Live and Learn - Where's my key?
Here are some things I learned while away:
Who knew?
1.)GPS navigators are awesome AND they talk to you.
2.)Hotel Shampoo does not suds or lather.
3.)Hotel keys are hard to find once in your purse.
4.)Always check to be sure you have stepped off the elevator onto the right floor... BEFORE walking all of the way to your room.
5.)It is not safe to go out to eat alone... what if you have an allergic reaction? ( or something?) :)
6.)I cannot sleep with out a fan... even away from home. Yep.
7.)Always know where there is an extra set of stairs in your hotel.. for escape purposes , you know.
8.)If you fail to pass security in the airport,..and the alarms go off....PLEASE try to remember to tell them you have a steel plate in your leg.. or that you have swallowed a bomb. ( I hope not)...
9.)Quiet time on the road prompts much better thinking than at home.
10.)Hotel phones blink at night.. ( and during the day),, but I never noticed before.
11.)Is it safe to talk to men with a Texan accent... while riding on the elevator?
12.)Drinking too much caffeine is OK when you are having fun.
13.)I need to learn some new make-up skills. Sometime.
14.)When shopping,, always go with your first choice.
15.)It is the "new thing" and TOTALLY pass out your blogging cards to the people serving you at Starbucks. They smile and thank you for them. Go figure. Try it. :)
16.)I have an over-active imagination. The whole spy thing must intrigue me.
17.)I loved not having any housework.
18.)If you do not want your hotel room cleaned.. you MUST remember to hang up your special sign. Wherever that is.
19.)Women know how to laugh and cry and the same time.
20.)I missed my family...but...
21....was so blessed to have spent time away.
What do you find intriguing while away?

Labels: My Funny Life