It's almost time for the Party!
DATE: March 1st, 2011 – March 8th, 2011
TIME: Starts at 12:01 am on 3/1/11- Ends at Midnight on 3/8/11
Will you join me in this grand event?
Hosted by my dear friend Lynnette..
Isn't that the prettiest Blog Button out there?
So... What's a Blog party?
I am so glad you asked...
Come back here on Tuesday, and read
my answers to some very curious questions!
Leave a comment,, answering some questions yourself,,
and Click on the Pretty Blog Party Button ..
and you will go visit Lynnette too!
From there...
you will meet all kinds of new people at the party!
It really is fun, and I KNOW you will love meeting the new blogs out there...
That is not all...
What'a a party,,, without Prizes?
Link up to the party all week, and see the AMAZING, SPECTACULAR
PRIZES over at Lynnette's!
I am still in AWE!
ON Tuesday...
Stop back here...
and Join the Party!

Will you join me in this grand event?
Hosted by my dear friend Lynnette..
Isn't that the prettiest Blog Button out there?
So... What's a Blog party?
I am so glad you asked...
Come back here on Tuesday, and read
my answers to some very curious questions!
Leave a comment,, answering some questions yourself,,
and Click on the Pretty Blog Party Button ..
and you will go visit Lynnette too!
From there...
you will meet all kinds of new people at the party!
It really is fun, and I KNOW you will love meeting the new blogs out there...
That is not all...
What'a a party,,, without Prizes?
Link up to the party all week, and see the AMAZING, SPECTACULAR
PRIZES over at Lynnette's!
I am still in AWE!
ON Tuesday...
Stop back here...
and Join the Party!

Labels: Blogging World
At February 26, 2011 at 1:19 AM ,
Michelle said...
You have one THE most beautiful, charming, peaceful and lovely blogs I have EVER, EVER seen! I just love it. Your family is precious and I can't WAIT to get to know you through your blogging. I've only been in the blog world since 2009. I'm just know getting the hang of the putting it altogetherness of it all. I like the width and breadth of your blog. It is so easy to read. Mine is so couped up and clogged. It's a clogged blog! Anyway, all that just to tell you I'll try to do the Blog Party. I did the 5 min./5 yr. thing and forgot to link to Gypsy Mama's blog. Geesh, well, there's always next Friday to get it right. It was nice to listen to your music and "virtually" meet you!
At February 28, 2011 at 8:21 PM ,
Unknown said...
Thanks for spreading the word Em! I loooove you!
Praying for you as you enter these last couple weeks of pregnancy. I think my alarm is about to go off to remind you about those COPacks. :) I'll text you when it goes off! ha!
Love to you friend.
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