Baby Fever
( In respect to my blogging friends that are working through some fertility questions, and losses, I would never post something that would intentionally make you sad, or hurting. I am posting to share some baby pics of my little ones that I was mulling over, and thought would be nice to share.)
I am hoping that my blog is a "safe" platform for sharing this thought/feeling I get about the time that my youngest turns 15 months. I can almost predict it. Although, you would never know I was going to ever have "Baby Fever," again after the way I feel for the 1st year after I give birth.
But, alas, here it comes again...that "Baby Fever!"
Being the mom to many, I often hear much negative feedback, or even observe the raising of an eye-brow when I am holding someone's newborn, or make a comment about loving babies...
Hence, my hope for my blog as the platform of safety in the midst of unbelief that I would even consider wanting another.
There are babies being born all around me, and as soon as I hold one,, that natural desire comes upon me quickly to have another.
A lot of my friends know that I always say during that 1st year that I cannot imagine going through the lack of sleep, horrible discomfort, and gaining of weight ,, ever again..
I held a newborn again this week,
and ..
I have...
Nope..not.. surprised.
No announcements though.
( I am sure my mom is biting her nails with worry over the title of this post!)
We see our children as a blessing, and each and every baby born into our family is a gift.
We see our children as a blessing, and each and every baby born into our family is a gift.
At January 7, 2010 at 7:22 PM ,
Jenilee said...
this post made me smile! my abby is 3 years old and I have yet to feel any baby fever but I think it is wonderful that you do! How amazing how God has equipped you to have children and love them all like you do. I'd love to hear some baby news from your blog! :) :) happy baby fever!
At January 7, 2010 at 9:43 PM ,
Unknown said...
I got a little bit excited with this title! I love babies too, so I experience this a lot! Here's to your many wonderful blessings from God!!
At January 7, 2010 at 10:08 PM ,
Angela said...
Children are a blessing from the Lord, and we always wanted as many as He would see fit to give us. People think we're crazy for having four, so they must think you're REALLY crazy! :-) Your confession is "safe" with me--I think it's great that you love having children!
At January 7, 2010 at 11:33 PM ,
April said...
LOL you must have been reading MY mind :) We are currently trying for another baby (Baby #2) and I can test in about 2 days :) Baby Fever is an all consuming obession when it comes a knockin ;)
I hope your new year is going well, september
At January 8, 2010 at 8:28 AM ,
Michelle (She Looketh Well) said...
Hi September, this made me want to cry. I too have baby fever. My baby is two, so not a cuddler, no matter how hard I try and no matter how much I bribe ;-) I was looking over my journals and say it was a year ago I stopped nursing him (health reasons) and it broke my heart!
We are so blessed and I never want to take my fertility for granted, but I do hope and pray we are blessed with more, even though my health is a huge issue right now. Actually, my prayer for years has been twin girls. Maybe, if I am only allowed one more pregnancy it would be my dream . . .hey! a girl can hope!
Thanks for the reminder of the privilge of birthin' babies!
At January 8, 2010 at 9:00 AM ,
Kami said...
September I love this post! I love that your mother's heart still longs for more babies! Being someone who is having trouble conceiving a child of my own, please know that in no way does this post seem that you are rubbing anything in my face. I know your heart and I think it's completely beautiful that you still desire to have more children! If God blessed you with a womb that easily conceives, I think it's amazing that you unselfishly have already had so many children! Your heart is golden and I truly believe that there is not a thing you could say in regards to having children that would offend me. I'm thrilled for you no matter what step you take in your life! You have been a dear friend to me and I am so very thankful that God placed you in my life!
So if you have baby fever and want to have another - you've got my vote of support!! :)
At January 8, 2010 at 3:44 PM ,
Holly said...
I so want a baby! We've been trying since May. I'll get to find out not long after April does. I hope we both have good news! I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting more children no matter how many you have! You love and care for your children so well!
At January 8, 2010 at 6:03 PM ,
Sweet Millie said...
Oh how you tease!!! I was sure hoping you were going to end with a big suprise stating there was one more beauty on the way!!!
At January 8, 2010 at 8:20 PM ,
Susan Entingh said...
I so get it!! I definitely have the baby fever again as well. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and pics. :-) enjoyable, as always.
At January 11, 2011 at 11:43 AM ,
Deb L said...
I just read this....even if it is over a year old. I'm so excited that your "baby fever" is now a reality! Even though my youngest is 13, I still have "baby fever". I love little ones, I love having kids. I don't think the desire ever truely goes away for "moms of the heart" Alas, due to age and medical issues, my womb will never know another little one, but now I can look forward to grandbabies some day!
So happy for your growing family. You are blessed!
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