are so nice.
Well, I went to the zoo yesterday with my kids and grandkids and I did my monkey imitation for my grandkids but I found out I am not as good as I used to be! Ha! (However, Lynnette did video me being silly and I think she might post it. So embarrassing)!
I complain when it is too hot or too cold too and my favorite weather is in spring and autumm.
Well, I need to close. I hope you will have a great weekend September.
Love, Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
At March 5, 2010 at 8:43 PM ,
Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...
Hi September...I loved your list...Hawaii would be great, wouldn't it? Oh...I wish...
I love that you wouldn't want to be anywhere else, or anyone else but who you are!
I'm intrigued by the Amish as well...
Glad to see you on the parade...I enjoyed doing this.
Love to you,
At March 5, 2010 at 9:46 PM ,
Heather said...
I love your name! I was born in September! :)
The Amish life appeals to me, too. :) I visited Amish Country in Pennsylvania a few years ago with my husband and I LOVED it!! I like to read Beverly Lewis books and other fictional Amish books, so I was just SO excited to see it in real life. :)
At March 5, 2010 at 11:55 PM ,
Heather said...
September, you asked on my blog about laundry soap. I have been buying "Method" brand green laundry soap from Target. It is one of the cheaper priced laundry detergents. However, a couple of my friends make their own using the recipe on this site- http://planetgreen.discovery.com/home-garden/make-your-own-laundry-soap.html
I want to try it sometime. They use the powder version and say it works fine, even in cold water.
At March 6, 2010 at 8:14 AM ,
carissa said...
your family is adorable and your blog is so fun! i love laura story. i love her song writing! i also love your name. i think it's full of beauty and oh so unique! and, oh my goodness, brown is my must have color. love it. it just goes so well with (almost) everything! happy weekend to you!
At March 6, 2010 at 11:21 AM ,
Unknown said...
But you forgot to say that your chum Lynnette calls you EM! :) ha! And here I was teasing you about your name! Naughty me. Truth is - I adore your name.
Any form of coffee - yum!!
Hey, let's go to Hawaii together. Wouldn't that be fun? Okay, our hubbies could go too. ha ha ha!
I'm with you in the sewing department. I hate sewing.
I used to want to live like the Amish - but I decided I prefer electricity.
Brown - love it!
Happy - that's why I love you!
IKEA - we don't have one anywhere near us. I'd never heard of it until we went to California. Sounds cool.
I hate to be cold. I hate to be too hot. But I think I prefer hot over cold. Yeah definitely.
You answered just as I expected. No, really.
Well, except I didn't realize people called you Septic. That's HORRID!
Love ya Em!
Your chum,
At March 6, 2010 at 2:50 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I like your answers. Why be Grumpy or Sleepy when you can be Happy all the time!
Hawaii is nice ~ most people seem happy there.
I also like iced caramel lattes. It's so delicious.
At March 8, 2010 at 12:15 PM ,
Sara said...
September, I absolutely agree about the intolerance for temperature, which is not so great when you're living in the Midwest. I was just whining to my husband the other day about how I'm soooo TIRED of winter! And in four months it will be... I'm soooo TIRED of summer!
At March 9, 2010 at 5:43 PM ,
busymomof10 said...
I enjoyed reading your answers! how fun!
I love your name! It is so cute -- and i think it suits you! :)
I used to work with a woman named June Bliss and this guy we worked with insisted on calling her May Ecstacy! :)
I love caramel lattes too, but I'm not a brown person! I like Blue!
At March 10, 2010 at 4:02 PM ,
Holly said...
I wish I could go to Hawaii every year!! I would love that!! My bff loves coffee type stuff like espresso and lattes but I'm not a fan at all! She drinks enough for the both of us. lol
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