A Mom's Christmas List
What's a mom to do?

Her kids, her husband, and various others ask her what she wants for Christmas....
She thinks, and she ponders, and what does she find herself continually coming up with?
Lists like this:
**Pots and Pans
**Towels for the Bathrooms
**More Silverware
**Her own hammer/drill
**More hangers
**Organizing totes
**Boots for the kids
**New tile in bathrooms
**New broom/dustpan
**New mailbox
**New mailbox
**Shelving in mud-room
**New pillows for some of the beds
**Towels racks
**Garden tools
**New shop-vac
**Matching cups/glasses
......and on and on...
Moms do this don't they? The first things that come to mind are those household projects, the broken or worn-out things that need replaced, or what her children might need at the time.
It's just the way it is. Probably always the way that it has been. That is part of what makes us, "Mom!"
So, What's a Mom to do?
(Ask for pots and pans, and a blog make-over.
And that's what I did. A little excited I am - to say the least.)
But, the Best GIFT OF ALL - to wake up in the morning, with health to enjoy smiles like this..
Who needs a list any ways?
Labels: A Mom's Life
At November 28, 2009 at 10:01 PM ,
Heather said...
Nice picture of your family! Yea, I know what you mean about asking for stuff for the house. :) Oh well. If you really are getting a blog makeover, that is exciting, I'm looking forward to seeing it! :)
At November 28, 2009 at 10:30 PM ,
Unknown said...
I asked for regular haircuts! I love your list, and can relate to it! Love the picture of your family, so sweet!
At November 28, 2009 at 10:53 PM ,
Paige said...
so funny and so true- i always feel so old when i ask for things like a vacuum or kitchen utensils!! Love the pic of your BEAUTIFUL family!
At November 29, 2009 at 9:11 AM ,
Kami said...
This is so completely true! I am continually looking for ways to improve the house - and that's what I ask for on my list, too! How funny :)
This year, however, my hubby and I are buying a rather expensive gift and giving it to each other - our own DSLR camera! First year in awhile that I haven't asked for something functional for our home :)
At November 30, 2009 at 11:11 AM ,
busymomof10 said...
Sounds a lot like my christmas list too! Except, I'd really like a new larger capacity kitchen aid mixer! :)
Love the family pic!
How are your teens doing in school? I'd love to hear that is working out for you.
At November 30, 2009 at 11:33 AM ,
Holly said...
It's funny b/c I thought it'd be really awesome to have a steam mop. I didn't ask for it for Christmas but I was tempted! lol Love your family pic!
At December 1, 2009 at 10:31 PM ,
Kari said...
Gorgeous family! And you ARE BEAUTIFUL LADY!!!!
At December 4, 2009 at 12:22 AM ,
Unknown said...
Boy do I get that! What did I tell Kyle I wanted?
A set of tools for the house (for me only!) and Money to shop at thrift stores.
Yes, I'd LOVE some more towels, a battery for my computer, some socks and underwear... HA! Us Momma's are somethin' aren't we? :)
You have a beautiful family. I can't wait to meet you ALL someday. Still planning your trip through the US next year?
Love ya.
At December 4, 2009 at 12:22 AM ,
Unknown said...
How tall is Sarah?
At December 17, 2009 at 4:12 PM ,
Angela said...
I can SO relate to this! I guess that's why I love your blog so much. :-)
At January 9, 2010 at 1:22 PM ,
Sarah Robbins said...
Ask for the tools! I use my tools all the time!
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