The Cape is Off
The closet in my entryway looks like this:
10 hooks all lined up in a row. A pink rain parka, a wool winter coat, little boys red sweatshirt, two backpacks, and hanging on the spare hook all on its own - A brightly colored Cape with the Initials - SM.
This is my Super Mom Cape. It is rather lovely to wear, covering up all of the things that others could not see about me. It was fashionable, made me a super-hero mom, and set out a reputation to uphold. Just by wearing My Cape.

Now....?? It has a permanent place on a hook.
Yep, I am not wearing it. I hung it up a long time ago. Why?
Well, this is what I discovered. Other moms, woman in public, some people at Church, and even family members began to say things like,
You amaze me!"
"How do you do all that you do?"
"You have it all together."
"Your life is like a dream- you don't seem to have any struggles."
"You never get uptight, how do you handle so many responsibilities?"
And so forth.
I am a mom. Whether I have 1 child, or 9 children, I am just a plain ole' mom. It is the same fundamentals - what I am doing, teaching, etc., with one, I do with 9.
Nothing miraculous. Nothing worthy of awe .
I began to realize that what other moms or woman, were thinking and observing in me - could become a discouragement to them.
I have spoken at various functions on Motherhood. The biggest blessings come from seeing the Ladies start off listening to me, and I can see as time progresses through my topics with them, they can see that I am just like them.. real,,, simple, and trying my best to be a good mom.
It is in those moments that we learn from one another.
The reason I hung my Super Mom Cape on the Hook? - To expose the real struggles, the inward battles, the moments of loneliness, discouragement, and reality of being a mom.
This is not a lofty job with a lot of praise, and women can use all of the encouragement possible thru some of the Life Seasons that come with being a wife and mother.
Wearing a Super Mom Cape prevents that Scriptural mandate- encouragement, sharing one anothers burdens, etc. .
There is no cape to hide my imperfection. I share what I have learned, and I learn from others that have also hung this cape on a hook.
At July 13, 2009 at 3:51 PM ,
Ange said...
Thank you September for the wonderfully encouraging comment you left on my blog. I am blessed to have such sweet caring friends.Love your post...reminds me that the greatest door to encourage others is through our own weaknesses. Most people do not want to hear all the super mom stuff. They want to know that we all struggle together at times in the journey of mommyhood!
At July 13, 2009 at 4:33 PM ,
Sweet Millie said...
Is your cape for rent? No, just teasing, I hear where you are coming from and I love that you share the real you. Despite what life brings, you carry yourself with grace, you have a kindness, a peaceful way about you, it's part of what makes you special. With or without a cape I'm happy to call you a friend.
At July 13, 2009 at 4:44 PM ,
Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...
Love this...
At July 13, 2009 at 7:39 PM ,
Holly said...
I seriously thought for a moment that you had a real supermom cape. lol I mean, you don' you?
At July 14, 2009 at 4:31 PM ,
Unknown said...
Great post! I totally agree with you and you are so awesome for recogninzing what types of attitudes women who wear "capes" can bring to other women. Thanks!
At July 14, 2009 at 4:33 PM ,
Kristen, pajama mama said...
well, i've hung mine up, out of necessity recently...i just didn't fit it anymore, but it is very humbling...and i have to get used to that. any advice?
how have i not seen your story before? thanks for being vulnerable and transparent in posting it.
At July 14, 2009 at 5:19 PM ,
Unknown said...
Yeah, I hung mine up too - except I didn't really have one. HA! Well, if I would have, I would have hung it up. :) Very good post friend.
Okay, I'm REALLY going to call you now.
At July 14, 2009 at 9:38 PM ,
Carla said...
I have a lot of capes in my house..superman, super R (Roman), princess... but no mom ones...hmmm. Maybe I'd feel more cut out for this job if I had one :) I think being candid and open about this big job of motherhood is the best though. We can all learn from each other and encourage each other. Thanks for checking in and commenting on my blog.
p.s I like growing crunchy things too. My garden is finally in full production and I'm loving it!
At July 15, 2009 at 8:54 AM ,
Linda said...
Hi September, Thanks for your comment today. I thought I would write you a little note to tell you that Farkel is a dice game and it is made by LGI,(legendary games
incorp)and it says it is for kids ages 8 and up. It says it is considered the world's best family dice game.
It describes it as a fun, fast-paced high-score family game. You roll the dice for points to win,...but if you roll no points, can "Farkel",...or lose, be careful!
It comes with a container cup, six dice, the rules, and score pads. You should try it,'s fun.
You go for triples and straights and three pairs and sets of triplets, and you aim for 10,000 points. (It takes 500 pts. to get on the score sheet.)
When the first person gets 10,000 points each player gets one turn to catch up, and if they can't then they lose.
The kids like to say,... "oops!,...I farkeled!"
I liked your post today. I always thought I was a super-mom,...when I was raising my kids,...Ha! But soon I realized I wouldn't be getting the "mother of the year" award, or wearing the super-mom cape...Nope,...I made plenty of mistakes and didn't do everything right. I was just a mom that loved her kids, and loved to play with them.
I'm not even a perfect grandma,...nope,...even as much as I'd like to be! (:>) But they all love me anyway!
And guess what,...I can't even wear the "perfect wife" cape.
Thanks for being so real and so honest! I love that about you.
That is something that people love about Lynnette too.
Have a good day September,...with all of your precious children!
Love, Linda
At October 22, 2009 at 6:43 PM ,
busymomof10 said...
Thanks for your transparency! I totally identify -- I left my cape in the closet too! :)
Love your creative writing style!
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