More Relevant!
Returning home from Relevant was bittersweet!
I was soooo thankful to be back in the arms of my family,
YET,,, I am missing the wonderful time with my friend Lynnette!
If you have never met Lynnette, I would encourage you to stop by her blog and pay her a visit....
She is the most genuine, loving, and true definition of Pressing on in the Faith that I could ever meet....
She has so much to share, and we could all learn much from her example of How to live out what Christ has called us to...
Stop by here ,,,, tell her I sent you.... you will love her,, I am SURE of it!

What a blessing this 1st time away from home was for both of us.
It is truly hard to believe that it toook me 20 years to leave my family for some time away!
Relevant was truly a blessing in itself.
The hosts of this conference did an absolutely amazing job at touching every single detail...Thank you Sarah Mae, Dana and Jessica!!
The sessions were well organized, the speakers spoke straight from their hearts, the hotel was very accomodating, the schedule was flexible, and I MUST say,,, there were plenty of "sweets & giveaways" to go around!
Great Job Jessica!
Stop by here to visit Jessica,,, She has a beautiful blog!
Heather, Lynnette and I...It was great to catch up Heather....(
she is just as sweet and special as her blog!
My heart and mind have been pondering the entire weekend and the thoughts that the Lord has laid on my mind....
I am sure many blog posts will follow to share some of the things that the Lord has taught me...
Here are a few more pictures of the moments at Relevant!
Ann Voskamp!!! Wonderful Author.. Check out her blog and new book... She has also written a Homeschooling Geography Material our family has used.
Check it our here:
Labels: Blogging World
At October 25, 2010 at 3:39 PM ,
Angela said...
I'm glad to hear that you made it home safely and that you were blessed by your time away! I look forward to hearing more about what you've learned. :-)
Love and blessings,
At October 25, 2010 at 6:46 PM ,
Linda said...
Hi September,
I chatted with Lynnette today and she told me how sweet you are! She loved spending a few days with you.
The conference sounded like it was fun. I look forward to reading about what you girls learned.
John and I are going away for a few days. We leave in the morning for Branson Missouri. I hope the trees are pretty this year. (Some years are better than others)
Glad you got home safely. I am sure your kids were so glad to have their momma home. I know Lynnette's kids were sure happy to have her home.
Have a good week.
At October 25, 2010 at 7:10 PM ,
Unknown said...
I MISS MY BUDDY EM!!! My friend who left me presents and cards in the bathroom in the morning. My friend who laughed her head off with me. My friend who cried with me. My friend who ate two desserts with me. My friend who snickered over an inside joke with me. My friend who played P.I. with me - and probably saved my life on more than one occasion. My friend who giggled at all my dark curly hair left in the bathtub. HA HA!!!
I love you Em. YOU are who made the weekend special.
I'm glad to be home, but I do wish you lived 5 minutes away and went to church with me, and met me at Starbucks once a week (you could bring your Dunkin' Donuts though - but actually we might not have Dunkin' Donuts here... I'll check).
YOU ARE PRECIOUS!!!! I always knew you were special, but you're even more beautiful than I thought.
Much love.
PS Tell Ben and Matthew that I think they are adorable and I'm so glad they love me. **BIG CHEESY GRIN**
At October 25, 2010 at 9:49 PM ,
Jenilee said...
I am SO glad that you had a GREAT time meeting new friends! I am wishing I could have gone with you. It may just have to make the calendar next fall!
At October 25, 2010 at 11:50 PM ,
Rachel @ Finding Joy said...
What a blessing this weekend must have been! I came over via Lynnette's blog -- she is such a dear -- you two are blessed!
Thanks for sharing a bit of Relevant. I'm thinking that next year I need to attend!
At October 26, 2010 at 12:48 PM ,
MelaKamin said...
Glad Relevant was as meaningful for you as it was for me. Glad to have met you - if only briefly in the elevator! Blessings as you continue to use your gift for Him.
At October 27, 2010 at 12:47 AM ,
Heather said...
I'm so glad I met both you and Lynnette and I think it is wonderful that you both were able to spend this time together!
At October 27, 2010 at 1:22 PM ,
Holly said...
I bet it was wonderful time and a plus you could meet up with your friends!
At October 28, 2010 at 3:58 PM ,
Wendy said...
So glad I got to meet you that first day when you were walking in! Is was the best time!
At October 30, 2010 at 5:29 PM ,
Muthering Heights said...
It was so nice to meet you....I'm glad you had such a nice time at Relevant! :)
At October 31, 2010 at 10:02 AM ,
martha Brady said...
enjoyed meeting you september (easy to remember name-my anniversary month) our prayers for your coming baby. i'll be watching your blog. enjoyed the meal i shared w you and lynette...i think we visited one other time. it's a bit of a blur.
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