Guess where I am????
Relevant Blogging Conference in Harrisburg, PA...
I am here..
Lynnette ( is here..
and 200 plus other bloggers are here!
Such fun!!
True evidence that I am still in "mommy mode!"

I am here..
Lynnette ( is here..
and 200 plus other bloggers are here!
Such fun!!
Lynnette and I finally meet!
First thing we do.. take pictures!
Many poses, camera adjustments, and much laughter,, we have a few successful shots!
One our first attempts - we thought this picture with our heads "chopped off," was rather dashing... don't you agree?
This was the SECOND dessert served this evening... cheesecake for ALL!
Third attempt....rather than our foreheads chopped off, we went for the disappearing chin look!
Love it!
True evidence that I am still in "mommy mode!"
3 minutes into our meal, I notice that I have cut up all of my chicken into tiny - bite- sized pieces!
More to come...
Late nights,, tired bloggers...and 3 more days!!

Labels: Blogging World
At October 22, 2010 at 1:07 AM ,
Angela said...
I'm so glad you and Lynnette finally got to meet! I remember Lynnette talking about you on her blog some time back--probably for GTKY--and mentioning that she would meet you... someday. Today was finally that day! :-) Have a great time of learning and laughing! I can't wait to hear all about it!
Love and prayers,
At October 22, 2010 at 2:00 PM ,
Sue said...
My baby is 28 years old and I still cut up food like that! It's better to eat it in small bites anway... Have a wonderful time with all the gals. I would love to be able to do that someday.
If you get a chance, please read my blog today. I'm really trying to hone in on my writing and blogging skills and could use some constructive criticism and advice.
Be blessed,
At October 22, 2010 at 11:13 PM ,
Aspiemom said...
It looks like you two are having a blast. I love the "cut off the top of the head" shot, myself! But I have a "gobbler" so the negative-chin look was appealing, too!
At October 23, 2010 at 4:20 PM ,
Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...
Oh looks like so much fun! I wish, wish, wish soooooooooo much that I would have been able to go. But, it just couldn't happen for me this time. Maybe there will be another chance sometime?
I cannot wait to hear more. I'm certain this weekend was a blessing for both of you...and for the other sweet bloggers who attended.
Much love to you!
At October 24, 2010 at 1:45 AM ,
Debbie Petras said...
How fun to meet blogging friends! I enjoy reading Lynnette's blog too. I had to laugh at how you cut up your chicken. :)
I hope that you will share some of what you learn at the conference.
At October 24, 2010 at 7:17 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Always neat to meet up with people that you may only know through being online and such. A 21st century version of meeting a "pen pal".
Just thought I'd check in, good stuff as usual.:)
Peter J Farrell
At October 26, 2010 at 1:08 PM ,
suzannah | the smitten word said...
so funny that you still cut up your food! it must take more than 3 days to turn off "mommy brain":)
lovely to meeting you, september!
At December 14, 2010 at 11:58 AM ,
Traci Michele said...
I'll never forget you cutting up your chicken! That was so fitting as a Mommy!
I loved meeting you - you have such a sweet spirit and Love for the LORD!
Can't believe you know the Bennetts!
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