How God led me to stop.....
This is a true story of how God is working in my life this week.
For the month of November, I had decided to put out more than I take in....
in other words....
Sowing Christs love in a more relevant way than just letting my walk be my walk.
BUT,,, I strongly believe in keeping my giving, my love and my acts of service for he Lord, and not for show to men.
Therefore, I have not shared on my blog "all" that I am doing in November to make Christs Love more real to people.
THIS story today, I was led to share... to encourage, spur to good works, and to GLORIFY the Lord who created this story from the beginning.
4 loaves of pumpkin bread sat on my counter.... waiting for me to freeze, eat, or give-away.
We make bread, cookies, and other special treat a lot for neighbors, family and I knew that his bread would go to someone this week..
Little did I know that I would be strongly convicted to share this bread with someone in this little community of mine,,
where I worship, drive through, and live, and not know some of those behind the closed doors...
who do not set their feet upon our Church doorsteps, or wave when we go by.
I load up three of the children, the bread, some caramel corn, and a strong leading t be a light to those who do not know HIM.
And if they cannot see HIS love in me,, then where will they see it.
Will God care that I was uncomfortable to knock on the doors in this community to say hello, and deliver bread, or will He rejoice when they see His life in mine?
I drive slowly through my little town. I pray, and pray and pray...
not for my nerves, not for strength...
But... I prayed that HE would lead me to stop where HE needed me to shine HIS Light.
His leading was so very clear that day.
My first stop was to a widow, and she was tired from much lawn work she had done on her own that day...
she LOVED the pumpkin bread, and now I know where we can help her.
Second stop.... I was least suspecting that He would lead me here....
Why... this house is straight across the street from our church.
The family waves to us,,,we wave to them... we have seen them out and about..
we do not know them, and no very little about them.
They watch everyone at church come and go...
we have stopped to chat with them once or twice...
they have sent their son to our children's programs, but, they have not come for worship.
I am thinking... "Lord,,, you really don't want me to stop here, do you?"...YES.
"Hm mm.. what if I give this bread to another family?"
I slow the van down... truly hesitating,, thinking about how nervous I was to speak to them...why?
I am not even sure why...
We knock on their door... four times... for about 4 minutes...
"OK Lord,, we have tried,,, where now?"
No one came to the door, and so I begin to back the van ot of their driveway.
The father of the home comes out of the garage....
Walks up to my window.. and I smile....nervously...
"Hi,,I made some pumpkin bread and thought that your family might like some today."
He takes the bread without acknowledgement.....
as if we talk every day...
as if he knows me well... like we are friends...
he says..
" My daughter lost her twins today...".. and he is all choked up..
My heart bursts with sadness...tears come to my eyes...
"How far along was she," I ask...
"She was to 8 months along ," he said... "identical, and their cords were tangled today."
He told me that she would have to have a funeral, and how devastating this was.
... the reason no one was able to answer their door.
The look of grief and hopelessness were overwhelming.
WHY was he pouring out his heart to me... a stranger?
14 years ago,.. God knew this day would happen.
The day my identical twin boys lost their life in my womb.. almost ready to be delivered,, and their lives were meant for another purpose.
This moment was so surreal to me.
I cried with him,,, for him,, for her...and ...
Shared how .. we also... had to bury our babies, more than just our twins.
God gave me the words this day...
to share with this man....
and I now will be going back.. following through to this open door ..
with hope for this family.
As I pulled out that driveway.... tears still streaming unabashed..
over the sadness this family is experiencing...
over the empty gap in the line-up of our children...
over the empty arms that I know this young mother is feeling right now...
I was truly comforted knowing that this was HIS plan...
Not for pumpkin bread...
Not for me to be out of my comfort zone...
But to let His Light become a presence behind the closed doors in this community...
where people are hurting...
all of the time...and we never know.
A door is just a barrier that man sees as an excuse to not see beyond the walls of homes and hearts.
There are no doors or walls in Heaven.
My heart was opened to His leading even more ...
Will you pray for this family today?
Where is He leading you to shine?
Don't ignore His calling.

For the month of November, I had decided to put out more than I take in....
in other words....
Sowing Christs love in a more relevant way than just letting my walk be my walk.
BUT,,, I strongly believe in keeping my giving, my love and my acts of service for he Lord, and not for show to men.
Therefore, I have not shared on my blog "all" that I am doing in November to make Christs Love more real to people.
THIS story today, I was led to share... to encourage, spur to good works, and to GLORIFY the Lord who created this story from the beginning.
4 loaves of pumpkin bread sat on my counter.... waiting for me to freeze, eat, or give-away.
We make bread, cookies, and other special treat a lot for neighbors, family and I knew that his bread would go to someone this week..
Little did I know that I would be strongly convicted to share this bread with someone in this little community of mine,,
where I worship, drive through, and live, and not know some of those behind the closed doors...
who do not set their feet upon our Church doorsteps, or wave when we go by.
I load up three of the children, the bread, some caramel corn, and a strong leading t be a light to those who do not know HIM.
And if they cannot see HIS love in me,, then where will they see it.
Will God care that I was uncomfortable to knock on the doors in this community to say hello, and deliver bread, or will He rejoice when they see His life in mine?
I drive slowly through my little town. I pray, and pray and pray...
not for my nerves, not for strength...
But... I prayed that HE would lead me to stop where HE needed me to shine HIS Light.
His leading was so very clear that day.
My first stop was to a widow, and she was tired from much lawn work she had done on her own that day...
she LOVED the pumpkin bread, and now I know where we can help her.
Second stop.... I was least suspecting that He would lead me here....
Why... this house is straight across the street from our church.
The family waves to us,,,we wave to them... we have seen them out and about..
we do not know them, and no very little about them.
They watch everyone at church come and go...
we have stopped to chat with them once or twice...
they have sent their son to our children's programs, but, they have not come for worship.
I am thinking... "Lord,,, you really don't want me to stop here, do you?"...YES.
"Hm mm.. what if I give this bread to another family?"
I slow the van down... truly hesitating,, thinking about how nervous I was to speak to them...why?
I am not even sure why...
We knock on their door... four times... for about 4 minutes...
"OK Lord,, we have tried,,, where now?"
No one came to the door, and so I begin to back the van ot of their driveway.
The father of the home comes out of the garage....
Walks up to my window.. and I smile....nervously...
"Hi,,I made some pumpkin bread and thought that your family might like some today."
He takes the bread without acknowledgement.....
as if we talk every day...
as if he knows me well... like we are friends...
he says..
" My daughter lost her twins today...".. and he is all choked up..
My heart bursts with sadness...tears come to my eyes...
"How far along was she," I ask...
"She was to 8 months along ," he said... "identical, and their cords were tangled today."
He told me that she would have to have a funeral, and how devastating this was.
... the reason no one was able to answer their door.
The look of grief and hopelessness were overwhelming.
WHY was he pouring out his heart to me... a stranger?
14 years ago,.. God knew this day would happen.
The day my identical twin boys lost their life in my womb.. almost ready to be delivered,, and their lives were meant for another purpose.
This moment was so surreal to me.
I cried with him,,, for him,, for her...and ...
Shared how .. we also... had to bury our babies, more than just our twins.
God gave me the words this day...
to share with this man....
and I now will be going back.. following through to this open door ..
with hope for this family.
As I pulled out that driveway.... tears still streaming unabashed..
over the sadness this family is experiencing...
over the empty gap in the line-up of our children...
over the empty arms that I know this young mother is feeling right now...
I was truly comforted knowing that this was HIS plan...
Not for pumpkin bread...
Not for me to be out of my comfort zone...
But to let His Light become a presence behind the closed doors in this community...
where people are hurting...
all of the time...and we never know.
A door is just a barrier that man sees as an excuse to not see beyond the walls of homes and hearts.
There are no doors or walls in Heaven.
My heart was opened to His leading even more ...
Will you pray for this family today?
Where is He leading you to shine?
Don't ignore His calling.

Labels: My Faith
At November 4, 2010 at 10:15 AM ,
cooperkelly4 said...
all I have to say is God is sooo good and that He KNEW. What a bittersweet inspiration of being used by the Lord.
At November 4, 2010 at 10:32 AM ,
Handbags*and*Pigtails said...
WOW! I have chills all over! Its so important to be carefully led by the Spirit of God and this is such a big example of that! May the Lord bless you for being obedient.
At November 4, 2010 at 10:45 AM ,
jessica snyder said...
amazing how the Lord leads and speaks when we're seeking Him and willing to listen! Thank you so much for sharing..... brought tears to my eyes, and joy to my heart, knowing Christ's love will be shown to that famly through you!! May the Lord bring them to Himself through this!
At November 4, 2010 at 10:51 AM ,
In my Weakness He is strong said...
wow. Praise God for His faithfulness and goodness. What an amazing way God chose to show His love to that grieving family that day. What an honor and blessing for you to be able to partake in that! thanks for sharing!
At November 4, 2010 at 10:53 AM ,
Karen said...
Wow! Thanks so much for sharing this! How wonderful it is when we are obedient to the Lord's leading! This has given me encouragement today to keep on keeping on! Praying for this dear family with you!
At November 4, 2010 at 11:04 AM ,
Unknown said...
Dear September,
Oh wow,what a wonderful story, September. This brought tears to my eyes, too, as I remember when you lost your precious twins, too. It is something to be able to look back now and see some of the reason God allowed that to happen in your life, so that you could reach out to someone in their need. What a testimony you are in all that you have gone through and how you have used your trials and heartaches to reach out and help someone else. You have not focused on your pain, but have used God's strength and comfort to comfort and encourage other people going through similar situations. May we all realize how important this is to do. I will pray for this dear family, too. God loves them, too and you have shown them God's love. There are so many in need these days. Time is so short before the Lord's return and we must reach people now. As the song says, People Need the Lord. May continue to bless you, September, in all that you do for Him because that is all that really matters in life, as our lives are to bring glory to God.
God Bless you.
With Love and Prayers,
Sue Schoeffler
At November 4, 2010 at 11:50 AM ,
Abigail Kraft said...
Goosebumps! How sad for that poor momma...but how magnificent that you were open to God's calling, and allowed Him to lead you to their door...and that He gave you the great privilege of being His messenger of compassion and hope! Truly amazing!
At November 4, 2010 at 12:46 PM ,
Unknown said...
That is precious. God's calling... your responding... Holy Spirit working... heart touching. mmmmm.... That was just precious and spoke to my heart. To be used of God is to be refreshed in our spirit and motivated to do more for him.
I love you Em. Thank you for sharing that beautiful and REAL STORY!
At November 4, 2010 at 3:09 PM ,
Sue said...
When our 2 1/2 year old granddaughter drowned I remember someone answering my "why?" by telling me, "We don't see the big picture. It is as if our nose is pressed right up to the picture and all we can see is that which is in our line of vision. God, on the other hand, sees the whole picture. The beginning and the end." I think today, God allowed you to see a little more of His picture. It doesn't always make it easier, but it might bring a few more souls into His Kingdom.
Praying for you today, as I know that time heals all wounds, but it doesn't mean they still don't hurt.
At November 4, 2010 at 3:29 PM ,
Stephanie said...
I am in tears. Wow. So glad you shared how God used you today, because it's a reminder to me that He can use me no matter what if I just let Him. Praying for God to continue using you and for all of you to feel His comfort and healing.
At November 5, 2010 at 12:29 AM ,
Coby said...
Reading this, I stand amazed at how HUGE God is. I can't wrap my mind around it. Or the fact that He would use us to demonstrate His love.
Thank you for sharing this - praying for this family!
At November 5, 2010 at 12:46 AM ,
Heather said...
September, thank you so much for sharing this. I will definitely be praying for this family. I cannot even imagine....God knew where you were needed though. He knew He could use you there.
Thank you for encouraging me in this. I know that I would probably not be praying "Show me where God" but more like "Give me strength!" I'm so glad God gave you the prompting to do this. Thank you for sharing!
At November 5, 2010 at 9:20 AM ,
Susan said...
Wow this really shows how obeying God brings many blessings. You blessed a family with your time when they needed it and God blessed you with an open door for many more chances to be a light. Very inspiring. I need to pray to be the light and where he wants me to shine.
At November 5, 2010 at 2:06 PM ,
Brianna said...
((((HUG)))) Thank you for sharing such a remarkable and inspirational story. You are a great example. May God continue to bless you as you follow Him obediently.
At November 6, 2010 at 2:35 PM ,
Barb J. said...
Reading this post gave me goosebumps. I was really moved by the man's story and by how God will work and use us if we just let Him.
At November 8, 2010 at 9:36 AM ,
Angela said...
What a wonderful story. It's amazing how God uses all things for the good of those who love Him. Thanks for being obedient to God's call and for being a light in the darkness!
At November 21, 2010 at 12:34 AM ,
martha68 said...
i popped over to see how you are doing september:) i think of you often and pray for your baby. loved your story. isn't it wonderful when occasionally you get to see the "why's" answered re those events that are so painful? of course it is only a partial answer, but it helps a bit.
hope you are doing well. your blog is so encouraging:) martha b
At December 26, 2010 at 5:23 PM ,
busymomof10 said...
What a Precious Story! Made me cry . . . and rejoice too in the greatness of God and the way He weaves everything together for good. I am reminded that Every good and perfect gift is from above . . . and even when his gifts don't seem so very good and pleasant, they are still Perfectly designed for our benefit and the beneift of others. You were blessed to get a glimpse of God's goodness and His sovereignty! What an amazing testimony!
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