My Comfort Zone
Knowing someone is struggling with loneliness, and praying for them. That's enough, right?
Letting someone else be the one to put the grocery cart away in the parking lot.
Making a single batch of cookies or muffins,( not double,) because - hey - it is a miracle I have time for MY family. Right?
Sending a card to someone in the hospital. They are probably getting too many visitors as it is.
( And what about that GERM thing!?)
Spending some time on the phone with someone that really needs to talk is too hard- look around,, life is swirling around me!
Another mom is having a hard time - do I really have time to make her a meal, and stop to talk?
Going out of the way to stop and get my husband his special coffee - no... he knows how busy I am ,, (and that the baby is crying in the backseat. )
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
I am constantly challenged to get out of my COMFORT ZONE. We all have them. And in a lot of different ways.
We were created not for ourselves. Not for our own glory or self-satisfaction.
When did we start thinking that way? It is amazing to me when I sit back and realize just how quickly I have fallen back into that self-induced comfort zone.
Shame on me.
Yes, it is easier for me to just share a smile ( and for some of us, even that is hard!),,,, rather than take a minute to care about the other person. Who knows why God had your paths cross that minute... maybe they need you to show them a bit of friendliness?
Making a meal, muffins, or cookies,,, make a double batch! Take them to a neighbor, or a friend that you know in your heart is struggling. I often will pray and ask the Lord to lay someone upon my heart that could use encouraging. Be prepared - there are many!!
Sending a card to someone spontaneously is a true gift. WHO doesn't like friendly mail? Those colored envelopes that bring cheer, rather than bills, or news of doom?!
Ever visit someone in the hospital. Ignore that fallacy that they are getting too many visitors. Most times this is very untrue. The hospital is a very lonely, depressing place, and not conducive to true healing. That comes from within - give that gift to others regularly.
This comfort zone thing can get kind down right UNCOMFORTABLE thinking about can't it?
Picture this - A mom of nine children locked in the bathroom, or sitting on a bundled pack of paper towels from SAMS, hiding in the pantry,,, trying to find a quiet place to talk on the phone to someone who really needs to talk! Yep- This is not comfortable- life is swirling around me,, but there are certain phone calls that you just don't ignore for the sake of convenience. Be there for someone this week - all they may need is to talk.
Going out of the way at Church/ or the Office to talk to someone new? Phssawww! This is a hard one for some. I know. Try it,, introduce yourself, and let them know that you just wanted to say hi, and that it was nice to see them. This is not artificial - this is a genuine act of selflessness!
My comfort zone is always changing. I am always challenged. Isn't that what growing is about?
Some things are easier for some than others. Find your comfort zone this week, and step out of it.
Step out far. And don't go back.
We reap what we sow.
Galatians 6: 9 & 10 -
"And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
As we therefore have opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."
Take a minute and enjoy the comfort of this quiet place.