Fanatical Homeschooling
Large Family, Stay- at -Home mom, Gardening & Canning, Alternative Health, Breastfeeding, and of course, Homeschooling tops the list that some label - FANATICAL.
This just makes me laugh. Truly.
I have to find humor in this, for if not,, I would be the same way about the way that other people live.
Here's the scoop- Homeschooling is not for those that find themselves in this category:
( although, I have to mention this disclaimer to this category: I once fit well into this list, and choseto homeschool, thus finding that I was able to change and grow - it's achievable.)
The Not so perfect Fit for Homeschooling:
1.)Obsessed with having a Clean Home
2.)Not a Morning Person
3.)Cannot handle Multi-tasking
4.)Do not like interruptions or schedule Changes
5.)Like to have dinner made or planned out before 5 p.m.
6.)Enjoy talking on the phone
7.) Does not like to ignore any phone calls
8.)Enjoy wearing make-up, and any clothing other than sweatpants every day
9.)Like to go shopping
10.)Does not like to see paper work/bills pile up
11.)Clutter bothers you
12.)Have a problem with correcting your child
13.)Think that homeschooling is the easier route
14.)Do not enjoy eating p.b. & j.
15.)Cannot imagine your counters covered in Science projects
16.)Think that homeschooling is all seat work
17.)Dust bothers you
18.)Are concerned about what others may think or say about homeschooling
19.)Do not like the sound of a pencil sharpener the whole day
20.)Want to be only a mommy and not a mommy and teacher
If you fit into the Above List - Do not be Disheartened- I am there with ya!
Not -so-Good - of - A Fit for Homeschooling Some days- but here I am- waking up every day to the PURPOSED CHOICE to homeschool, knowing that I am going to waver some days, and not enjoy every minute, but LOVE the moments that it brings to my days.
Because- here it is- this Choice is not about homeschooling.. it is about Character Training, Loving, Nurturing, and Coming alongside my Child, putting my Not so perfect tendencies aside, and realizing that this is the only chance I have. We only have One Time Around-
So, if I am labeled fanatical- it gives me a good chuckle, and that's all I need to cure my discontent over my sometimes untidy home, my worn out sweats, the mountain of paperwork, and the last minute meal that sometimes is prepared.
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine!
So, join me in my next few blogs on our Homeschooling adventure. Maybe you can relate,,, and maybe you will think I am out of my mind. ( Which I would have to agree with you some days!!)
But either way-
I will be here, and I actually found time to do this AND homeschool. It IS possible!

This just makes me laugh. Truly.
I have to find humor in this, for if not,, I would be the same way about the way that other people live.
Here's the scoop- Homeschooling is not for those that find themselves in this category:
( although, I have to mention this disclaimer to this category: I once fit well into this list, and choseto homeschool, thus finding that I was able to change and grow - it's achievable.)
The Not so perfect Fit for Homeschooling:
1.)Obsessed with having a Clean Home
2.)Not a Morning Person
3.)Cannot handle Multi-tasking
4.)Do not like interruptions or schedule Changes
5.)Like to have dinner made or planned out before 5 p.m.
6.)Enjoy talking on the phone
7.) Does not like to ignore any phone calls
8.)Enjoy wearing make-up, and any clothing other than sweatpants every day
9.)Like to go shopping
10.)Does not like to see paper work/bills pile up
11.)Clutter bothers you
12.)Have a problem with correcting your child
13.)Think that homeschooling is the easier route
14.)Do not enjoy eating p.b. & j.
15.)Cannot imagine your counters covered in Science projects
16.)Think that homeschooling is all seat work
17.)Dust bothers you
18.)Are concerned about what others may think or say about homeschooling
19.)Do not like the sound of a pencil sharpener the whole day
20.)Want to be only a mommy and not a mommy and teacher
If you fit into the Above List - Do not be Disheartened- I am there with ya!
Not -so-Good - of - A Fit for Homeschooling Some days- but here I am- waking up every day to the PURPOSED CHOICE to homeschool, knowing that I am going to waver some days, and not enjoy every minute, but LOVE the moments that it brings to my days.
Because- here it is- this Choice is not about homeschooling.. it is about Character Training, Loving, Nurturing, and Coming alongside my Child, putting my Not so perfect tendencies aside, and realizing that this is the only chance I have. We only have One Time Around-
So, if I am labeled fanatical- it gives me a good chuckle, and that's all I need to cure my discontent over my sometimes untidy home, my worn out sweats, the mountain of paperwork, and the last minute meal that sometimes is prepared.
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine!
So, join me in my next few blogs on our Homeschooling adventure. Maybe you can relate,,, and maybe you will think I am out of my mind. ( Which I would have to agree with you some days!!)
But either way-
I will be here, and I actually found time to do this AND homeschool. It IS possible!
Here is a picture of my three oldest heading off to their first day of school this year- after being homeschooled until now.
I survived and they thrived!!
At September 21, 2009 at 4:12 PM ,
Tracey said...
HA! I can soooo relate. Now I will say hubby has really helped me deal better with the paperwork pile but it still happens! (And still drives him NUTS! poor guy)
I have to agree though, that it really isn't about homeschooling. For us as well, is it truly about character training, loving, nurturing, and coming alongside our children. We get just the one shot to get this right. One shot to raise men of God (in our case)and we can do that so much more effectively nurturing them day-by-day, hour-by-hour.
And I'm glad to know that I am not the only one still wondering at 5pm what is for dinner! What are you having tonight??? Hmmm...I don't know either.....better go start looking. It is only 4pm. I'm ahead of the game tonight!!
At September 21, 2009 at 5:34 PM ,
Linda said...
Kudos to you and all of the home-schooling moms. I think God will bless all of your efforts.
I wish I could have been homeschooled 45 years ago! HA! I thrived in elementary school but hated the peer pressures in Junior High and Highschool. And unfortunately I yielded to some of them.
Life is hard sometimes. Praise God we don't have to go through it alone,...especially when we know the Lord, and He walks beside us everyday.
September,...I hope you enjoy this lovely September day! Take Care.
Love, Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
At September 21, 2009 at 9:24 PM ,
Unknown said...
You have a beautiful family! I think you rock for homeschooling your kids!
At September 22, 2009 at 9:51 AM ,
Jenilee said...
I loved your list of things... it is so true! you have to be able to let wet, gluey projects dry on the counter and ignore the phone (or the internet:)!! it isn't easy but I'm loving it all! :)
At September 22, 2009 at 12:05 PM ,
Anonymous said...
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At September 22, 2009 at 11:52 PM ,
Unknown said...
Did I forget? Your three oldest are going to school? I think I knew that... didn't I? Yes, that WOULD be weird... and must be kinda sad too huh?
I forgot that you text - that's so cooooool! I'll email you my cell phone number for texting. I'm excited! (and not very good at texting, but I'll improve)
At September 22, 2009 at 11:56 PM ,
Unknown said...
Okay I went and found the post about the three oldest going to a private Christian school. I just forgot - this homeschool mom brain doesn't hold as many new things as it used to because it's getting too full! ha!
At September 23, 2009 at 3:18 PM ,
Holly said...
I think homeschooling is great!! I don't think I could do it but many kudos to those who do!!!
At September 26, 2009 at 1:03 PM ,
Angela said...
Uh oh, that list sounds a little too much like me! But I'm glad to hear that it is possible to change. :-) Good looking kids, by the way!
At August 4, 2011 at 2:45 PM ,
Anonymous said...
This sound slike me-especially the not a morning person part. I was just sayign last night I think that is going to have to change. I don't liek it but I love teaching. I just bought a pre-k prgram today for my oldest (4)-just in time it starts in mid August through May, 3 days a week. Who knows, his two and a half year old brother might even want to do some of it with us. Now what to do with the ten month old sister once she stops taking morning naps... Help!
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