Jump Rope Rhymes
Some Old Fashion Fun- Jump Roping!
With Six girls and Three Boys in this Home... we definitely have a lot of "girl" activities going on!
JUMP ROPING takes the lead..
( next to home spas - nails, hair, the works!)
Here are my "jump ropers," and they wanted to share a few of their Jump Rope Rhymes for other families to try out.
It is guaranteed fun- all the way around..
We have a lot of jump ropes... even our 4 year old joins in the fun... it is amazing how early they can start jump roping! Have fun! Here are a few rhymes to try:
Benjamin Franklin went to France
To teach the ladies how to dance.
First the heel, and then the toe,
Spin around and out you go.
Or, How about this one?
Early in the morning, about eight o'clock,
What should I hear but the postman's knock.
Up jumps ____________ to open the door,
How many letters did she find on the floor?
A, B, C, D . . . .
Ever Hear of this Rhyme before?
Cinderella dressed in yella,
Went downstairs to kiss a fella,
Made a mistake and kissed a snake.
How many doctors did it take
1, 2, 3, . . . .
Ladybug, Ladybug, turn around,
Ladybug, Ladybug touch the ground.
Ladybug, Ladybug shine your shoes,
Ladybug, Ladybug read the news.
Ladybug, ladybug, how old are you?
One, two, three, four . . . . .
Another fun twist to our jumproping is adding memory verses to their jumping.
My girls have been memorizing Proverbs 3 to there jumps!
What a way to combine fun and learning-
You can have your children try Memory verses, math facts,, geography, states & capitals, etc.
Try some Old Fashion Fun this weekend!

Labels: Family Fun
At April 16, 2010 at 3:05 PM ,
busymomof10 said...
I remember jumping to "Cinderella, Dressed in yellow . . . ." when I was a girl! I loved jumping rope during Recess! My favorite game was "going through school." Do you remember that one?? You need a long rope and two rope turners. Then you run and jump in while the rope is spinning and jump the number of times for your "grade" and then try to run out again without being hit by the rope. If you mess up, you fail and have to go back to kindergarten. If you are successful, you are promoted to the next grade. The one to "graduate" from 12th "grade" (by completing 12 jumps) first wins. I can't remember if there was a rhyme that went with it or not . . . .
At April 16, 2010 at 4:27 PM ,
Caroline said...
My girls are into jumping rope right now. They have been singing some little rhymes lately. I will show them this over the weekend they will be so excited. Thanx for sharing this and the very sweet comment on my blog.
At April 17, 2010 at 2:41 AM ,
Sherrie said...
Wow! That brought back some fun memories. I used to LOVE jump roping and I remember all those rhymes. Thanks for sharing these fun pictures.
At April 17, 2010 at 8:34 AM ,
Unknown said...
What fun!! That makes me want to get out there and do some rhyming!!
At April 17, 2010 at 9:57 PM ,
Holly said...
I've always liked jumping rope. Had to do a lot of that in track in HS!
At April 19, 2010 at 12:33 AM ,
Joyeful said...
Memories!!! Love the pics! And especially the rhymes! Those were fun times : )
I've enjoyed catching up on your blog today! You are such an encouragement, September!
At April 28, 2010 at 10:02 PM ,
Grace~The Mommy On the Bus said...
I saw you over at Jenilees blog and HAD to come over and say I LOVE your name...I hope that's your real name! Growing up I always said I wanted a September or August baby because I wanted to one of my babies either of those! THEN I SAW YOU!!! How cool...I've never met anyone named either...until now! So I just HAD to come say HI and I love your name!
(by the way, so my babies have been born in May, July, October and December...but maybe SOMEDAY... :D )
At October 24, 2010 at 7:04 PM ,
Claudia said...
I love your blog and the music too! May I have permission to paint one of the pictures of the 3 jump ropers?
Thanks also for the suggestions for other blogs.
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