My Intentional Pursuit
Intentional Pursuit
Intentional - Done with intention, purpose...planned.
Pursuit -An effort to secure or obtain..
The Lord has given us children. Some of them are here with us on earth, and some are in glory with the Lord.
What will I do with the gifts that HE has bestowed upon me?
I am a wife, mother and child of the King.
What does the King see in me?... daily?
What is my intentional pursuit?
I live to glorify Him.
I pursue raising a new generation of adults that will serve and glorify the King.
It is my intention to raise leaders and homemakers - equipped with a thorough worldview, prepared to impact society and build stronger families.
This passion is not for the weak at heart... strength only gained from the Lord above.
It is when I am at my lowest and weakest points in this mission of Raising Generations, that the learning begins..
for them and for me.
It is with great failure and submission to His plan that I daily discover WHAT I am to be teaching to my blessings from above.
But is it a mission overlooked?
A pursuit worth placing second?
Is it an intention worth its work?
Titus 2 is our answer.
Obediently training and teaching our children according to Scripture will always reap rewards-
Rewards for the King.
Biblical Motherhood... Is it your Intentional Pursuit?
It is within me to glorify Him... I INTENTIONALLY PURSUE HIM..
Should I take that which He has given to me, and pursue the same?
Will you join me in this New Series..??
A Wise Woman Will Build Her Home
Challenges from God's Word
and Pursuits of my Heart.

Intentional - Done with intention, purpose...planned.
Pursuit -An effort to secure or obtain..
The Lord has given us children. Some of them are here with us on earth, and some are in glory with the Lord.
What will I do with the gifts that HE has bestowed upon me?
I am a wife, mother and child of the King.
What does the King see in me?... daily?
What is my intentional pursuit?
I live to glorify Him.
I pursue raising a new generation of adults that will serve and glorify the King.
It is my intention to raise leaders and homemakers - equipped with a thorough worldview, prepared to impact society and build stronger families.
This passion is not for the weak at heart... strength only gained from the Lord above.
It is when I am at my lowest and weakest points in this mission of Raising Generations, that the learning begins..
for them and for me.
It is with great failure and submission to His plan that I daily discover WHAT I am to be teaching to my blessings from above.
But is it a mission overlooked?
A pursuit worth placing second?
Is it an intention worth its work?
Titus 2 is our answer.
Obediently training and teaching our children according to Scripture will always reap rewards-
Rewards for the King.
Biblical Motherhood... Is it your Intentional Pursuit?
It is within me to glorify Him... I INTENTIONALLY PURSUE HIM..
Should I take that which He has given to me, and pursue the same?
Will you join me in this New Series..??
A Wise Woman Will Build Her Home
Challenges from God's Word
and Pursuits of my Heart.

Labels: Motherhood
At October 27, 2010 at 7:58 AM ,
Linda said... are certainly blessed with this beautiful family! And it looks like you are doing a good job! Keep up the good work....or should I say "God's work He has given you to do?"
Continued blessings!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
At October 27, 2010 at 8:37 AM ,
Heather said...
That is something that I need to work on more- being an intentional mom.
I love reading encouraging posts like this one! Thank you. :)
At October 27, 2010 at 11:14 AM ,
Hannah's Wings said...
Thank you so much for the encouragement! I needed it today!
At October 27, 2010 at 12:27 PM ,
Unknown said...
YES! Intentional pursuit! I'm in!
It's the one on the left that I think looks like you. That's Leah right? However, now that I'm looking more, I'd say it's a combination of Leah and Eden.
I've finally got them all figured out! (I think)
Left to right:
Leah, Sarah, Maryahana, Matthew, Samuel, Ben, Ava, Lydia and Eden. Right?
Okay, that's all!
Talk to you later. ;)
At October 27, 2010 at 12:37 PM ,
Paige said...
WOW! Your family is BEAUTIFUL. And isn't amazing how each and every one of your children has taught you more about yourself, life and God's love. I wish that Tatum was in my arms....but I am intentional about how I use her precious life! Such a great post!
At October 27, 2010 at 1:20 PM ,
Sue said...
What a beautiful family! I think it is awesome that you are raising them to be such Godly blessings.
Keep casting your bread upon the water...
At October 27, 2010 at 1:58 PM ,
Angela said...
I can't wait to see what more you have to say about intentionally pursuing Biblical motherhood! The Lord must have us on the same page. I just wrote a post along these lines yesterday. :-)
At October 27, 2010 at 8:14 PM ,
Cherie said...
I really enjoyed visiting with you at Relevant. I can't wait to read what is on your heart!
At October 28, 2010 at 3:48 AM ,
Raluca said...
Dear September, I came over from Heather's blog. You are such a strong woman!! And you have such a beautiful family!! Our daughter has been born on 10.10 last year.I wanted her to be born in September, so for the whole of her life the song "September morning" would have had a special meaning. But God's will was different :-)
Thanks for sharing your bitter - sweet life experiences!
At October 29, 2010 at 10:23 AM ,
Michelle G said...
It seems so much scarier and serious when it's intentional ;)lol
I often feel like a bigol momfailure....but when I add that I may be failing God somehow...yikes. I KNOW that's not what you mean by this. I KNOW it's important to do it intentionally!
You know...I read once that people spend more time planning their vacations (2 weeks - maybe - out of their lives)than they do planning the rest of their year? I wonder how that fits into I have to ask myself - do I spend as much time planning time to love on my babies as I do to take care of paperwork? To clean? To make menus?
I'm off to intentionally LOVE a kid (if I can catch one as they run by ;0) - heck even the baby is trying to walk now :)
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