There comes a time,,,
There comes a time in every season of life.. that one steps back,,, and sees what is really important.
So many seasons in our lives to reflect on this.
Just recently...I had to see a specialist.. a hematologist... for a serious anemia problem I have had with this pregnancy.
I arrive at an office I had never been to before...
I am walking to the front entrance, and read ... Cancer Center.
Hmmm.. His office is in the Cancer Center.
I take a few short turns here and there to come upon a large waiting room, with chairs in a circle,
another area where a line of reclining chairs over-look wide- open glass windows,, viewing the snow covered ground.
Patients fill these chairs,,, overlooking God's creation..
They have IV Ports, chemo treatments, and loved ones sitting by and holding their hands.
Some have smiles.. Hope..
Some...nothing. Blank expressions and pain filled grimaces.
I am anemic. I am receiving Iron IV Infusions once a week. I am alive, and carrying another life.
I have HOPE.... MY salvation is in HIM.
There comes a time...
When,, in every new season,, We need to bow down low.
Fall on our knees..
Thank God for Undeserving Grace.
All of our vehicles have retired to the "fix," pile...Our business is slow, my health has not been the best this pregnancy,,, and
I hear others around me complain.
And then... I am at the hospital.. three times a week, for Blood to be drawn, B-12 shots, and Iron Ivs,
I am bed-ridden for days due to low iron and inability to function..
And as the nurse is now struggling with my veins,,, and she tells me how "tired" my veins are..
God moves me to great compassion for those that have life-long health issues,
Get their veins poked relentlessly every day,,, every month, every year.
And they suffer.
There comes a time...
When the GRACE God offers is ALL I need.
ALL I need...
38 weeks along in my pregnancy,,, last week...
I find out ...
That we have to switch to a new Care provider, and a new Hospital.
I am tested for Lyme's Disease...
If a woman has Lyme's disease during pregnancy...
It is a grim outcome for her newborn baby.
My mind wanders back to a babys funeral. Our baby girl.
I don't want to do this again.
My knees are brought low.
My head is turned towards the Heaven's..
and I KNOW
We wait for the results... tomorrow maybe?
Please Lord, Can I have this baby girl to hold and to love?
Can I raise her for you?
There comes a time...
It all seems clear..
Do I really mean what I sing?
Mean what I say?
Mean what I pray?
BELIEVE what I read in His Word?
There comes a time in every new Season of Life...
Where God will ask YOU...
Do you really KNOW what Grace is?
It is PEACE.
So many seasons in our lives to reflect on this.
Just recently...I had to see a specialist.. a hematologist... for a serious anemia problem I have had with this pregnancy.
I arrive at an office I had never been to before...
I am walking to the front entrance, and read ... Cancer Center.
Hmmm.. His office is in the Cancer Center.
I take a few short turns here and there to come upon a large waiting room, with chairs in a circle,
another area where a line of reclining chairs over-look wide- open glass windows,, viewing the snow covered ground.
Patients fill these chairs,,, overlooking God's creation..
They have IV Ports, chemo treatments, and loved ones sitting by and holding their hands.
Some have smiles.. Hope..
Some...nothing. Blank expressions and pain filled grimaces.
I am anemic. I am receiving Iron IV Infusions once a week. I am alive, and carrying another life.
I have HOPE.... MY salvation is in HIM.
There comes a time...
When,, in every new season,, We need to bow down low.
Fall on our knees..
Thank God for Undeserving Grace.
All of our vehicles have retired to the "fix," pile...Our business is slow, my health has not been the best this pregnancy,,, and
I hear others around me complain.
And then... I am at the hospital.. three times a week, for Blood to be drawn, B-12 shots, and Iron Ivs,
I am bed-ridden for days due to low iron and inability to function..
And as the nurse is now struggling with my veins,,, and she tells me how "tired" my veins are..
God moves me to great compassion for those that have life-long health issues,
Get their veins poked relentlessly every day,,, every month, every year.
And they suffer.
There comes a time...
When the GRACE God offers is ALL I need.
ALL I need...
38 weeks along in my pregnancy,,, last week...
I find out ...
That we have to switch to a new Care provider, and a new Hospital.
I am tested for Lyme's Disease...
If a woman has Lyme's disease during pregnancy...
It is a grim outcome for her newborn baby.
My mind wanders back to a babys funeral. Our baby girl.
I don't want to do this again.
My knees are brought low.
My head is turned towards the Heaven's..
and I KNOW
We wait for the results... tomorrow maybe?
Please Lord, Can I have this baby girl to hold and to love?
Can I raise her for you?
There comes a time...
It all seems clear..
Do I really mean what I sing?
Mean what I say?
Mean what I pray?
BELIEVE what I read in His Word?
There comes a time in every new Season of Life...
Where God will ask YOU...
Do you really KNOW what Grace is?
It is PEACE.
Labels: My Faith
At March 7, 2011 at 9:52 PM ,
suzannah | the smitten word said...
oh septemberanne, lifting your and your sweet babe up in prayer. grace and peace and health and rest.
At March 7, 2011 at 10:08 PM ,
Unknown said...
I love you... so much.
At March 7, 2011 at 11:08 PM ,
missy said...
Will be praying for you and your little one. I remember when our 5th child was born and we had to take her to a specialist because she was born with a large birthmark that covered the side of her head. When we got there the huge sign in the front said Cancer Center. It shook me all over. We were there for a consult but others had much more to face. I'll be checking back to see how your test went. Take care!
At March 7, 2011 at 11:21 PM ,
Life Is Crazy Beautiful said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
At March 7, 2011 at 11:23 PM ,
Life Is Crazy Beautiful said...
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; ~Psalm 130:5 ESV Praying for you! Lisa
At March 7, 2011 at 11:30 PM ,
Angela said...
Your faith is beautiful, September. I'm praying for you and your sweet baby girl!
Much love,
At March 7, 2011 at 11:31 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I DO KNOW, September, and I DO BELIEVE what I say and read and KNOW! For those of you who do NOT know, I have worked extremely hard for many,many years. A work-related injury last June/2010 has caused major upheaval of my life and those around me. No more work! Even with all this mother deals with, September brought me meals and she and the girls cleaned the house for me. I told her how much it meant, but I'm saying it again. THANK YOU, DARLINGS. Wednesday, I saw Dr. Gibson and it was pretty much said that my very swollen leg will probably be like this the rest of my life. I have two choices - complain or embrace the Lord. I decided to LIVE with my Savior, not just exist. I decided to LOVE without asking for more. Pain and all, swollen to the point of limping in order to move; severe pain all the time; however, if this is the worst thing that happens to me: I AM SO BLESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM LOVED AND HE GIVES ME GRACE ALL THE TIME, ESPECIALLY WHEN I DON'T DESERVE IT....well....that's Grace, isn't it? :) And yet....We are so looking forward to this beautiful blessing coming soon - our 18th grandchild under 18 yrs. of age! BLESSINGS ABOUND. JESUS IS LORD AND HE IS GOOD!!!!!
At March 7, 2011 at 11:43 PM ,
Coby said...
Your faith and example are so encouraging. Praying for you and your baby girl!
At March 7, 2011 at 11:48 PM ,
Kristin said...
Stopping by from Lynnette's blog. I am praying for you and your sweet baby girl.
At March 7, 2011 at 11:49 PM ,
Heather said...
You and your little one are in my prayers. I know it is so very hard but do not let your mind wander. Keep it fixed on Him. He has you in His hand. You were fearfully and wonderfully made to carry this little girl. She is, right now, being fearfully and wonderfully made. Let your whole being rest in Him and know that He is surrounding you as you prepare to meet your sweet baby girl.
At March 8, 2011 at 12:01 AM ,
Sky Destrian said...
I found your blog through Mrs. Kraft's. I can't even begin to fathom all you're going through, but I want you to know my prayers are with you during this difficult time!
In Christ Alone,
At March 8, 2011 at 12:20 AM ,
Theresa said...
I am praying for you and your family.
At March 8, 2011 at 5:53 AM ,
Kyle Kraft said...
I prayed for you, your precious baby and entire family. Your blog truly touched my heart. Without knowing the outcome, you trust God - I pray He will grant you the desires of your heart as you rest in your Father's loving arms.
At March 8, 2011 at 5:55 AM ,
Unknown said...
I am praying. Lynette sent me over here -- or should I say there was a post on you on her blog. I AM praying. We are praying.
May the Lord bless you!
At March 8, 2011 at 6:31 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey, I am here from Lynnettes blog, and I just lifted you and your baby up in prayer. I will continure to pray for you, and added your blog on a feeder.
At March 8, 2011 at 6:38 AM ,
Holly said...
Lifting you and your sweet baby girl up in prayer. I hope that any tests results show that you and her are ok. I don't want you to have to worry about whether she will live. It is too awful to think. Much love to you my friend ((hug))
At March 8, 2011 at 6:42 AM ,
Unknown said...
You have such a beautiful writing style. Lifting you and your family up in prayer. Blessings to you this day!
At March 8, 2011 at 7:41 AM ,
Heather said...
September- I want you know that I am praying for you, your baby girl and whole family!
At March 8, 2011 at 8:06 AM ,
Lolli (aka Lisa) said...
Visiting from Lynnette's site. "Peace be still". Jesus loves you and your precious baby girl so much, and I pray for a sweet peace and calm to flood your soul!!! Philippians 4: 6-7 reminds us to not worry about anything; rather pray about everything. We are to tell Him our needs and thank Him for his answers. As a result, the peace that passes all understanding will guard our hears, minds and souls in Christ Jesus! Em, all is well and you and your baby girl are going to be just fine...our Lord is carrying you and will not stop! be still!
Blessings abundant,
Lisa Syler (aka Lolli)
At March 8, 2011 at 8:17 AM ,
Jenilee said...
So sorry you have been sick. Seeing hemotology is so scary. I am praying for you and knowing that God is with you today! I will be watching for news and lifting you up each time God brings you to mind. Big Hugs <3
At March 8, 2011 at 8:24 AM ,
Rebekah said...
I am new to your blog, but know that you are held up today in prayers to our Father that knows us both so very well. Thanks Lynette for introducing US! =)
At March 8, 2011 at 8:25 AM ,
Beth Gibbs said...
September~We'll be praying for you and Dan, your precious baby, and the rest of your family as you await the test results. Continue to "be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power."
My prayer for you is found in 2 Thess. 3:16 "Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you." <3,Beth
At March 8, 2011 at 9:00 AM ,
busymomof10 said...
Wow! I can't believe all you are going through! Praying for you and your precious baby!!!
If I remember correctly, you may not eat meat. If so, please consider adding some meat to your diet! Meat is necessary for good iron levels and also B-12!
At March 8, 2011 at 9:05 AM ,
Joy said...
Visiting from Lynnettes Blog. Love your faith!!! Praying for you, your precious baby and your family - that God's will be done.
At March 8, 2011 at 9:15 AM ,
Kami said...
I really wanted to find just the right Bible verse to give you, one that will offer hope and comfort, and for the life of me I just can't find THE ONE! :) So instead I want you to know that you have been on my heart and I am continuing to lift you up in prayer. I know how uncomfortable the end of a pregnancy is normally, and I can't imagine how you're handling the added discomfort.
I know I'm like a million miles away (okay, less than that, but sometimes it seems that far!), but if there is anything that I can do for you, please don't ever hesitate to ask. You are one of my very best blogging friends and I love and appreciate you so dearly. I'm anticipating the arrival of your sweet, healthy baby girl and anticipating watching in as you raise her.
You are an amazing woman and you have touched my life in a very deep way. I promise to continue to pray for you! I love you!
At March 8, 2011 at 9:40 AM ,
Elizabeth said...
Beautiful and encouraging, September. Please call if you have any questions about delivering at Arnot. I trust and pray that God will continue to bless you.
At March 8, 2011 at 9:55 AM ,
Verna said...
September, you and your family are in our prayers.
Having to walk into a cancer center for any reason can be upsetting and unnerving. I went to visit my sister once while she was getting her chemo. And Know exactly what you mean about walking into that room full of people getting treatment.
Praying for a healthy baby and strength from God for you until she arrives and you are able to hold her in your arms.
We as your blogging friends/ and fellow christians LOVE YOU!
At March 8, 2011 at 10:19 AM ,
Cathy Kennedy said...
Stopped by Lynnette's blog this morning and read about you. I believe in the power of prayer. I've seen the hand of our heavenly Father move mountains. Your strong faith is a beautiful witness. I sense the warmth of your spirit through your words. God never gives us more than we can bear. He has brought you just where you are for a reason, I believe. I will stand with you in vigilence praying for you as you continue to endure these treatments and I will pray for this precious one to be delivered in total good health and I will pray no complications arise during delivery. If God be for us, who shall come against us?
God bless you,
At March 8, 2011 at 11:28 AM ,
Kess said...
Your faith is truly encouraging and inspiring September :) You sound so strong in the midst of all these worries. Keeping waiting patiently on the Lord and he will come through for you.
I am praying for you and your baby daughter.
At March 8, 2011 at 11:28 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Saw Lynnette's request to pray. Will do so. I had Lyme disease this last pregnancy but I think they cuguht it early and she is fine. Also was mildly anemica dn it was no fun either. So I can't imagine how tired you are...
At March 8, 2011 at 4:31 PM ,
Linda said...
John and I just prayed for you and your baby girl again September. We want to hold you up and intercede on your behalf!
Your post was beautiful...your faith is beautiful! And you are beautiful.
Isn't it wonderful to have all of these people praying for you?
God is faithful!!!!
Love you,
At March 8, 2011 at 9:34 PM ,
Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...
Love you...and praying, my dear friend...
At March 12, 2011 at 9:18 PM ,
Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...
So sorry you are going through all this. Praying for you, sweet friend!
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