Is there any evidence?
This was on my mind today. It is probably because I get project "overload" on the brain right before another School year, and at the end of the summer.
Tell me if you relate.
Big List of things to do. I can easily make a mental checklist, ON TOP of the already written list that I am checking off thru the day. Walk, nurse baby, shower, laundry, and then the list gets more detailed and more complicated.
Why is it that I can some days check off the entire list on paper, half of the mental list that I formulated secretly, so that I couldn't be accused of Project overload, and being a maniac about lists... and YET.. I still get to the end of the day and cannot see much evidence of much being done?
I have been thinking on this tonight.
Well, actually more than tonight.
Does this happen to you?
Yes, there are days that I sit down at the end of a long day, and can look back on the hours, and even around the house, and see how the list made its progress.
But these other days..
This is what I have figured out.....
Man,, do I have a problem with this sometimes.
I am honest. I am real, and I will tell you.. I am continually finding parts of my heart that need working on.
My perspective this week that didn't allow me to see any evidence of my big list of to-do's that did get done?.....
I was breeding seeds of discontentment.
Rather than allowing myself to see the fruits of labor in the time that I was given that day,
I saw all that I wasn't able to get done, and more.
Wanting more accomplished, wishing for a life that holds more than I need, and waiting for a miraculous magic wand to fix all that I can't.
Sowing these seeds will not bring forth good fruit. I can tell you first hand.
The only evidence I will see when I sow discontentment is wishing, wanting, and waiting.
Evidence of the fruits of my labors today?- Yep, and it isn't glorious or grand-
It may just be seeing the love returned in my children's eyes,. because I took the time to hold them, sing to them, or even play with them. It may be a simple healthy meal on the table, or my children saying Thank-you Mommy.
And what is this?
REAL evidence-
Tell me if you relate.
Big List of things to do. I can easily make a mental checklist, ON TOP of the already written list that I am checking off thru the day. Walk, nurse baby, shower, laundry, and then the list gets more detailed and more complicated.
Why is it that I can some days check off the entire list on paper, half of the mental list that I formulated secretly, so that I couldn't be accused of Project overload, and being a maniac about lists... and YET.. I still get to the end of the day and cannot see much evidence of much being done?
I have been thinking on this tonight.
Well, actually more than tonight.
Does this happen to you?
Yes, there are days that I sit down at the end of a long day, and can look back on the hours, and even around the house, and see how the list made its progress.
But these other days..
This is what I have figured out.....
Man,, do I have a problem with this sometimes.
I am honest. I am real, and I will tell you.. I am continually finding parts of my heart that need working on.
My perspective this week that didn't allow me to see any evidence of my big list of to-do's that did get done?.....
I was breeding seeds of discontentment.
Rather than allowing myself to see the fruits of labor in the time that I was given that day,
I saw all that I wasn't able to get done, and more.
Wanting more accomplished, wishing for a life that holds more than I need, and waiting for a miraculous magic wand to fix all that I can't.
Sowing these seeds will not bring forth good fruit. I can tell you first hand.
The only evidence I will see when I sow discontentment is wishing, wanting, and waiting.
Evidence of the fruits of my labors today?- Yep, and it isn't glorious or grand-
It may just be seeing the love returned in my children's eyes,. because I took the time to hold them, sing to them, or even play with them. It may be a simple healthy meal on the table, or my children saying Thank-you Mommy.
And what is this?
REAL evidence-
At August 24, 2009 at 10:31 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Let me tell you, darling....YOU'VE got more perspective than you realize. You figured this out young, when many....and I mean many, many, many mothers, and/or singles never figure it out until they are old and cannot regain those lost days, which are truly beautiful. Praise the Lord, I was never one of them - I have ALWAYS appreciated and realized what I got done was what I was supposed to have gotten done. I got perspective in life, BUT...and it's a big one, honey, there are many more things I DIDN'T get until I got older. Praise, Jesus....I realized how precious my days with my children were back then. And to watch you know it now, in your youth, pleases me and your Saviour to no end. Well done, good and faithful, servant. Well done, daughter.
At August 24, 2009 at 11:29 PM ,
Anonymous said...
My dear friend,
Your taking the time to call me, at least a half dozen times today, to check on the welfare of my sick baby or to see if you could bring my family ice cream sundaes is evidence of a person who knows what truly you realize that because of YOU, I was able to make it through this day without a serious breakdown??? I am sorry if you didn't accomplish all you wanted to today, but if it is any consolation, I am soooooooo thankful you took the time to care about me-and those I hold dearest to me-my husband, and my precious sons! I love you.
P.S. What a beautiful tribute from your mom, it brought tears to my eyes!
At August 25, 2009 at 8:21 AM ,
Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...
Well said September...I love your perspective on this!!!
Been thinking of you lately as football season rolls around. I wish my team had some hope so that I could give you some good Browns/Steelers trash talk. But, team is hopeless...
Love to you...
At August 25, 2009 at 9:44 AM ,
Kami said...
Thank you so much for this post! I'm in the middle of that very situation right now and I truly am feeling very overwhelmed by my "To Do's" and my deadline for them all (which is by Friday of this week!). I work all day long at them and look around at the end of the day and wonder what even came close to getting done because everything around me appears to be a disaster. These words were a true blessing to me this morning and they brought tears of relief and joy to my eyes as I feel the Lord used you to tell me that I need to look at what IS done as opposed to what is yet to be done.
Thank you so much - I appreciate you for writing what was on your heart :)
At August 26, 2009 at 8:45 AM ,
Holly said...
I have so done this! I have things I want to get done and most of the time I don't and when I do I feel like I should be doing more. Since Carleigh though I care less about what does and doesn't get done. She put a lot of things into perspective for me.
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