Don't You Just Love it When....
-Someone else has replaced the toilet paper roll...Not you.
-There is a clean cup available for that thirsty moment.. no scrambling and using a glass mason jar. Which we do... a lot.
-The gas gage on your car goes a little farther than you thought it would... especially when you spent your gas money on a latte... or two.
-When you get something other than a bill in the mail.. No,,, This is a more than a love moment!
-It is time to leave the house and your children actually have found their matching shoes... and better yet,,, have them on after you have driven down the road. Pure relief.
-You wake up to a friend texting you that they have been praying for you through the night. Blessings.
-Your kids tell you that you look so pretty,,, five minutes after you wake up,,, no fuss pretty I call it. My kids Love it!
-When you find money in a book that you are re-reading ,,, used formerly as a book mark!
-When your toddler wakes up in the middle of the night to use the potty, and she has permanent marker all over her legs in big circles and shapes that was NOT there when she went to bed.
-When your teens all stay up suggesting "Don't you love it when..." Ideas!?
Crazy ones at that!
I do!
Labels: Being a Mom