One September Day

Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's almost time for the Party!

DATE: March 1st, 2011 – March 8th, 2011

TIME: Starts at 12:01 am on 3/1/11- Ends at Midnight on 3/8/11

Will you join me in this grand event?
Hosted by my dear friend Lynnette..
Isn't that the prettiest Blog Button out there?
So... What's a Blog party?
I am so glad you asked...

Come back here on Tuesday, and read 
my answers to some very curious questions!
Leave a comment,, answering some questions yourself,,
and Click on the Pretty Blog Party Button ..
and you will go visit Lynnette too!
From there...
you will meet all kinds of new people at the party!

It really is fun, and I KNOW you will love meeting the new blogs out there...
That is not all...
What'a a party,,, without Prizes?
Link up to the party all week, and see the AMAZING, SPECTACULAR 
PRIZES over at Lynnette's!
I am still in AWE!
ON Tuesday...
Stop back here...
and Join the Party!



Friday, February 25, 2011

Five Years Ago- In Five Minutes

Multi-tasking.... Five years ago - That was me!

I am linking up with The Gypsy Mama - For Five - Minute Friday!
What an awesome idea.. because on Friday,, that's about all I have - 5 minutes.
Stop by and visit her here.. and link up if you have time!

Five Years Ago,,
I was jogging along life's highways, feeling healthy, strong,  un-pregnant at the time.. and "doing!"
Lots and lots of doing---
In Five minutes you would find me homeschooling, starting dinner prep, changing diapers, nursing, and preparing for a Bible Story at a nearby school.

Five Years Ago...
Our yard was full of chickens, a pen with 2 pigs, our trees were flogged with Maple Syrup Taps, and my walls were being painted again for the third time with a warm yellow-honey color.

Five Years Ago...
I was juicing for my family- carrots, greens, barley, and more.  We ate all raw, and I was walking 3-6 miles a day.

Five Years Ago...
Church encompassed our life.. lessons, meetings, responsibilities, and relationships.

Five Years Ago...
Homeschooling seemed to fit in the gaps..

Now... Five Years Later...
This is NOT where I am.
NOW... it takes me 10 minutes to do one of things it took me to do in 5!
One word-

Five years ago..
What were YOU doing?
I am curious to know.

It did only take me 5 minutes to type this,,, AND...
I drank a Chai tea in the process.

No Pictures... No time... Five Minutes are up.


We are just plain... crazy!!

Ok.. I will be the first to admit it...

We ARE crazy.
 Our family has so much fun together... it is not even funny.... but it is!
Sometimes, when I look back on a day, or a week, I just smile and laugh at the things we all say and do... together.

It is just the way we are.  Good, wholesome.... FUN!
It certainly does help that my husband has a great sense of humor, and our oldest and youngest daughters have inherited this from him!

Not to mention... my 2nd son, has this incredible ability to make me laugh...over just about nothing.  Sometimes, his looking at me will make me break out in hysterical laughter.

Spending time together as a family is not a hardship for us..

We do not need money or entertainment to keep things moving in a positive direction in this household.
Our evenings are usually spent gathered in the living room, with the younger "crew" tucked in bed, and the oldest children, along with their dad and I... talking,,, and talking,,, and laughing!
Usually laughing.
If you were to ask me the next day what we were up late talking and sharing, about... I probably would not remember... the days and nights run together.
But, I will tell you this...

When a day goes by that we are not gathered together.... talking and laughing... it is like a BIG hole in our week.  And I will never take my family time for granted.

Here are a handful of pictures that epict the laughter we share!

On vacation.. Ben falling asleep in van..near Sarah...
Queen of Drama!

Tom Sawyer Play- Ben and Sarah had lead roles..
they totally enjoyed this..
although Sarah wasn't too excited about her Becky Thatcher attire!

Sarah and Matthew in a fun Tom Sawyer pose!

Another day to be thankful for my family.
My fun family.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Take a memo

My new motto:

"Take a memo.."

Pregnancy,, at least this go-around has brought new challenges, and a new outlook on accomplishing just what needs to be done, and nothing more.

Why?  I just simply cannot.
Physically under the weather- I have resolved to "Take a memo...." and get it done "later."
Whenever later is.

It has not been easy for me to put things off.  Not one single bit. 
But, I do know this... IT has created in me an understanding of those that suffer physically every single day...
It has taught me not to get caught up in the emotion of either can or you can't.. and I definitely am not one to not try.
And.. more importantly,,, the Lord and I have had soo much more time together.  I am so thankful for this.... this time with my Father in Heaven.

His Comfort, His Peace, His Strength, and His Provision - Is ALL I need.

 So, for ... The Cleaning, Organizing, Errands, Meal Planning, Date nights, Fellowship, and all the things that fill up time...

"Take a memo... God is ALL I need.. nothing more."

So, welcome little baby of ours... soon in my arms... I will hold you and tell you of an Amazing God we have... and we will discover HIM all over again -  TOGETHER!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Those Familiar Things!!!!

 A Walk Down Memory Lane to a Place I Miss and Enjoyed so Much....
I awoke two days ago in my own home to a familiar thing...and this is what I began to remember:

Toast in the toaster...warming the senses

Wind-chimes blowing on the porch

Flag blowing in the wind after being carefully raised with large and tiny hands

Coffee perking on the stove... Tea whistling right beside

Newspaper folded open on table... good and bad news waiting the reader

Warm Dish soap filling the sink... rubber gloves adorning the gentle, protected hands

Glass Pitcher with fruit etched on glass, brimming with frothy Orange Juice from the blender

Doorbell ringing.. in repetition... greeting those that come to break the morning dawn with toast and coffee

Small round table  - gathered with family and smiles

Familiar  - The senses come alive and the re-creation of even one.  Toast darkened on both sides.  

Life at my Grandmother's Home - almost every morning.

What are Your Familiar Things?

Click on the Button above to visit Jenilee and her Walk down Memory :Lane.  Thank you Jenilee for hosting this every Wednesday.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

When IT is screaming at you

Patience:  It is screaming at me.

Sounds rather extreme, doesn't it?

Perhaps there is something screaming at you too?

Screaming... as in...
 you see it is needed,,,
It is always before you as a test....
and you wish it would just happen and not be so much work?

Patience....It is screaming at me.

Philippians 4:6 - "Be careful in nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made know unto God.
             Verse 7 - And the peace of God which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

Here is a portion of my Thankful List for today:

*Sunshine through my windows
*Diligence in my daughter
*Birthday Cookie baking in oven
*Snow-forts in front lawn
*Healthy/rosy cheeks in my toddler 
*Warm embrace from husband
*Baby movement- growing strong

Patience will probably scream at me some more today,
I will keep my mind in Christ.

Stop in later for a Sure - to - Please:   Dinner Menu!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Snow Pops.. DIY Fun!

After beating away the Winter Blues with some Creative and Fun Ideas...
I had to share a few pictures of Our Snow Pops that we  made.
 ( we found over at MckMama's..)

They are super easy, and super yummy!
An easy start....  Have one of these?

Mix and Bake as directed.

Crumble into small pieces ( I did this with my hands).. into a Mixing bowl.

Make this Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe :

8 oz. package cream cheese, softened
6 T. butter, softened
1 t. vanilla
1T. cream (or milk)
3 cups powdered sugar

Stir 1/2 cup of frosting into crumbled cake mixture.
Until moist enough to form cake balls.

Easy. Easy. Easy.

Melt white chocolate baking chips, squares, or melts.
All will work.

I melt mine in the microwave.
Separate into paper cups ( easier to throw away later.)
Choose food coloring for each cup..
Or leave white.

Roll cake balls into melted chocolate to cover.
Shake with colored sprinkles.

WHALA!!  Our Snow Pops!

So delicious, and fun!

Give them a try and let me know of your success!


These things I love

"Let the Words of my mouth and the Meditations of my heart, be pleasing unto you O Lord."

These things I love:

These are a few of my favorite things.

I see the Good.. I choose joy.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

UPDATED: DIY Natural Cleaner Recipes


Winter here gives me more time to try some new Recipes,, and one of the areas that I am always trying to make changes is freeing our home from chemicals,, whether thru our foods, our cleaners, or our environment...

The last thing I want my children cleaning with is a chemical that is being absorbed into their skin, and going to affect their health now, and in the future...

It takes baby steps to come to a home that is full of the goodness we want it to be, and so this small change can be considered another Baby Step in that direction.

Here is a Recipe I came across for Floor and Counter Cleaner.  The use of this in a spray bottle makes it even more easy for your children to help you with the tasks at hand.

Natural Cleaner for your Home
Recipe adapted from The Naturally Clean Home Karyn Siegel-Maier

1 gallon hot water
2 tablespoons liquid castile soap
15-20 drops sweet orange essential oil
8-10 drops lemon essential oil
Pour soap and essential oils into a large container (can divide between two half gallon jars). Fill with hot water.
Pour some into a spray bottle to keep for cleaning the counter tops.
Does not need to be rinsed off.

Here is a Wonderful Natural Recipe for Air Freshener for your home.. Kitchen, Bathrooms, etc.
  Homemade Air Freshener
1 cup water
4 teaspoons baking soda
2 tablespoons white vinegar
10 drops lavender oil (or other essential oil)

1. Mix vinegar and baking soda until foaming stops. 
2. Add essential oil and then the water.
3. Shake well to combine.  

I prefer sweet Orange Oil ,, but a Lavender is a calming effect in this spray.
If it is the Holidays, or perhaps you would prefer year-round.. Cinnamon or Eucalyptus Oil is a nice change.

I purchase my Natural products for creating my cleaners, and other remedies here :
You will love their products~

For more recipes like this, you will want to visit this fabulous blog here:   Frugal Granola

Try this... you won't regret finding new ways to eliminate toxins in your home.
If there was a secret to keeping my little ones clean all the time, I might consider trying that too..
Then, I wouldn't be finding this:

