Where does he hear you?
My eyes are not even open while my face is buried deep into the pillow, hoping that just a few more minutes of sleep will find my body.
No chance there... I hear the baby again...fussing for milk, nurturing, and comfort.
I am awake now...barely... nursing the baby,, and mulling over many thoughts of the day and what it might bring.
Fretting, worry, concerns,, all handed over to the Lord that I am speaking to from the depths of my heart while the house is all quiet and the prayers are a hushed whisper from my lips.. but a deep utterance from my heart.
He hears me.
The house is still. The baby is now back to sleep, and I debate on a few more minutes of sleep, or charging ahead with the duties left from the day before.
Walking through the still house brings a flood of emotions.
Who left that light on?
The laundry will need to be caught up today... I run a load...fold some... pray more.
He hears me.
Slowly treading the stairs to the kitchen, my hand glides down the railing, thinking of all the little and big hands that have touched this bannister...
those fingerprints will need scrubbed off today..
My mind wanders.. what will those hands do for my Lord when they leave this home?
I pray for their direction.
He hears me.
Ouch,,, I have stepped on an army man,,, or two.. laying in my path to the kitchen to get a drink of water.
The sink needs scrubbed.. it will have to wait.
Agh... the floor didn't get swept well before I turned in last night... my feet are feeling the sand from the kids
running in from playing in the sand box before baths.
It will have to wait.
A lot has had to wait lately. Lately - the last 23 years of nurturing this home of mine.
I pray that the things that had to wait were not that important.
I pray for the children I gave my time to.
He hears me.
The baby is fussing again... upstairs.. and so I grab my drink of water... turn and begin the climb to keep her cries from waking the other little Indians in their beds.
Just a little more solitude. This will be it before tomorrow morning at this time.
I walk her, rock her, and pray for the bills, the deadlines, my hard-working husband, and all of the ways that my children will learn their faith through my walk.
That cannot wait.
No chance there... I hear the baby again...fussing for milk, nurturing, and comfort.
I am awake now...barely... nursing the baby,, and mulling over many thoughts of the day and what it might bring.
Fretting, worry, concerns,, all handed over to the Lord that I am speaking to from the depths of my heart while the house is all quiet and the prayers are a hushed whisper from my lips.. but a deep utterance from my heart.
He hears me.
The house is still. The baby is now back to sleep, and I debate on a few more minutes of sleep, or charging ahead with the duties left from the day before.
Walking through the still house brings a flood of emotions.
Who left that light on?
The laundry will need to be caught up today... I run a load...fold some... pray more.
He hears me.
Slowly treading the stairs to the kitchen, my hand glides down the railing, thinking of all the little and big hands that have touched this bannister...
those fingerprints will need scrubbed off today..
My mind wanders.. what will those hands do for my Lord when they leave this home?
I pray for their direction.
He hears me.
Ouch,,, I have stepped on an army man,,, or two.. laying in my path to the kitchen to get a drink of water.
The sink needs scrubbed.. it will have to wait.
Agh... the floor didn't get swept well before I turned in last night... my feet are feeling the sand from the kids
running in from playing in the sand box before baths.
It will have to wait.
A lot has had to wait lately. Lately - the last 23 years of nurturing this home of mine.
I pray that the things that had to wait were not that important.
I pray for the children I gave my time to.
He hears me.
The baby is fussing again... upstairs.. and so I grab my drink of water... turn and begin the climb to keep her cries from waking the other little Indians in their beds.
Just a little more solitude. This will be it before tomorrow morning at this time.
I walk her, rock her, and pray for the bills, the deadlines, my hard-working husband, and all of the ways that my children will learn their faith through my walk.
That cannot wait.
He hears me. He always does... wherever I may be.
Where does He hear you?
Labels: My Days
At June 28, 2011 at 3:02 PM ,
Linda said...
Oh September...this is so moving. I love the way you can write down what is on your heart and in your mind! You are such a lovely Christian. I am blessed by all that you share. You asked where He hears our prayers??? Well...
He hears me when I am laying in bed at night, and in the morning whispering prayers from my tired body...and foggy mind.
He hears me while I am sitting on the porcelain throne(well it is true)...and He hears me in the shower. (I love to pray in the shower!)
He hears me at the kitchen table while I drink my coffee...and then at that same table when John and I do devotions and pray for people. He hears me when I read the Psalms with a prayerful heart.
He hears me when I am driving in my car...alone...just he and I communing together. Or in that car while I sing a pray-filled tune. (Not very good singing...but it is from my heart.)
He hears me in my moments of fear and worry when I cry out to Him in a panic.
He hears me whenever I pray...and He even hears my hurried thoughts when I am unable to pray.
He hears me when I look at my grandchildren with a grateful heart of love...thank you Lord for these children...bless them and protect them Lord!...
He hears my prayers begging Him for His forgiveness when I have failed Him...
Oh what a blessed privilege to have a Loving Lord, who hears our every prayer...and each cry from our heart.
Thank you September. You have made me stop and think of all the times that God gives me his special love and care by hearing my prayers.
Love you,
At June 29, 2011 at 1:47 AM ,
Caroline said...
What a beautiful post.
I know whatever I'm doing no matter where I am God is there. He will never leave me.
At June 29, 2011 at 10:46 AM ,
Unknown said...
Oh the groans and weary cries of a blessed and tired momma. I'm with you, the thing that causes me to rejoice is when I am "mommy" first. When I let the distractions and stresses of life rule me, I feel I've failed. When I let the children have my attention and the distractions and stresses cease to bother me, I feel I've succeeded.
And yes, praise God for guiding hand that soothes and comforts us... and reminds us what really is important.
I had a failure day yesterday. I let the stresses win. Today. No. I choose to give my attention where it is really needed. My children win!
Love you, my sweet and tired friend.
Lifting up prayers for you right now.
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