One Down.. Eight to go!
My oldest has graduated and we now have eight to go.
Ben was home schooled until his last year of high-school. And then he went to an excellent local Christian school, and he finished there.
A wonderful day it was... his Graduation Day. It truly made me reflect on what he has been taught, and what I am still teaching our other children as they grow.
There seems to be a lot of reflecting going on in the Season of my life....
Today was Ben's party, and we shared this special day with over 200 people... it was a special day!
Later that evening,, when the house was quiet, I walked the property and picked up left-over papers, water bottles, and removed the balloons.
I decided rather than pop them and throw them away...
I untied them and let them go,, little by little.. all over the property,,, as I came across them.
Looking up...
Seeing the bright balloons float away..
All was quiet and I was alone...
THIS is when it hit me...
My baby boy is grown.
He is going to be leaving someday.
I watched those balloons float so happily into the sky.. and without course...
and it occurred to me...
Ben has been given a course...
Ben has a Heavenly Father that will always be there...
... and it is my prayer now... that Ben will Stay the Course and not become weighted down with distraction and lose "flight."
When our children are little, I pray for a long time that the Lord will guide me to a life verse for each of them.. knowing their individual personalities and "bent" towards different things...
This is Ben's Life verse,, and it is my prayer that he will bind it about his neck all the days of his life..
2 Timothy 2:15 -
"Study to show thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth."
Will you pray for Ben and all the young people that you know as they step out to a new future...?
Perfect ending to a perfect day.... and special gift from God.... My Own Balloon Release for A Very Special Son!
I love you my son.

Ben was home schooled until his last year of high-school. And then he went to an excellent local Christian school, and he finished there.
A wonderful day it was... his Graduation Day. It truly made me reflect on what he has been taught, and what I am still teaching our other children as they grow.
There seems to be a lot of reflecting going on in the Season of my life....
Today was Ben's party, and we shared this special day with over 200 people... it was a special day!
Later that evening,, when the house was quiet, I walked the property and picked up left-over papers, water bottles, and removed the balloons.
I decided rather than pop them and throw them away...
I untied them and let them go,, little by little.. all over the property,,, as I came across them.
Looking up...
Seeing the bright balloons float away..
All was quiet and I was alone...
THIS is when it hit me...
My baby boy is grown.
He is going to be leaving someday.
I watched those balloons float so happily into the sky.. and without course...
and it occurred to me...
Ben has been given a course...
Ben has a Heavenly Father that will always be there...
... and it is my prayer now... that Ben will Stay the Course and not become weighted down with distraction and lose "flight."
When our children are little, I pray for a long time that the Lord will guide me to a life verse for each of them.. knowing their individual personalities and "bent" towards different things...
This is Ben's Life verse,, and it is my prayer that he will bind it about his neck all the days of his life..
2 Timothy 2:15 -
"Study to show thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth."
Will you pray for Ben and all the young people that you know as they step out to a new future...?
Perfect ending to a perfect day.... and special gift from God.... My Own Balloon Release for A Very Special Son!
I love you my son.

Labels: My Son
At June 27, 2010 at 9:57 AM ,
Linda said...
Such a handsome son!
Loved the balloon release <3
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
At June 28, 2010 at 12:51 PM ,
Verna said...
Congratulations Ben!
At June 28, 2010 at 5:35 PM ,
Unknown said...
Congrats to Ben! What an exciting time in all of your lives!! Praying for you!
At June 28, 2010 at 7:10 PM ,
Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...
Oh, my sweet September...this post touches all the tender mommy spots in my heart. Congratulations to your very handsome son on his graduation...and congrats to you. When you spoke of releasing the balloons and the course that the Lord has planned for your boy...oh, my word, September. We do rest in that hope and peace we have in knowing that God is faithful to hear and answer those prayers from a mama's heart.
I will be there soon, my dear your words are quite close to home as I think of the future for my oldest. I'll admit, my heart is so tender and those emotions are so close to the surface that I cried all the way through Toy Story 3 recently as I thought of my own boys growing up.
The time we have as their mamas while they are in our homes seems so precious. But, it is a gift to celebrate their growth, independence, and acheivements as well.
Love and prayers for all the mamas saying good-bye to their children (at least for a time) and for all the young adults entering a brave new world...
So thankful that God is able to meet us and them where ever we are...and that His plans for our future and theirs are for good.
Love to you...
At June 28, 2010 at 9:14 PM ,
Holly said...
Congrats Ben!! I'm sure you are so proud of him!!
At June 29, 2010 at 11:59 PM ,
busymomof10 said...
I LOVE the balloon release! Such a perfect analogy as we release our grown children and let them fly away. It is a great blessing to know that God will direct their flights, even as He directs ours! May God give you peace as you let him go.
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