Take My Hand
Emotions are a strong part of life. Unfortunately,
.... emotion tries to govern our future,, and it will if we let it.
Whether a Domestic Engineer, ( a.k.a.- mom),, a contractor, day-care provider, journalist, teacher, or whatever may be your calling...
We ALL have emotions.
Life moves so fast, and if we aren't careful, we find our self letting our emotions govern our decisions, our relationships, and our daily outcome.
This is a test I have to try and work through every day.
I know you are not surprised... because you must do the same, right?
It is in the most tempting moments to act on my emotions,, rather than fact, prayer, and steady waiting for the truth to be shown........
That I hear my Lord whisper.. :"Take my Hand."
There have been times that I have ignored this voice of truth.. and reaped sorrowful consequences...
reaped regret and learned many hard lessons.
And, sadly,, will probably find this to be true again...
It is really not an age thing... getting older means getting wiser?
I don't think that this is a truth that can always be stood on...
And I certainly KNOW that I am not any wiser in many areas as well.
The only governing force in my life that spurs growth and understanding is a true submission to my Lord and Savior.
Not man -made wisdom,,,
Nor discussions on what is Right and Wrong...
If any one lacks wisdom, ask it of God..
Here is a verse that we taught our children from the time they could repeat Scripture,, and I am constantly challenged and spurred to remember this:
.... emotion tries to govern our future,, and it will if we let it.
Whether a Domestic Engineer, ( a.k.a.- mom),, a contractor, day-care provider, journalist, teacher, or whatever may be your calling...
We ALL have emotions.
Life moves so fast, and if we aren't careful, we find our self letting our emotions govern our decisions, our relationships, and our daily outcome.
This is a test I have to try and work through every day.
I know you are not surprised... because you must do the same, right?
It is in the most tempting moments to act on my emotions,, rather than fact, prayer, and steady waiting for the truth to be shown........
That I hear my Lord whisper.. :"Take my Hand."
There have been times that I have ignored this voice of truth.. and reaped sorrowful consequences...
reaped regret and learned many hard lessons.
And, sadly,, will probably find this to be true again...
It is really not an age thing... getting older means getting wiser?
I don't think that this is a truth that can always be stood on...
And I certainly KNOW that I am not any wiser in many areas as well.
The only governing force in my life that spurs growth and understanding is a true submission to my Lord and Savior.
Not man -made wisdom,,,
Nor discussions on what is Right and Wrong...
If any one lacks wisdom, ask it of God..
Here is a verse that we taught our children from the time they could repeat Scripture,, and I am constantly challenged and spurred to remember this:
Proverbs 3:7 - "Be not wise in your own eyes,
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil."
It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones."
Feel like emotions are taking over?
He wants to take your hand...
and lead you...
This week...Been there.. again.
Labels: My Faith
At November 5, 2010 at 10:59 PM ,
Unknown said...
I just love your blog-thank you for this post. I so needed this-I have let emotions rule a lot of my days this week and it hasn't been good. I have been sad and depressed about areas in my life that used to be very different for me-things I felt good at-that I did well and now I am second guessing those things. I have felt very down about what kind of a mom, a wife, a friend, a singer, you name it- I am and I failed at many avenues in my life this week-sad few days-so glad my God gives us grace to get through each day and there is a new day waiting for us tomorrow to pick up the pieces and start fresh.
Thanks for sharing your heart. Hope you are feeling well. Loved seeing the pictures of your and Lynnette,
Looked like a lot of fun!
At November 24, 2010 at 12:07 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Dear Jill: How real Satan is....Guilt is one of the worst emotions on record. It destroys, it initiates sadness and becomes downtrodden on our God-given JOY. JOY is a choice. You are a wonderful MOM - everyone who is a sinner looks back at some time and asks God and themselves, can I do better? Of course, we can, but I KNOW....not think, KNOW - Jill, that you are profoundly consciencious about the welfare of your family, to the detriment of your health, at times. Remember, Satan CANNOT take your JOY, or SONG-for that matter (I, too, am a vocalist) w/o your permission. If you ever get low on faith, you can borrow some of mine. I do not know you, personally, (I am September's MOM), but I DO KNOW that as brothers and sisters in Christ, we have an obligation to let others know "we are balcony people" in your life. We will stand in your balcony and cheer you on, instead of being a "cellar Christian."... and pulling you downward.
Come on Jill, you can do it!!! YOu are GREAT!
Love Kathy W.
At December 3, 2010 at 6:52 PM ,
Linda said...
Hi September...How are you feeling these days? I have been thinking of you and wondering how the pregnancy is going. I hope things are going good for you and your beautiful family. I know everyone is busy getting ready for Christmas. I have some shopping done but not all of it. I haven't been feeling very well, so I am kinda slow getting things done, but we did get the tree up today.
Just wanted to say hello.
Take care,
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
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