Raise your Hands..
Raise your hands if your sure..
( just kidding),,
Raise your Hands if you have or are - experiencing any of the following:
~a little face chatting to you in the shower through the a pulled back shower curtain.
~Being told you are a "good girl- Mommy," for going potty .
~Stepping on crushed cheerios, and peeling them off your toes as you quickly slip into some flip-flops on the way out the door.
~serving dinner with all plastic wear - because, alas, you have just discovered that EVERY SINGLE piece of silver ware has been accidentally put in the trash or left in the sandbox.
~that eerie sense that someone is standing beside you as you sleep.. to then slowly opening your eyes in the middle of the night to a child standing eye level to you
~Any special brush you may call your "own" ends up in every bathroom or bedroom for everyone else, except for your own use.
~Discovering after jumping out of shower and quickly putting on undergarments, that whomever folded and sorted laundry, accidentally( again), gave you your 8 year olds aforementioned, and they are NOT going to fit! Nope!
~Smile at the on-lookers at the store as you carry an over-tired, and somewhat naughty child out to your vehicle, all the while acting as if it is such a wonderfully happy, and all-so normal moment.
~Discover that almost every picture and video on your cell phone was taken by your children, and they are more tech-savvy than yourself.
~Oh-oh.. a diaper( only wet one), was accidentally thrown in with towels in washing machine. Nice.
~cannot remember how old you REALLY are, because you have spent so much time joking about how young you really aren't..
~discover that you have now made pancakes for dinner three nights any given week.
~Think about grocery shopping as if it is a field trip -packing lunch, and drinks, and potty chairs into the van for the long "trip!"
~fallen asleep singing, praying and putting your kiddos to bed, and they get back up and find daddy to visit with
~hate changing crib sheets? I do.
~Bet ya haven't experienced this one... coming home at night to find 20 chickens roosting on your porch, in the flowers, on the porch lights, and in your rockers.. yep..
LIFE is GOOD! Don't you agree?
So,, Raise your Hand.. if you agree!!
My friend Melissa has a sweet baby boy who always has that "life is Good" personality! Isn't he just adorable!?!

At July 31, 2009 at 4:47 PM ,
Holly said...
I'm raising my hand!!!
At July 31, 2009 at 4:51 PM ,
Linda said...
Hi September,
I am raising my hand. These kind of things happened to me a loonnggg time ago, but I remember things like that fondly. ((smile))
Kids are great! And and so are grandkids...
Your friend's baby is adorable....I loved that picture.
Oh, thanks for making me your facebook friend.
Love, Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
At July 31, 2009 at 5:13 PM ,
Karen said...
Oh September How funny!
Yes I am raising my hand too! Children do make life interesting, but oh so much fun! I couldn't imagine life without them! Yes, you are right, I haven't experienced the chickens roosting on my porch!
Blessings to You!
At July 31, 2009 at 5:52 PM ,
Angela said...
I'm raising my hand to almost everything you said! There's nothing like being a mom, huh?!
At July 31, 2009 at 10:17 PM ,
Unknown said...
I can totally relate to everything but the diaper in the washer and the chickens! What a great attitude to consider all of it a blessing from God!
At July 31, 2009 at 11:56 PM ,
Unknown said...
Well, you are younger than me - darn it! Keep talking. :)
Grocery shopping IS an ordeal - definitely life a field trip huh?
I hate changing bunk bed sheets. I haven't changed crib sheets in a while. Harrison has been sleeping in a play pen for two years! It fits in my room and a crib doesn't. Oh well. He's survived just fine. :)
Life IS good. My hand is raised!
At August 1, 2009 at 11:22 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Raise your hand if you waited ENTIRELY TOO LONG to whip up a batch of the "Baked Oatmeal"---YUM and DOUBLE YUM--this recipe is in the Favorites box!!
O so many blessings in this crazy life of ours; GOD is surely GOOD!
We truly have so many reasons to feel gratitude, including having Christian friends like you, September.
Thank you for sharing so much with so many, so often. Please keep your creative insights coming. We all need to share our gifts from ALMIGHTY GOD with and FOR one another!
"Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it."
-1 Corinthians 12:27
In His Love and Blessings, always and forever ~ Diane
At August 7, 2009 at 2:20 AM ,
Ange said...
This is so good! Love it! And I think I can raise my hand to all except the chickens!! Great Post!!
At August 11, 2009 at 5:33 PM ,
Marni's Organized Mess said...
This is totally awesome!
At August 21, 2009 at 4:10 PM ,
Jenilee said...
I have washed a diaper. not fun :)
At October 22, 2009 at 6:56 PM ,
busymomof10 said...
Raising two hands!!! :)
I remember one time in a crowded bathroom at a high school football game and my sweet little Bethany CLAPPED for me when I went potty and said Way Too Loudly, "Good Job Mommy! You did 'peeps' too!!!!" :)
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