A Healing Heart
Perhaps not.
Have you noticed others around you that seem sad, struggling, or even angry over something?
I do. Every day.
If you look, wherever you go, there are hurting people.
It is easy to miss if you are in a hurry all of the time, or even aren't in a habit to train your heart to see the hurt that others carry.
Perhaps when we go thru difficult times ourselves, in our past or even present, our hearts and minds are given the opportunity to be tuned into others similar experiences and heavy hearts.
I would hope so.
Otherwise, was our difficulty all about us?
It can be so much more - for so many more.
Looking through the window of another's heart can be so revealing into their actions and attitudes and can even help us with our reactions to them, our patience, and understanding.
The heart takes time to heal.
Do we give others the time that we ourselves would want or need to be open again to so many things.
Healing - from grief, anger, loss, transition, and much more can take time.
While carrying my firstborn daughter, and knowing that she was not going to live long past her birth brought a lot of changes to my life.
As I carried her, I became close to this little baby girl - full of life and she became a part of me.
I would sing to her, pray over her, talk to her, and rub my belly to feel her kick back.
As she was delivered into my arms, I looked down at her and knew she would not be with me for a very long time.
How does the heart prepare for a time like this - and how does it heal?
With the Lord and with time. It is a Promise He gives us.
But don't forget the time.
My beautiful baby girl became such an important part of who I am, at the moment she made me a first time mommy.
We were able to save a lock of her hair. We took her hand prints- to impress upon our minds of her pretty fingers, and we kissed and sang her way into the Arms of a Loving Saviour - one hour later.
Saying good bye was one of the hardest things to do. A part of me was being taken away.
Her place in our home would always be missed.
Healing began. And over time - He has done a good work.
Life seems different through the eyes of a trial. Not everything will be seen or experienced the same way.
If we could live life giving those around us a smile, and a patient response - we could show them Christs love in such a greater way.
I see hurting people wherever I go - and I am sure that you do as well.
For instance-
Was there a grumpy or stoic clerk at the store?
- Perhaps someone at Church was avoiding talking to you or someone else?
-Did a family member or a meeting with someone today bring a rude or even curt response to you?
- Maybe someone has dropped out of the social picture with excuses of complaints, or anger
-Know someone who uses attacking your character or others as a way to communicate
I am, in no way, condoning these actions, or character traits--please know that..
BUT- these are truly examples of how people hurt, and how we can be in tune with those around us.
Tune in.. and help someone break down that barrier this week.
Wouldn't it be great if it was you that someone shared a smile with, or gave you space to heal.
I know it would.
Because a Healing Heart is the best place to plant Christs loving example.