Not so fun, I say.
Take a Guess..
What am I referring to...
that is..
Yep.. I decided Spring is coming,.. I am at that "in between," size again.. ( Maternity clothing, and "normal" wear.)
Let me tell you...
There is NO SUCH THING as "In Between" clothing.
I took three of the older kids with me,,, we went to three stores..
What did I come home with?
* Two Shirts
*A confusion about which mirrors are really right...MINE or theirs?
*A BIG reality Check .. ( notice the emphasis on BIG)
*Less money- As usual ...spent it on the kids
*A confirmation as to why I normally shop at the Local Used Botique... where all of the clothes are sorted by color and not SIZE
Leaving the last store... my waist was probably 2 sizes larger...
because my hope had been deflated!
I was mumbling under my breath about how I cannot understand how I didn't see at home what I saw in those mirrors.
Is it the lighting?
I walked to the van, looked up, and remembered where we had parked and saw this again:
Do you think this sign was put there just
for me?
Thank you... encouraging sign- you!
Not so fun, I say!
Not yet!
At March 12, 2010 at 8:38 AM ,
Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...
I'm with you on the shopping...and the mirrors! =)
Lovin' the sign though!
At March 12, 2010 at 9:14 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I agree, I do not believe there is an "in-between" size, I think it is just they way that goes.
I did go shopping last weekend, and was in the same boat, sizes, etc......I did make out rather well though....
Don't ever give up.... Love to you!
Amy B...
At March 12, 2010 at 9:38 AM ,
Yvonne @ StoneGable said...
If I could shop for clothing with a blindfold I would be so much happier! Love the sign. Some very smart person put that up.
At March 13, 2010 at 12:24 AM ,
Caroline said...
I know what you mean about shopping and clothes. I think alot of times it just depends who makes them. One time this size will work and then another time a bigger size. I get so upset. Great post.
At March 16, 2010 at 8:23 PM ,
Holly said...
I like that sign! lol I seriously think they are making clothes smaller these days.
At March 21, 2010 at 10:03 PM ,
Angela said...
Ugh. I'm "in-between" on the clothing issue, too. I need to buy clothes, but my body is not quite back to the post-pregnant shape I want it to be in. :-) What's a girl to do?... :-)
At May 10, 2010 at 12:04 AM ,
Unknown said...
Yes, that sign was there just for you because you ARE a super star! (To everybody that matters!)
Love you,
Your in between friend,
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