One September Day

Friday, October 29, 2010

Live and Learn - Where's my key?

WOW... Who knew that going away for the first time ever from my family would bring such new revelations!

Here are some things I learned while away:

Who knew?

1.)GPS navigators are awesome  AND they talk to you.
2.)Hotel Shampoo does not suds or lather.
3.)Hotel keys are hard to find once in your purse.
4.)Always check to be sure you have stepped off the elevator onto the right floor... BEFORE walking all of the way to your room.
5.)It is not safe to go out to eat alone... what if you have an allergic reaction?  ( or something?)  :)
6.)I cannot sleep with out a fan... even away from home.  Yep.
7.)Always know where there is an extra set of stairs in your hotel.. for escape purposes , you know.
8.)If you fail to pass security in the airport,..and the alarms go off....PLEASE try to remember to tell them you have a steel plate in your leg.. or that you have swallowed a bomb.  ( I hope not)...
9.)Quiet time on the road prompts much better thinking than at home.
10.)Hotel phones blink at night.. ( and during the day),, but I never noticed before.
11.)Is it safe to talk to men with a Texan accent... while riding on the elevator?
12.)Drinking too much caffeine is OK when you are having fun.
13.)I need to learn some new make-up skills. Sometime.
14.)When shopping,, always go with your first choice.
15.)It is the "new thing"  and TOTALLY pass out your blogging cards to the people serving you at Starbucks.  They smile and thank you for them.  Go figure.  Try it.  :)
16.)I have an over-active imagination.  The whole spy thing must intrigue me.
17.)I loved not having any housework.
18.)If you do not want your hotel room cleaned.. you MUST remember to hang up your special sign.  Wherever that is.
19.)Women know how to laugh and cry and the same time.
20.)I missed my family...but...
21....was so blessed to have spent time away.

What do you find intriguing while away?


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Intentional Pursuit

Intentional Pursuit

Intentional - Done with intention, purpose...planned.

Pursuit -An effort to secure or obtain..

The Lord has given us children.  Some of them are here with us on earth, and some are in glory with the Lord.

What will I do with the gifts that HE has bestowed upon me?

I am a wife, mother and child of the King.
What does the King see in me?... daily?
What is my intentional pursuit?
I live to glorify Him.
I pursue raising a new generation of adults that will serve and glorify the King.
It is my intention to raise leaders and homemakers - equipped with a thorough worldview, prepared to impact society and build stronger families.

This passion is not for the weak at heart... strength only gained from the Lord above.
It is when I am at my lowest and weakest points in this mission of Raising Generations, that the learning begins..
for them and for me.
It is with great failure and submission to His plan that I daily discover WHAT I am to be teaching to my blessings from above.

But is it a mission overlooked?
A pursuit worth placing second?
Is it an intention worth its work?

Titus 2 is our answer.

Obediently training and teaching our children according to Scripture will always reap rewards-
Rewards for the King.
Biblical Motherhood... Is it your Intentional Pursuit?

It is within me to glorify Him... I INTENTIONALLY PURSUE HIM..
Should I take that which He has given to me, and pursue the same?

Will you join me in this New Series..??

A Wise Woman Will Build Her Home

Challenges from God's Word
and Pursuits of my Heart.


Monday, October 25, 2010

More Relevant!

Returning home from Relevant was bittersweet!
I was soooo thankful to be back in the arms of my family,

YET,,, I am missing the wonderful time with my friend Lynnette!
If you have never met Lynnette, I would encourage you to stop by her blog and pay her a visit....
She is the most genuine, loving, and true definition of Pressing on in the Faith that I could ever meet....
She has so much to share, and we could all learn much from her example of How to live out what Christ has called us to...
Stop by here ,,,, tell her I sent you.... you will love her,, I am SURE of it!

What a blessing this 1st time away from home was for both of us.
It is truly hard to believe that it toook me 20 years to leave my family for some time away!

Relevant was truly a blessing in itself.
The hosts of this conference did an absolutely amazing job at touching every single detail...Thank you Sarah Mae, Dana and Jessica!!

The sessions were well organized, the speakers spoke straight from their hearts, the hotel was very accomodating, the schedule was flexible, and I MUST say,,, there were plenty of "sweets & giveaways" to go around!

Lynnette, Jessica, and I... Jessica is one of the Hostesses and Organizers of Relevant! 
Great Job Jessica!
Stop by here to visit Jessica,,, She has a beautiful blog!


Thank you Relevant for allowing two friends to meet and share a weekend with other bloggers and many blessings!

Heather, Lynnette and I...It was great to catch up Heather....(
 she is just as sweet and special as her blog!

My heart and mind have been pondering the entire weekend and the thoughts that the Lord has laid on my mind....
I am sure many blog posts will follow to share some of the things that the Lord has taught me...

Here are a few more pictures of the moments at Relevant!

Ann Voskamp!!! Wonderful Author.. Check out her blog and new book... She has also written a Homeschooling Geography Material our family has used.
Check it our here:
holy experience


Friday, October 22, 2010

Guess where I am????

 Relevant Blogging Conference in Harrisburg, PA...

I am here..
Lynnette (  is here..
and 200 plus other bloggers are here!
Such fun!!

Lynnette and I finally meet! 
First thing we do.. take pictures!
Many poses, camera adjustments, and much laughter,, we have a few successful shots!

One our first attempts - we thought this picture with our heads "chopped off," was rather dashing... don't you agree?

This was the SECOND dessert served this evening... cheesecake for ALL!

Third attempt....rather than our foreheads chopped off, we went for the disappearing chin look!
Love it!

True evidence that I am still in "mommy mode!"
3 minutes into our meal, I notice that I have cut up all of my chicken into tiny - bite- sized pieces!

More to come...
Late nights,, tired bloggers...and 3 more days!!


Friday, October 15, 2010

UPDATED: A small air pump and a pumpkin...Hmmm?

What could a small air-pump and a pumpkin have in common?
I mean,, If I was you,, I wouldn't be able to think of any correlation.

Can you picture one of those small- hand-held air-pumps that you would use on a bike tire?
It makes that sphhhss.. sphhhss.. sphhhss noises as you are using it?

Moving on....

Here are some pictures of our annual Pumpkin Day...
( Will get back to the air pump in a second... sorry to leave you wondering.. but I think and speak fragmented as a rule.. ask my kids)...

It was a beautiful afternoon..
Before we went to get our pumpkins,,,we took a long walk/hike... in our woods...
The leaves were beautiful!
I loved it!

Maryahana kept picking out the "warty-looking " pumpkins!!!

Finally.. SUCCESS!  She was determined to carry her own pumpkin!

I Love this picture!!  Sams overalls.. and pensive look --pricelss!!

Hey... Hey... The gangs all here!!

Sarah took this picture and did a little work with it...
It truly captures the heart of the day.

Back to the Small Air-pump and a Pumpkin:

When I am expecting a baby...
I always feel as if ...over - night...
every night..
someone has taken one of those small-hand-held air-pumps,,,
inserting it into my face,, my hands,, my thighs...
and sphssss..
little by little,,
I blow up...
and look....

That large pumpkin the middle... uh huh...that's what I am talking about.
No need to comment on the truth of the post.. Haha!!

Pumpkin Days are here...
for me... at least anoter 5 months!!!

( that air pump hit my face first! heehee)


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Drum Roll...I would like you to meet....

Our newest miracle...

Still tucked safely inside my womb..

Loved by so many...

So sweet and precious already!

My arms ache to hold HER!

Baby #10 is (another) girl!

Will you please pray for this new miracle?
In two weeks we will return to a specialist to hear how she is doing.
Already one ultrasound down... and a little "concerned."

Paths walked before cause a stir within me for those words.
And, so, my blogging friends... if you will pray with us over this sweet, beautiful, baby girl that gave my heart a special leap upon seeing her on the screen yesterday... and to feel her gentle movements within me.. helping me remember that HE knit her together..with Love.

Introducing...Sweet Baby Girl....

Love Baby Love... Soo many love you already!!
