I have kept these thoughts in my heart...
My blog is about my life.
This blog is not and never will be a pouring out of my hurts, thoughts about others, and negative things that may consume me at times.
because God is bigger, and knows all things, and my mind, my heart and my thoughts can be deceiving to me.
Read this...
this is my heart.
Click the link above.
Can you reach out across the barriers that women set up,,
and extend the hand that Jesus would?
This blog is not and never will be a pouring out of my hurts, thoughts about others, and negative things that may consume me at times.
because God is bigger, and knows all things, and my mind, my heart and my thoughts can be deceiving to me.
I read this post today.
It was monumental.
You know that feeling ,,,
that deep, ache, in your heart, gut, and throat,,
it is heavy, and aches, and carries the thoughts you need to set free?
this is my heart.
Click the link above.
Can you reach out across the barriers that women set up,,
and extend the hand that Jesus would?
Labels: My heart
At April 26, 2011 at 8:11 PM ,
Unknown said...
Thank you for this link. I could have written this post, from the first line to the last. It was eye opening to realize that I do skirt around the tables at church, that I do guard my words and heart at gatherings - and how I'm closing myself off from the promises of friendship.
At April 26, 2011 at 10:26 PM ,
Unknown said...
Thank you for sharing this-beautiful. I pray I would be that kind of friend to all I meet. I have been on the other side-where I don't feel like I quite fit in the circle-still do a lot of the time. I don't like it either-but I know that my God created me to be the best Jill I can be and I am to love and serve Him and in His name and that is what I am called to do in His name, as His child.
How is that sweet new baby girl?
Hope you are doing well, praying that you are enjoying the blessings of a new baby.
At April 26, 2011 at 10:26 PM ,
Sandy Hall said...
I also read this today and God prompted me to call a faithful friend who in years past was always able to reach into my heart. I'm so thankful for her. And want to do this for others.
September, your blog is like this, too. I think it is because you are transparent and "real". Thank you for reaching out to others.
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