I hesitated.. but only for a moment... to write what is on my heart today.
My 100th Post for my blog ...
I have been called to do God's will. In my life - for Him. Just as you have as well.
We all walk separate paths in this life. Some are just so hard, painful, amazingly famous, defeated, victorious, struggling, and fruitful.
I cannot express such amazing gratitude for the blessing of a life I live today.
I see so many hurting, struggling, painful lives, and I am caused to reflect on What I am doing with what I have been given.
I am not referring to worldly possession's, appearances, or even health, but I am talking straight -up - the love of God, my husband, and my children.
God's will is for me to be responsible with what He gave me. Responsible to provide for my children - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
What an awesome privilege to be given.
I am responsible to be my husbands help-meet - physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
I am responsible to love the Lord, my God, FIRST. More than any thing. With ALL of me.
I have come to a place in my life where I realize how long it has taken me to fully embrace this Will for my life.
Fully embrace defined:
- Wonderful thoughts of waking up in the morning as a home-schooling mom of nine children.
-Peace over the tasks that I am given each day, knowing that this is part of the life I was given, and what a gift it is at that.
-Seeing the contrast of the life that I could have had and what I do live. Knowing this is where I was meant to be.
-So thankful that I am with my children all day, and can see them grow - inch by inch,, in Wisdom AND stature.
-Completely embracing my role as a wife, and now fully comprehending the benefits of following God's principles He lays out for wives.
-Looking back at each and every trial with a vision of His ultimate good for my life. Thankful.
-Waiting expectantly for What God will continue to show me as I strive to live in His will.
Crux of my 100th Post- that made me hesitate from the beginning. I am very blessed. I do not have to work outside the home, our bills are getting paid, and all of our needs are met... and more. I have a marriage settled on a firm-foundation, and my children love the Lord.
Not everyone has this. Am I looked down upon because of this/ avoided by other mom's/etc.?
Let me share- It happens. For some reason, there is this stigma attached to a life like mine. It almost creates a barrier that I cannot understand.
I am real - life woman of God. I would do any thing for any one.
But, a blessed life sometimes has this curse. Others see this life I have, and make a judgement on it.
It is not all rosy. We, as moms, know that tried and true. Our life has not escaped trial.
But, you know what?
What I really have?
Here it is - I have a WONDERFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH MY GOD IN HEAVEN, and any one can have that.
My 100th post- the crux- My life has had trials, sadness, joy, pain, and so much more...
BUT...I am so happy ...living in His will...
and THAT is why I blog.
Thank you for sharing in my 100th Post. September