Bear up under the weight
One September Day is a day in my life.
Nothing more than that... all to bring Glory to the Lord.
A lot of things we carry on our hearts, don't we?
Sometimes we look around and think that others must never struggle with the trials we, ourselves are experiencing, and so...
we clam up, shut down, and hide the trials from those that can help us bear them, and encourage us.
Don't do this.
God never meant for His children to bear hard times alone.
This is what trials are for... many purposes...
1.) Growth
2.) Learning
3.)Leaning on Jesus
4.)Encourage others
A trial can be a heavy weight... sometimes too much, it seems.
So heavy, it seems we cannot come out from under it... ever..
Sometimes so sad, lonely, and heavy, that we cannot see any light. No Light at all.
Going through a difficult time right now?
If you feel as if the weight of it is too much to bear,,,,
think on this....
If we do not bear under the weight that he asks us to carry right now,,,
And we come out from under it... OUR way....
Then ,,..
Just... maybe...
Probably soo....
HE will ask us to "carry this burden another way.. another time.."
Until we Change, Learn, Grow, and Encourage others with the Lesson we learned.
Bear up Under the Weight of it...
He has a Glorious Plan...
It IS so hard..
I know.
I really do know.
Hurting,,, Angry.. Confused... or even lonely?
Look to the Cross... All that pain is there ,,, and was put there for you already...
He has chosen LIFE-
A FULL life for all of us.
Being on the outside of a trial right now, I can share the hope...
Grab a hold of it... if you need it today...
He loves you. He cares.
Bear up under the weight.
From my heart.
Nothing more than that... all to bring Glory to the Lord.
A lot of things we carry on our hearts, don't we?
Sometimes we look around and think that others must never struggle with the trials we, ourselves are experiencing, and so...
we clam up, shut down, and hide the trials from those that can help us bear them, and encourage us.
Don't do this.
God never meant for His children to bear hard times alone.
This is what trials are for... many purposes...
1.) Growth
2.) Learning
3.)Leaning on Jesus
4.)Encourage others
A trial can be a heavy weight... sometimes too much, it seems.
So heavy, it seems we cannot come out from under it... ever..
Sometimes so sad, lonely, and heavy, that we cannot see any light. No Light at all.
Going through a difficult time right now?
If you feel as if the weight of it is too much to bear,,,,
think on this....
If we do not bear under the weight that he asks us to carry right now,,,
And we come out from under it... OUR way....
Then ,,..
Just... maybe...
Probably soo....
HE will ask us to "carry this burden another way.. another time.."
Until we Change, Learn, Grow, and Encourage others with the Lesson we learned.
Bear up Under the Weight of it...
He has a Glorious Plan...
It IS so hard..
I know.
I really do know.
Hurting,,, Angry.. Confused... or even lonely?
Look to the Cross... All that pain is there ,,, and was put there for you already...
He has chosen LIFE-
A FULL life for all of us.
Being on the outside of a trial right now, I can share the hope...
Grab a hold of it... if you need it today...
He loves you. He cares.
Bear up under the weight.
From my heart.
Labels: My Faith
At January 11, 2011 at 11:22 AM ,
Unknown said...
Thank you-from a heavy heart right now.
I know my God has a glorious plan-sometimes when we are in the dark it is hard to see the light coming.
Beautiful post.
Praying you are feeling well and that baby is growing healthy and strong.
Love and Blessings to you
At January 11, 2011 at 11:34 AM ,
Caroline said...
Beautiful post , I'm going through a lot right now & I needed this today. I know that God is always there to help us through those dark times but sometimes its easy to think your alone. Thank you for the reminder.
At January 11, 2011 at 1:51 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Everyone can use a post like this to help them refocus when satan uses a trial to distract them from who their focus should be on! :O) One thing I thought of-something that I have learned (or maybe I should say relearned)-not every trial is a punishment or you have been put in to learn something. Sometimes...just maybe...God wants to show you and others HIS POWER! It's a mighty God we serve and as we have gone through a lot in the past few years I see this most. We have learned a tremendous amount...but I think a lot of our trials have helped to redirect our life and be used as a testimony to others-just like yours!
We miss you and your beautiful family. Thanks for writing your blog so that we can keep up with you... :O)
At January 11, 2011 at 5:38 PM ,
Hello Jessica Lynn said...
Everyone needs a reminder to help them remember to let God lead the way in all things!!
I am blog hopping today and thought I would drop by your blog.
Hope you will visit either or both of my blogs as well and follow.
Jessicas Lil Corner is my family blog at
So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE custom blog designs at
Have a blessed Tuesday!! :0)
At January 11, 2011 at 9:45 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi, September!
I love looking at your blog and your beautiful family. Have a great New Year!
Lynn (Rhoda) Dates
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